Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Ahhhhhhh, life in the Peoples Republic


It would appear that a couple of progressive, liberated, forward thinking parents in St Paul have decided to indulge their 5 year old child in it's desire to "be" a girl.   Not only that, but they are demanding that the child's school adopt their preferred curriculum and protect the child from bullying.   Now the school has a "no bullying" policy and so far there is nothing that I've seen that clearly demonstrates that the school has not followed the existing policy on bullying in this case.

But, just for now, let's leave aside the ridiculousness of parents demanding that the school teach a curriculum of the parents choice.   Let's leave aside the controversy over the entire "transgender" issue.   Let's leave aside the fact that "transgendered" folks have a disproportionately high suicide rate.    Let's focus on one simple fact.

This is a flippin' 5 year old child.   On what planet do responsible parents indulge a 5 year old in whatever feelings they happen to have on any given day.   Most rational folks would agree that a 5 year old does not have the mental capacity to fully comprehend all of the myriad ramifications stemming from their feelings.   There is a reason why we don't allow our children to make certain decisions until they are 18 (unless it's certain forms of elective surgery in which case they are not only allowed but encouraged to make life and death decisions without parental involvement).   There is a reason why we don't throw 12 year old's the keys to the Benz and say go have fun.   There is a reason why we have an age of consent.  

Part of the job of parents and society is to protect children from bad decisions based on their lack of maturity.  Part of the job of parents and society is to help teach children how to make wiser decisions as they get older and to encourage an increasing level of decision making and responsibility on the part of the child as they grow older and more mature.


As far as I'm concerned, a case could be made that these parents are engaging in behavior which is the equivalent of child abuse.  

One wonders what else these parent of the year candidates are williong to indulge their 5 year old in.


Marshal Art said...

Some do not care about their own children as much as they care for their selfish ideologies.

Stan said...

Odd thing. When I was growing up I never knew a single person who believed he was a she or she was a he. Some girls were "boyish" and some boys weren't "manly", but in every case they grew out of it. At 5-years-old, we certainly weren't "heterosexual". Girls had cooties and every boy knew that. But today they're much smarter, figuring out that a short white guy can actually be a tall Chinese woman if he ... oh, sorry, she thinks she is. We're much smarter today. Especially at the age of 5.

Craig said...

I heard the "short white/tall Chinese woman" thing the other day, it's priceless. What kind of world do we live in when parents are so eager to completely abandon their primary responsibility as parents in order to cater to the whims of a 5 year old and the political agenda of the left.

I can't help but think that they've pushed this kid toward this to some degree. I also can't help but think that if/when the kid changes his mind and decides to act like what he is, that the parents will resist that as much as they encourage this current whim.

Marshal Art said...

I just read of this sprinter who is a woman who thinks he's a man lamenting the horror of having to compete in N. Carolina (of course not for herself, but for all the other similarly disordered people who don't have her privileges). How will she ever deal with bathrooms???!!! This woman insists she knew she was a dude when she was only 4 yrs old. Nonsense and lies.

Craig said...

The high school athletic association went through this a year or so ago and I said at the time that it's not the 0.000003% of the population that his gender identity issues, it's the people who will try to take advantage of the situation. I can totally see some marginally good high school thrower who realizes that if he announces that he's a girl he'll have a chance to win a state title. In much the same way that this new bathroom situation open up the opportunity for those who wish to harm people to have more access to those the wish to harm.

Just wait until some dude starts raping college girls in women's bathrooms and these folks have to decide which is more important fighting the "rape culture" or advancing the rights of people to pee wherever they feel like it.

Personally the obvious solution is to have three options. Male, Female, Omni and let folks choose. I guess pro choice doesn't extend that far.

Marshal Art said...

Except that the third option enables. I oppose that. However, a third option that allows for men taking their small daughters, women their small sons, adults their aging parents...things of that nature justify a third option. The mental cases could use these as well, but to do anything that is specific to their delusion is enabling behavior in which responsible people should not engage.