Friday, June 15, 2018


 I’ve been trying to exercise my basic human right to freely travel from point A to point B, or in this case. E to point N, and have had a number of roadblocks thrown in my path. I will start with the fact that our local city, county, and state governments will not build enough vehicle lanes to accommodate  the number of cars on the road.   Instead they spend money on things that serve virtually no one, and accomplish virtually nothing like choo-choo trains. On top of this, they set the speed limits artificially low, and do not regulate the number, location, or duration of construction projects that can occur simultaneously.    It seems clear to me, that my local, and state governments, are actively trying to impede me from traveling from point E to point N in the most efficient and expeditious manner. I’m not quite sure of this a lot rises to the level of oppression, but it is certainly an inconvenience and an imposition.

 On a related note, my trip from point E to point N was to purchase something that I in no way shape or form need, but something that I wanted, and something that is completely legal for me to purchase and to possess. Because I know there are folks out there who like to tell us what things we need to be able to purchase, and what things we don’t need to be able to purchase.


Marshal Art said...

You might want to edit this post for clarity, my friend. Just sayin'.

Marshal Art said...

Oh good. Now feo's soiling this blog with substance-free lies. Perfect.

Craig said...

Thanks, the voice recognition thing doesn’t always work as well as it should.

No, he’s not. At least until he unveils his plan.

Craig said...

Apparently one requirement of being a liberal wingnut is to have one’s sense of humor removed.

Craig said...

It’s not so much writing mistakes as relying on voice recognition, but your haughty, judgemental, superiority, and overactive imagination are firing on all cylinders.

Craig said...

And now a God complex, that’s impressive even for you.

Craig said...

I’m not one claiming to speak for God.

Craig said...

Not speaking for God, just speaking for me. Still presumptuous. Do you use a Ouija board, tarot cards, the witch of Endor, or are you clairvoyant?

Craig said...

Ok, so your clairvoyant, and full of crap. Got it.

You’re not aware enough to come up with a detailed, defined plan, which is s problem.

Craig said...

In the real world, simply making assertions doesn’t make those assertions true.

Craig said...

Maybe someday, you will be able to get past your beatings of moral outrage and actually propose a plan that defines its terms and has details. Simply bitching about something doesn’t really accomplish anything.

Craig said...

When you base your conclusions on assumptions with no basis in reality, your conclusions will more often than not be wrong.

Craig said...

Your ability to string together non sequiters is impressive. Wrong, but impressive.

Marshal Art said...

It's too bad that Dan and feo lack the honor, integrity and honesty to deal with ANY subject like a mature adult. I've pleaded with these guys for quite some time on that score and we get the usual obfuscations. The most frustrating part is how they insist only they can dictate what a fact is, how a piece of data should be applied or understood, and yet don't have the courage to defend even that. It's a completely one-way street with these guys...their way or the highway. Now, over at Dan's, he won't even address comments that are directly focused on the point or points HE brings up, be it the topic of the post or any of the tangents down which HE will take us. It's really like talking to small, petulant children. Diversions and denials? Incredible!

Craig said...

Jesus talked about people like Dan and Feo, you know, the ones who spend a lot of time publicly touting what they’ve done, and what they’re angry about. It’s easy to talk a lot about what you do and yell about this or that. It’s gratifying to cover your blog and social media with vocal public outrage, without actually doing anything tangible. There is a reason I rarely talk about things I do, because it’s not about me and how awesome I am.

So, while Feo is going to spend the week telling me how horrible I am, I’m going to spend a. Inch of time doing, actual, practical stuff. Using some abilities I have to be a part of something larger than myself.

But, since I’m not Dan or Feo, I’ll just have to keep deleting Feo telling me how horrible I am.

I’m fine with knowing the truth, and deleting the lies.

Craig said...

At the risk of spreading the disease.

When I asked for caliber information, it was much more about trying to gauge your level of knowledge than anything else. Dan (in one of his few redeeming acts) has admitted that he’s ignorant about most details of the issues around firearms. Your inability to answer many of the questions indicates either ignorance or you just being an ass.

Now you know.

Craig said...

Thanks Art, it’s like my blog has herpes now.

Craig said...

That’s not the problem, the problem is that you have absolutely zero basis for your bizarre assumptions about other people.

Marshal Art said...

There are no "sensible" gun control policies that have been proven to "work" anywhere. Murders and other crimes are simply perpetrated by different means, or weapons are obtained illegally. Of course, when feo says "it works", he could mean law abiding people can't defend themselves.

The current immigration policy has been in effect for quite some time. feo, like Dan and other low intellect wailers, must be referring to Trump's policy called "Enforcement of Existing Immigration Laws". There is no more "abuse" in the manner children are separated from their law-breaking illegal alien parents than there had been for the tens of thousands separated over the past several years from their native birn citizen parents who break the law. Some of them are never returned to their parents after having served their sentences. These foreign kids are well cared for...far better than that to which they had been accustomed while still back home with their parents. So no. I absolutely do NOT condemn our government for enforcing our moral, reasonable and necessary immigration laws.

There's no "bigotry" simply because people we might "target" happen to be of a different race or ethnicity. However, it is cheap and incredibly deceitful race-baiting to insist we care about such superficial if our names are "Dan" or "feo". That's how YOU roll...not us.

There is only one difference between you and us, false priest: we're saved.

Marshal Art said...


Really sorry about the infection. But feo is like all vermin...if he can't be allowed to relieve himself in one spot, he'll try another. Unfortunately, he's trying your place now. One would have thought he'd find Dan's blog to his liking, given Dan's waste is just like his. He and Dan could wallow together in their fake sanctimony, and we could just ignore him rather than delete him. Sounds like a win-win.

Craig said...

The questions I asked, and you hid from, about caliber and ballistics were intended to determine your level of ignorance about the topic. Your inability to answer them leads me to believe that you like Dan, are pretty ignorant about the topic.

Call as you’re aware, in the absence of a detailed plan with defined terms, your comments want to stay here either.

Craig said...

I’m going to repeat a few things.

1. Your ability to magically “know” my intent would be impressive if you were correct.
2. You haven’t been able to present a plan with specific detail and defined terms
3. I asked multiple questions regarding your “cavitation” argument that you wouldn’t answer.
4. It’s pointless to continue this list, you’re just going to make up whatever you want and claim I did or said that anyway.

No plan, no comments.

Craig said...

No plan, no comments.

Craig said...

Yes, I have no respect for you.

No plan, no comments.

Craig said...

No plan, no comments

Craig said...

No plan, no comments.

Craig said...

I have confidence that you can come up with a great plan. Full of detail and defined terms. I’m looking forward to that and to restoring your commenting privileges. I’m looking forward to seeing what you can do.

Marshal Art said...

The question is, how far forward must we look to see those great ideas? Evidently, well beyond our lifespans.

Craig said...

I’m tired of the negative sniping, I choose to be positive.

Craig said...

I’m confident that you’ll soon regain your commenting privilege after unveiling your great plan!

Craig said...

That was a fine comment, but not quite worthy of restoring your comment privilege. I know if you try really hard you’ll get there.