Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Maybe if more...

Maybe if more of the citizens of various Central and South American countries responded to evil, corrupt, oppressive governments like the citizens of Venezuela, things in that part of the world might be different.   They might even improve.  

For all the She Guevera fans, look at how well socialism works.


Marshal Art said...

Was "She" Guevara intentional...that is, a slight on Ocasio-Cortez?

If more citizens responded sooner, things wouldn't get as bad as they have in Venezuela. ..or any of the other S. and C. American countries from which so many try to flee.

Sometimes the problem is that the sacrifice necessary to make change in those countries are of the ultimate variety. No one wants to die, and too many insist that they needn't offering what isn't theirs as an alternative. Heaven knows, I wouldn't want to be in the position where I'd have to risk my own life to insure a better life for others. Isn't that what our founding fathers did? Isn't that what so many did in all the wars we fought since then? Isn't what good cops do on a daily basis?

Craig said...

Yes, it was. I'd love to take credit for it, but don't remember where I heard it originally.

I agree, sometimes the only answer is to risk everything for the betterment of ones countrymen. While I have no real desire to die, I think I'd be more inclined to risk injury or death fighting for freedom in my home country than to travel thousands of miles to an uncertain future.

But that's just me speculating. If faced with that choice, who knows.

I do know some Haitians who'd fight for Haiti rather than leave.