Thursday, February 14, 2019


I just found out this morning that the medical trip I've gone on before has been cancelled at the last minute due to rioting in Port Au Prince.  

In general we should be praying for everyone involved and for the whole situation, we should also be praying for the people who won't get desperately needed medical care this week

Specifically, some good friends of mine (blanc) are in Port Au Prince as part of the advance team and are hoping that; 1.  Delta doesn't cancel flights to TLO and 2. That they will be able to get seats on the 3:45 flight out. 

It sounds like they are currently safe and that things are OK.  Most of my friends who live in Haiti permanently are in the NW zone and not in any danger, but there are people who will likely travel miles to receive medical care that they won't be able to get until later this year due to the cancellation and lack of communication on the NW.


Marshal Art said...

Sad to hear. Hope all is resolved quickly and to everyone's satisfaction.

Craig said...

I'm a little shocked that the media hasn't given this more coverage. I have a number of thoughts about why they haven't, but this isn't the time or place.

Craig said...

Just got an update from the folks in PaP. They're in a safe hotel by TLO and should be flying out this afternoon. They thought about going North anyway to do what they could, but decided that it wasn't a great idea.

Craig said...

The plane just took off.

Marshal Art said...

Happy to hear your friends are out of harm's way. I hope the unrest can be resolved quickly.

Craig said...

Thanks. Apparently it traces back to the previous president installed by the Clintons. He seemed like a nice guy as a candidate, but clearly just one more in a long line corrupt leaders.

I know a couple of folks who could probably do ok, but I can’t imagine any rational person wanting that job at this point.

Marshal Art said...

No doubt it's his testosterone.

Craig said...

No doubt. Martelly did remind me of Clinton, who was definitely a high testosterone president.