Monday, June 24, 2019

The door swing open wider

“According to current research, pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation, just like, for example, heterosexuality. No one chooses to be a pedophile. … We should accept that pedophiles are people who have not chosen their sexuality.”


Marshal Art said...

But of course there's no slippery slope.

Craig said...

It’s not so much that the slippery slope doesn’t exist as that the results of the push to legitimize various sexual behaviors has lead exactly where we thought it would.

Stan said...

The slippery slope fallacy ceases to be a fallacy when it actually occurs.

Marshal Art said...

Oh yeah! This type of thing was most definitely predicted because it was clearly predictable! Only those seeking to defend their particular immorality sought to dismiss it as fallacy and bigotry based fear-mongering.

Craig said...

Exactly, when things go as predicted, that clearly ceases to be a fallacy. The problem is that the prediction was that the same arguments that justify every LGBTQXYZPDQ acceptance campaign are exactly the same ones that are being used to justify and normalize pedophilia, incest, and multiple marriages. There doesn't seem that there's any to avoid that the folx who got us to this point, bear some responsibility for how much further down we go.

I also wonder how long it'll take for the folx who poo pooed this to realize that they're going to have to get on the pedo bandwagon or lose their liberal street cred?

Craig said...

Of course the recent move of Teen Vogue trying to legitimize prostitution is one more example of this trend.

Craig said...

And Canada legalizes some sex with animals. All the folx who said “Everyone should be able to live whoever they want”, sits in silence. They’re not self aware enough to realize that they helped us get here.