Friday, October 11, 2019

Kill a cop, save a life.

We, once more, see the true colors of the tolerant, inclusive, pacifist, turn the streets of Minneapolis into a scene filled with flames, violence, and threats to the lives of the police.  

When will we see this behavior condemned?

At the same time we see the Irish Hispanic threatening to selectively pull the tax exempt status from churches, synagogues, and mosques, who don’t knuckle under to his demands.

I never thought I’d say this, but as I watch the left go insane, I’m considering compromising my principles and voting for Trump.  

I’m probably not representative of a significant number of voters, but if I am, the DFL has no one to thank but themselves if I do.


Marshal Art said...

Wow. Naturally, I hope you do. Your comments indicate you may be beginning to understand my position regarding principles. It's simply what led me to vote for him last time around, except that it seems clear to me the disparities are more pronounced now than they were then. I don't see them evaporating regardless of which clown the deluded left nominates for 2020. Indeed, they are likely to become more starkly obvious.

Craig said...

Art, I’ve always understood your position. I’ve been sympathetic to you and others who made that choice.

My point is, if I do vote for Trump that it will be 100% because of the words and actions of the DFL. Not because of Trump.

Craig said...

Leftist protester spits on a guy in a MAGA hat while he’s being interviewed on camera. MAGA hat guy goes nuts and beats the lefty senseless.

No, not really. He actually smiles, wipes his face and continues the interview.

Shocking role reversal.

Marshal Art said...

"My point is, if I do vote for Trump that it will be 100% because of the words and actions of the DFL. Not because of Trump."

You mean the fact that he's accomplished so many good things has no bearing at all on your decision, especially when considering how much worse this crop of Dem nominees are than they were the first time around? This is still a lesser of two evils situation, except far, far more distinct. Indeed, he's shown he's far better than we feared back in 2016, and certainly not as bad, and the Dems are obviously far worse, as if they intend to be. And of course, Hillary's testing the waters for another try (get the popcorn ready!).

Craig said...

I’m aware of the “good” things he’s done, which makes it easier to justify. Yet even with his judicial nominees we really can’t asses much because they haven’t done much. However his handling of the recent situation with Turkey gives me pause.

I do think it’s amusing that the loudest voices against pulling our troops out of Syria are from the “pull the troops out” folx. Apparently consistently isn’t a high priority with them.

Marshal Art said...

I noted that myself, and find it wildly ironic. The left insists that Trump could do anything bad and his supporters will support him nonetheless. Yet Trump could adopt any policy normally associated with the pulling out of "endless wars"...and the left will still oppose him.

About the Syrian pullout, I recently read that among the Kurdish people are several factions at odds with each other. It spoke of two...the Iraqi Kurds and the Syrian Kurds considered by some to now be at risk from the Turks. The latter are considered terrorists by Erdogan (sp). Apparently the Iraqi Kurds feel the same way.

Also, as regards "endless wars", do islamic radicals feel the same? I think they've got a totally different idea about when to stop fighting. How can we expect that there's some expiration date by which we MUST cease fighting? How 'bout we abide the only true "exit strategy" that makes any annihilation of the enemy or his unconditional surrender. That will resolve concerns about "endless wars" at the same time.

Craig said...

I note the irony that Trump was left with this from P-BO and is engaging in what the left says it wants, yet they’re still attacking him. I’m sure there’s more details that are being omitted, Ultimately I think that we’re seeing one more cares of Trump being unaware of the optics and doing something that looks bad, which gives his opposition more ammunition.

Marshal Art said...

Optics should not influence actions based on what one believes is right. If it matters to him, I'm kinda cool with him blowing off concerns over optics. Whether this move is right or wrong is another issue. I think the best course would have been to leave the small amount of troops there, which conflicts with a campaign promise. Yet, that too should have no currency when facing the reality of a situation. "Yeah, I promised to bring troops home, but doing so will result in great harm." But of course, whatever decision he makes on any issue will not bring about anything other than criticism, because those who are doing the criticizing aren't honest people putting the nation first.

Craig said...

In the world we live in optics need to be considered and planned for. It’s simply part of political life.

The reality is that Trump has not done a good job explaining the reason for his decision and timing, and he’s letting everyone else frame the issue.

Marshal Art said...

No doubt he could handle the situation far better. That would certainly clarify "how it looks", particularly those prone to believe those who purposely frame the issue deceitfully for partisan propaganda purposes. It's too bad we can't trust people to be objective in their assessment of decisions made by politicians. Yet, the decision is the important thing, second only to its actual consequences...not the optics. Again, this guy's gonna be criticized regardless, so why worry about optics?

Craig said...

One reason to worry about optics, although selfish, is that he’s trying to get re-elected.

Also, in a society where perception is reality it’s probably a good thing.

Marshal Art said...

True. Sad, but true.