Thursday, January 16, 2020

First it was sacrificing children for golden idols...

“I am on my way to Planned Parenthood to purge the two parasites that somehow implanted into my uterus despite me being on the pill.
I can't fucking wait to stop being nauseous and throwing up and being unable to keep water down. I can't wait to be rid of this hyperemesis gravidarum that destroyed my Christmas and ruined my NYE and is ruining my life. 
I can't fucking wait to be done with the anxiety of knowing these things are in my uterus and knowing that I will not have to birth dribbling horror goblins, will not have disgusting leaking tits, will not go home from the hospital in a nappy and with a sitched up vagina, I will not have post-partum depression or be left disfigured with stretch-marks. My relationship with my SO will not be ruined. 
I am dedicating this double fetus purge to the anti-choice movement because no matter how hard you try, you will not force us to be your handmaids. HAPPY 2020!.“

The left used to think that abortion should be safe legal and rare, now we have women literally sacrificing their children on the alters of the gods of convince, body image, and relationship.