Thursday, January 16, 2020

Not all bad.

The gospel is both vertical and horizontal.  Any "gospel" that is good enough for heaven but not good enough for earth is inadequate.  Just as any "gospel" that's good enough for earth but not good enough for heaven is inadequate.  Let's live and preach a robust gospel.”

Every time I think I should delete Twitter, or just purge who I follow, something like this pops up and makes me think.


Marshal Art said...

Never did the Twitter thing. Pretty much afraid to given how much time I waste as it is. But I do often see tweets that compel me in that direction. Yet I resist. So far.

Craig said...

I'm not sure it's any more of a time waster than any of the others. Although FB and Instagram are more of a business thing for me at this point.

My biggest problem with twitter, isn't so much the people I follow, it's the people that they retweet or that comment where it gets problematic. For example, I think CJ Pearson is pretty impressive, but I get tired of seeing liberals attack him, make racist slurs, etc.

Having said that, there are occasionally things that make it less unpleasant.