Friday, May 22, 2020

Not consistently pro choice

“If you are a church that is opening back up after Trump’s political ploy today, take some time before you preach your next sermon on being pro-life. Your actions in this are too loud for us to hear you on that.”

This was from a personal friend of mine, who posted it on his FB page.

1.  If you accept this logic then it seems you would need to stop calling yourself pro-choice.

2.  If you’re a pastor, and are posting this sort of political content on your public social media, where you identify as a pastor of a specific church, it seems like your tax exempt status should be in jeopardy.


Marshal Art said...

To be clear, is the person suggesting that to open up a church is contrary to a pro-life position because of some perceived potential of someone dying of COVID-19?

Craig said...

Yes. He’s suggesting that any church that chooses any path other than the one he’s chosen cannot call itself pro-life.

It’s just one more example of the blatant hypocrisy of the pro-abortion, Trump hating, left.

Craig said...

It’s probably worth mentioning that Trump isn’t attempting to force churches to open. It’s still at the discretion of the individual church.

One of the churches I play at, could easily meet all the social distancing requirements and be safer than any store I’ve been in.

But a top down, one size fits all, government mandated “solution” is always better than giving people freedom, isn’t it?

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The church I attend opened three weeks ago. We went to two services so we could have "social distancing" of using every other pew and only the end of each pew so there would be at least six feet between people. But for those who are paranoid we also have the service broadcast over the 'net.

Marshal Art said...

I would hate to go to church and have some wacky seating situation to suffer because of the paranoia. But if it's the church deciding, that's as it should be.

Craig said...

That’s the point. Give the churches the choice, let them (and the individual members) decide for themselves whether the risk is worth the reward.

One more reminder that pro choice really means “choose abortion” and nothing else.

Craig said...

Big news. Walz, who can do no wrong according to the left, has decided to lift the church restrictions. Given the fact that the left has drooled over how Walz has handled things so far, it seems a bit hypocritical to laud Walz for doing the same thing they just blasted Trump for.

What am I saying, hypocrisy is par for the course.

Feodor said...
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Craig said...

Of course the prediction in my last comment has proven true. None of the leftists who regularly bash Trump from their virtual pulpits, have spoken a word against Walz.

Also not shocking, churches are choosing to take different approaches to how they approach returning to in person worship. It's shocking that people don't need a heavy handed, one size fits all, top down, government imposed restriction in order to do what's best for the communities they are in.