Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 "The white man will not be our equal but our slave

History is changing

No justice no Peace"

Sasha Johnson


 "But near the end of the rally, one man introduced as "our president" strayed from the message by saying, “If you kill one of us, it’s time for us to kill one of yours.”"


Violence is the only way, of course  No votes. No Marching.  No spots on cable news. No high fashion magazine cover stories. No hashtags. No panels.  

None of that is going to bring about the liberation Black folks deserve."

"Begging white people to support BLM and related work has diluted the integrity of true revolutionary work.  I still don't get why folks were so focused on getting mainstream support when it only means the inevitable destruction of the movement."

"White people, no matter how "liberal" or "progressive" will never endorse revolutionary acts that may jeopardize their children's lives.   As such they will never fully support a Black revolution by way of violent rebellion.  Nope. Nah. Not gonna happen lol"

Feminista Jones


"Nothing scares me as much as people who admit that dismembering a baby is inhumane BUT still needed.  It is perhaps the most wicked layer of the abortion movement."

Obianuju Ekeocha referring to this.


"Because women need to have choices and right now there's no way to save unwanted babies.  Inhumane, maybe.  But we still need to have that choice."


" They have deputized all white people to murder us."

Tressie Cotton



"It's a testimony to the importance of controlling discourse that LITERAL MARXISM is still considered an acceptable political philosophy to hold.  Imagine how we'd react to someone advocating literally anything with a similar track record:  "I sirrah, am a PRO-slavery man!"

"Interesting point: I have asked some of my Appalachian white buddies today why their group-shot by police roughly as often as African Americans- doesn't protest more often.  The answer (quote) was: "We don't care if a rapist or criminal gets killed." 

"I thought about buying "In Defense of Looting"," but I just stole it instead.

Wilfred Reilly


"BLM did not start under Trump, it started under Obama.  The war on police didn't start under Trum, it started under Obama.  This racial tension did not start under Trump, it started under Obama.  Obama emboldened this hate through his administration and now we're paying the cost."

"OK I'm gonna say it, black racists are becoming a real problem."

McKayla J


 "A key distinction between the Civil Rights movement of the 1960" and Black Lives Matter today is that the Civil Rights Movement was rooted in the principle of the "Imago Dei" (Gen 1:27a).  Black people wanted equal rights-not special rights-as fellow image bearers of God"

Darrell B Harrison


"Good. We need to get citizens to control themsleves and reflect more than ever.  We need to be better.  We have lost all respect.  Then we can address the policing issues.  We're tearing each other apart and I really fear a domestic race war.  We need to make this right ASAP."


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