Monday, October 11, 2021

What if?

 The story of the rich young man and Jesus was the scripture yesterday at church, and listening to it raised a question.

Many people would suggest that the most important lines in the story are "Sell all you have and give it to the poor.", and "It's easier for a rich person to get through the eye of a needle, than to get into heaven."

But, what hit me yesterday was that maybe the most important line is "With man nothing is possible, with God all things are possible.  

The rich dude couldn't (under his own power) sell everything and give it to the poor, and rich people who rely on themselves and their riches to get them into heaven are going to find it incredibly difficult to get into heaven.   

Maybe the key is to focus more on what God CAN do, and less on what humans CAN'T do. 

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

That's just because you're not a socialist obsessed with rich dudes and their money.