Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Hurry, Hurry, Super Scurry

 It is kind of strange that the DFL controlled congress, as a show of how much it esteems women and children, is rushing to pass a law that will "override state laws and set a national abortion policy.".   


This bill will potentially do the following. 

"[…]The WHPA would guarantee abortion access “at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability,” about 23 weeks. Women seeking such services could not be asked to “disclose the patient’s reason.” Some states have tried to prohibit sex-selective abortion, the practice usually of terminating a girl merely because a boy is desired. The WHPA appears to protect that choice."

"After fetal viability, the WHPA would assure a right to an abortion whenever the physician’s “good-faith medical judgment” is that “the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.” What counts as “health”? This is sometimes defined to include mental, emotional or familial factors, a loophole that permits elective abortions, more or less, through all nine months of pregnancy."


This bill is somehow a higher priority than addressing the massive shortage on formula plaguing the US.   What a strange set of priorities the DFL has.  Inflation at the highest levels in decades, empty shelves in grocery/drug stores, gas prices at their highest levels maybe ever, a new wave of COVID, and the DFL wants to rush through abortion legislation.

The funny part is that Dan who opposes "any restrictions" on abortion will probably not protest against this bill which is full of "restrictions" because maybe "restrictions" are OK when it's a bunch of old, white, rich, liberals imposing their will on people. 


Marshal Art said...

It's been crystal clear to most of us the priorities of the left. This is no surprise, and less so is this proposal merely seeks to cement all the bullshit arguments used by the murderous to continue murdering as it suits them.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I want to know how this new baby-murdering bill falls under the Constitution, which does not give the federal government to make such a law, rather it comes under the 10th Amendment which leaves it to the states. This is actually part of the reason (besides the lies told to get Roe v Wade passed) for the overturning of the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision.

Craig said...


First, I think it's safe to say that this won't pass. There's virtually no way that it's a well thought out, reasonably constructed law. It's more likely to so something thrown together as a way for Dems to campaign on something other then the shit show of our economy and foreign policy. I doubt they want it to pass, as it would likely be overturned for just that reason. It's political theater. Unfortunately actual parents of living children can't get formula, and they stay silent.