Monday, July 25, 2022

Babe the Pig Boi The above is a link to an archived Twitter thread by a person who goes by the handle Babe the Pig Boi. Babe was outlining the journey that led him to contract Monkey Pox. This journey included two orgies where he had sexual contact between 30 and 35 different men, as well as a foursome with different men. In addition to that responsbile behavior he drank a large quantity of human urine as well. Data is telling us that Monkey Pox is primarily spread through gay men having sex. I know it's been a while, but does anyone remember what happened at the beginning of COVID? What was the primary response to COVID? What I remember is being required to modify my behavior. I was expected to wear a mask, social distance, stop meeting in person, quarantine, use sanitizer, and abide by all the rest of the restrictions. Yet somehow, no one is suggesting that men stop having sex with men as a way to stop the spread on Monkey Pox, I wonder why that is?


Stan said...

Fascinating statement in that article. "There are still many uncertainties, and communication is fraught because of the risk of stigmatizing MSM." Scientists are afraid to "stigmatize" gay males by saying this is spreading because of their licentious behavior. Another case of "Afraid to speak the truth for fear of LGBT."

Marshal Art said...

It conflicts with "The MESSAGE!"

Craig said...


It's amazing that the expectation was that everyone in the country would significantly alter our behavior in response to COVID, but to expect gay men to alter their behavior to flatten the curve on this is just too much to ask. One more instance where "the science" gets sacrificed on the alter of sexual proclivities.


Oh, it does more than conflict with the narrative. Unfortunately we live in a time where the narrative is more important than anything else. Especially when it comes to people's sexual proclivities.