Friday, February 3, 2023


 Just saw a video where a black teenage boy is beating the crap out of a 9 year old white girl on a school bus.    This is just one of many videos making the rounds recently of teenaged black kids beating up teachers, others students, fast food workers etc.  It's obvious that the prevalence of phones with video capability is what allows us to see these brutal attacks, but it's certainly not the fault of the phones.   It can't be the fault of these kid's parents, can it?   It can't be the fault of the culture that these kids are raised in, can it?  It can't be the fault of schools, can it?  It definitely can't be the fault of the kids, can it?    I guess it must be racism, and white supremacy then.

FYI, what in the hell is wrong with people that will film a vicious beating like this instead of intervene to save the 9 year old girl.   This poor girl is simply SOL unless she wants an abortion or to "transition". 


Marshal Art said...

The mounds of video footage of assholes being assholes with the least bit of interference by any onlooker is an indictment of the culture.

I was just in a conversation with a lifelong friend who's been a flaming lefty for many years now. The subject of punishment for criminal behavior arose and somehow my desire for harsh punishment to dissuade assholes from continuing their lives as assholes found no appeal for this guy. Yet, like all lefties, there is no true remedy offered to mitigate the cultural decay.

Good people must enforce harsh consequences for bad behaviors. Never should an asshole believe he serves himself by continuing a life of assholery. Assholes must be made to believe goodness serves them better. I don't freakin' care how much suffering an asshole will endure upon conviction of having indulged in criminal behavior. My only concern is that fewer...if any generally law abiding people should suffer the indignity of abuse of any kind by an asshole. Spare me talk of prison reform, police reform, justice reform. I want character reform and if assholes won't abide such an agenda, then they can rot.

Craig said...

No argument about the fact that this young man should be severely punished, but the bigger discussion is what interests me.

I can't help but think that kids raised on rap/hood culture, reinforced by video games and porn, don't see this behavior as simply what's expected of them. The old soft bigotry of low expectations writ large.

Marshal Art said...

For as long as I can remember, there's been a decided effort to absolve those who engage in criminal behavior as being products of a society which allegedly pushes them in that direction. Indeed, even a Monty Python sketch included the adage "society's to blame" for a comical criminal character in the sketch. So my position is blame whomever you want, we still have to punish those who commit the crimes.

You asked about the others filming the incident instead of intervening. I would suspect the most likely explanation is that onlookers are to fearful of blow back from the perpetrators or their friends. That crap is as old as dirt, too.

These kids are brought up in a culture which is now more hateful of white people. Race-hustlers constantly tell black kids whites are their enemies...that cops are their enemies. So little is done to teach them respect for life and the rule of law and other virtues once embraced as the hallmarks of a civilized society.

Craig said...

I agree that too many people today are afraid to step in a protect the weaker or the victim. It could be argued that filming is evidence that will help punish the perpetrator. Yet, one of the greatest failures of society is the failure to expect people to step in and defend the defenseless.

Obviously the recent deluge of propaganda against white people/whiteness plays a role. One great example is that one (black) reporter/ news outlet used a stock photo of a white kid punching someone, instead of a screenshot of the actual video.

Marshal Art said...

I believe what's most required is that those in any way aligned with whomever attacks another are those who most need to do the stepping up. If it's a racial assault, those of the same race as the one assaulting would have the most impact on the assailant in a positive way, while one of another race would cause the situation to escalate. However, if only those of the other side are willing, the risks must be taken in order to save the victim.

I've never been in such a situation where one was being totally bullied by another. Anything remotely like that was just one ass being annoying. I can attest to having confronted friends who expressed racist sentiments and pushed back. That's about the extent of any opportunity I've had to step up which bears any similarity to the incident which compelled the post.