Monday, September 18, 2023

Vote Security 

Strangely enough, according to the article, it appears that the city is more worried about how the video got linked, than the ballot stuffing.

It also appears that the woman stuffing the ballot box was Wanda Geter-Pataky a local democrat official, who it seems has a history of this sort of behavior.  


Dan Trabue said...

Oh no! There's a video that MAYBE shows someone possibly doing something wrong. And not only that, but rumor has it that maybe it was a Democrat who, according to the gossip, who perhaps maybe has been alleged by some to have possibly done this kind of thing maybe before. And maybe this time.

Or maybe not.

Man, you are on TOP of the gossip, I'll give you that.

Have you ever reported on any of the documented cases of actual election tampering by GOP folks?

No, I didn't think so.

But at least we can count on you to stay on top of the gossip mill.

I could go on. I'm sure I could even find some Democrats who engaged in vote tampering/election fraud. But as far as actual convictions or indictments on any kind of voter fraud, it sure seems like, 1. It just doesn't happen that often, 2. When it DOES happen, most of the time it's just honest mistakes and 3. When it DOES happen where fraud or tampering is taking place, it seems to be Republicans most of the time.

I'll look forward to more data-oriented posts on this topic in the future and fewer gossip-centered guesses.

I'm sure you're a good man who doesn't want to engage in gossip (bad enough) or partisan gossip (much worse).

Craig said...

It's always comforting when all you have is "The other guys do it." as your defense for when your guys do things. By all means let's ridicule voter security, deny evidence, and continue to live in your fantasy world where it's only the GOP that ever does bad things.

Craig said...

FYI, this is a democrat candidate in a democrat primary filing the lawsuit, which means it's probably someone in the GOP doing the tampering.

Dan Trabue said...

It's always comforting when all you have is "The other guys do it." as your defense for when your guys do things.

I think you misunderstand.

I did not - literally did not - ridicule voter security. That didn't happen in the real world.

I literally did not deny evidence. That didn't happen in the real world.

I literally am not living in a fantasy world where it's only the GOP that does bad things - you can tell by the way I said I'm sure I could find instances of Democrats doing it, too. Understand the difference?

What I said was that THIS story you promoted IS RUMOR AND INNUENDO - Gossip. It's not a given that "our guys" did it in this case.

On the other hand, that you have NEVER posted any negative comments about the reality of the indictments and convictions of GOP election cheaters and only chose to pass on gossip, well, that IS an indication of a partisan problem.

Craig said...

"What I said was that THIS story you promoted IS RUMOR AND INNUENDO - Gossip. It's not a given that "our guys" did it in this case."

I'm simply reporting the news as reported by the Bridgeport Mirror. I'm sure your extensive knowledge of Bridgeport media has convinced you that you can simply label this news story as "rumor and innuendo", I guess the lawsuit is just "rumor" as well.

It's simply the media doing their jobs.

Craig said...

"On the other hand, that you have NEVER posted any negative comments about the reality of the indictments and convictions of GOP election cheaters and only chose to pass on gossip, well, that IS an indication of a partisan problem."

This is quite the claim to offer without one iota of proof. I guess as long as your mind can conjure up imaginary proof, you'll say just about anything, True or not.

Dan Trabue said...

It also appears that the woman stuffing the ballot box was Wanda Geter-Pataky a local democrat official, who it seems has a history of this sort of behavior.

This was not in the news story. It was in the comments section from some unknown who said "Rumor has it that..." or words to that effect.

You're passing on gossip and innuendo.

This is quite the claim to offer without one iota of proof.

The "proof" is ALL of your posts you have ever written (what I cited). You've never commented on GOP instances of election fraud/tampering. Could I be wrong? Possibly, I am sure I've missed many of your posts... but I don't think so. Of course, you could demonstrate I'm wrong by simply pasting where you've posted on this topic.

Are you seriously saying that maybe you HAVE made a post at some point on GOP election tampering?

Be serious.

Dan Trabue said...

Let me give you some guidance on reading news for understanding:

Craig... Strangely enough, according to the article, it appears that the city is more worried about how the video got linked, than the ballot stuffing.It also appears that the woman stuffing the ballot box was Wanda Geter-Pataky...

The actual article...

The video appears to show a woman placing white envelopes in the absentee ballot drop-off box outside of the downtown government center.

"Information was recently brought to our attention regarding
possible misconduct
based upon a video that has
surfaced in social media,"
Scott Appleby, the city's head of emergency management, said Friday night in a statement to Hearst Connecticut Media Group.

"We immediately initiated an investigation
to determine if any criminal wrongdoing occurred."

...Appleby said police are also investigating how the footage was obtained and made public.

"In addition, an internal audit investigation is being conducted to determine a possible breach to our security video management system," Appleby said.

Police Chief Roderick Porter said
the leaking of the video was a serious matter and
that the department had taken extra measures to ensure the security of the city's video system.

...The SEEC's referral to the chief state's attorney stated there was "evidence of possible criminal violations undertaken." Griffin's office has since confirmed that case is pending.

So, what we have here is a video that showed up "on social media..." that shows a woman placing what "appears to be" white envelopes in the ballot box. That's it. No proof of anything so far, just a video showing white envelopes being put in a box. Apparently.

So, based on that evidence alone, they "immediately" opened an investigation to determine if any wrongdoing happened. The story goes into more detail later about how they have investigated other voting misconduct in the past and found evidence of some events and it was dealt with once the wrongdoing was established.

So, that's one thing. There is this video showing POSSIBLE misconduct - or possibly nothing - and they are investigating.

IN ADDITION to that angle of POSSIBLE misconduct, there was an additional KNOWN misconduct that happened: The pilfering of gov't files (video files) that were distributed online without permission. It doesn't state if this is a criminal act or not (I suspect it is, given the information presented), but it is a KNOWN and serious wrong, according to the story.

So, TWO things happened in the story: ONE, a possible misconduct - POSSIBLE - that is being investigated, and a KNOWN misconduct (taking the video files) that is being addressed by changing policies to prevent such misconduct.

That's what's known so far. Naught else.

And, as the representatives make clear, IF there WAS election tampering happening, that would be a serious thing and would be dealt with, WHEN it was demonstrated to be the case. Because, of course, it is.

But until then, we have nothing else to go on in this particular story, unless you want to start citing the "rumors have it" mentioned by a person in the comments section.

Reading Journalism for Understanding, 101.

You're welcome.

Craig said...

"The "proof" is ALL of your posts you have ever written (what I cited)." You've never commented on GOP instances of election fraud/tampering."

1. Interesting, now you are claiming to have read "ALL of" my "posts" I "have ever written".
2. It seem inappropriate to ignore my comments.
3. Everything I've ever written or said about election security has been non partisan. I've been clear that I support secure elections period.
4. In this case, and others, I've pointed out DFL election interference as a counter to folx like you who only focus on alleged GOP interference.
5. "The other guys do it." and the "You never complain about the other guys." corollary still don't address this specific case.

"Could I be wrong? Possibly, I am sure I've missed many of your posts... but I don't think so."

It's always hilarious when you contradict yourself so quickly after making a bold, sweeping, claim with such certainty.

"Of course, you could demonstrate I'm wrong by simply pasting where you've posted on this topic."

Why would I be responsible for providing evidence for a claim that you and you alone made? What a cheap tactic, make an absurd claim with no proof then try to force someone else to prove your bullshit claim. I guess it's better in your little world than addressing this case.

"Are you seriously saying that maybe you HAVE made a post at some point on GOP election tampering?"

I'm not saying anything. You made the idiotic claim, it's your responsibility to prove your idiotic claim, and this bullshit attempt to twist this around to get yourself out of proving your claims is simply stupid.

I do love how you've arbitrarily limited your bullshit to only my "posts" while ignoring my comments here and elsewhere.

Craig said...

"...Appleby said police are also investigating how the footage was obtained and made public.

"In addition, an internal audit investigation is being conducted to determine a possible breach to our security video management system," Appleby said.

Police Chief Roderick Porter said
the leaking of the video was a serious matter and
that the department had taken extra measures to ensure the security of the city's video system."

My point exactly. They cast the ballot stuffing as "possible misconduct", and the video release as a "serious matter".

Now, it'd be easy to look at these white envelopes and determine what was in them, but that hasn't happened or has not been reported. FYI, if the envelopes contained ballots, then the action of stuffing that many ballots belonging to others in a drop box is illegal.

1. You seem to think that this one news article was my only source.
2. You seem to think that this one news article is the sole, definitive source of Truth about this case.

Craig said...


The lengths you've gone to here to blame the GOP, and to minimize the possibility of democrats tampering with a DFL primary are impressive. As we all know, from pointing out your many instances of rushing to judgement and believing news stories later proven to be false, things may change. But as of right now, we have what appears to be a clear cut instance of election tampering, caught on video with the perpetrator identifiable, and all you have are excuses.

Craig said...


The reason I post links, is because if I don't you'll bitch and moan about the story being made up. Further, if I use a link to a source that you'll declare to be unreliable you'll use that to bitch and moan. So, I'll usually post one link to a source that I believe is acceptable to you, or at least that you can't bitch and moan about too much, as a reference. That doesn't mean that I ignore other reporting, I just don't post links to everything I look at. But you just keep acting as if this one story is the only possible source, and as if it perfectly represents every detail that is known.

Craig said...

A cursory search turns up several things.

1. DFL election fraud is relatively common in CT.
2. The "city worker" has been identified, but her name hasn't been officially released.
3. They won't release the name until charges are filed.
4. They will also continue to use terms like "alleged" until after any conviction.

If you want to hide behind that and really try to pretend that this isn't what our eyes tell us it is, go right ahead. Just provide proof.

Dan Trabue said...

Another lesson in reading for understanding:

When one is referencing a relatively small local perhaps election fraud that maybe, if it took place, happened in the handfuls of ballots, and it's a case where, IF it happened, it MAY have been the party that you're opposed to who perhaps maybe did it, that's one thing. And it's fine, as far as it goes.

But, in the CONTEXT of YOUR major party having just been found guilty/is in the process of likely being found guilty of major crimes related to the election of the president of the US and this election fraud/deceit took place at a national scale and was led by the president of the party who was losing... AND you never mention that major historical attempt at election fraud from your party

AND THEN, in that context, to instead of talking about the major fraud in your party you choose to talk about what might have been some fraud at a very small scale at a very small election...

Well, how did Jeff Foxworthy put it? You MIGHT be a hypocrite...?

Or how did Jesus put it? First remove the LOG from your eye that you might be able to see the speck in your neighbor's eye.

Do you understand? Reading for understanding is a really good thing for adults to do, my friend.

Dan Trabue said...

If you want to hide behind that and really try to pretend that this isn't what our eyes tell us it is, go right ahead. Just provide proof.

The unmitigated irony and hypocrisy.

Marshal Art said...

Aside from the well-known and legendary history of Democratic election fraud, the issue of the video being "hacked" and released to the public sounds like a whistle-blower issue, and a case of someone doing the public a favor by exposing what appears to be ballot stuffing. I wonder how long before this is mentioned and why it hasn't been already, as it seems so clear to be such a case.

Craig said...


I think you're correct. The DFL relationship to whistle blowers seems to be one of convenience. When they're the target of the whistle, all of a sudden they become the bad guys.

Craig said...

"When one is referencing a relatively small local perhaps election fraud that maybe, if it took place, happened in the handfuls of ballots, and it's a case where, IF it happened, it MAY have been the party that you're opposed to who perhaps maybe did it, that's one thing. And it's fine, as far as it goes."

The "It's a small local election, so it doesn't matter if the DFL commits voter fraud in it's own primaries." defense. Yet, all elections are conducted by local politicians. But hey if you want to believe the fantasy that these folks only commit election fraud in small, local, unimportant elections, go right ahead.

"But, in the CONTEXT of YOUR major party having just been found guilty/is in the process of likely being found guilty of major crimes related to the election of the president of the US and this election fraud/deceit took place at a national scale and was led by the president of the party who was losing... AND you never mention that major historical attempt at election fraud from your party"

Since the GOP hasn't been charged, tried, or adjudicated for anything, I'm not sure what your actually claiming. If you're referring to the J6 protest, I'm unaware of any of the individuals being charged with election fraud.

"AND THEN, in that context, to instead of talking about the major fraud in your party you choose to talk about what might have been some fraud at a very small scale at a very small election..."

Well, pointing out hypocrisy on the left is something I do on occasion. While repeating false claims about me is something you do regularly.

"Well, how did Jeff Foxworthy put it? You MIGHT be a hypocrite...?"

Pot, meet kettle.

"Or how did Jesus put it? First remove the LOG from your eye that you might be able to see the speck in your neighbor's eye."

Physician, heal thyself. The fact that you use the words of Jesus to justify your repeated false claims about me is particularly hypocritical, given what he said about false witness.

"Do you understand? Reading for understanding is a really good thing for adults to do, my friend."

Not repeating the same false claim over and over and over again, is not a really good thing for an adult to do.

"The unmitigated irony and hypocrisy."

That's quite a response to you being asked to provide proof of your claims.

Craig said...

While Dan offers bullshit, I feel compelled to note that every single thing I have ever written about election security has been non partisan. I believe that as a US citizen our vote is a precious commodity and that those in power should go above and beyond to preserve the sanctity of each citizen's individual vote.

In this case, as a counterpoint to those who simply repeat "It's the GOP that's always committing voter fraud." or "There's no meaningful voter fraud". or other excuses, I pointed out what clearly appears to be voter fraud being committed. The only reasons party affiliation seem relevant in this case are the fact that the woman is a government employee/official in a DFL led government, and the fact that this is DFL voter fraud in a DFL primary.

Marshal Art said...

Dan can only offer bullshit because the truth is anathema to him. Bullshit is what he is. It's what he does. It's what gives him life.

And he is a partisan hack in every and any sense of the word. Whatever leftist crap is being spewed by a leftist, he defends it, promotes it and celebrates it without regard to the effects of it. He exudes, falseness and dishonesty and above all, a marked propensity toward the defense of the vile and immoral.