So, TDOV (one of a jillion made up holidays we're bombarded with, and one of around 100 dedicated to the LQBTQXYZPDQ folx) happened to coincide with Easter this year. TDOV is "always" on the 31st, while Easter floats. This pissed off a lot of Christians, somewhat understandably. But in the aftermath, I have a few thoughts.
1. The Biden administration handled this incredibly poorly. By coming out with a big pronouncement about TDOV and saying virtually nothing about Easter, they send the wrong message. Their actions definitely stoked the fire.
1a. The fact that Biden is now claiming that he did not release a proclamation regarding TDOV, makes Biden look more incompetent, old, doddering, etc.
1b. The fact that an archbishop is talking about excommunicating Biden is welcome. All too many Catholic politicians use their faith when they campaign, while governing in ways that go against their faith.
2. Having said that, much of the Christian response seemed out of place. The first rush of "They intentionally put TDOV on Easter." turned out to be not True. From there many folks got more unhinged.
3. In all honesty, the outraged Christians probably drew more attention to TDOV than would have been the case otherwise.
4. The choice by various other governments to do the "Trans" lights everywhere also wasn't a great choice on Easter.
It seems clear that the APL left has pretty much just given Christians that aren't progressive a giant middle finger and said that they don't want us around unless we agree with them on everything. But I think that this is one where Christians overplayed their hand.
Biden said, "You are made in the image of God,...". It seems like people made "in the image of God" wouldn't need to perform massive, dangerous, irreversible surgeries to correct God's mistakes, doesn't it?
"Dr Kevin Young gave us this gem. "I will stand before God with zero guilt or regret in loving the LGBTQ+.
Your attempt at using God to harm others & shame me is, literally, evil.
And if I am wrong,
I will gladly risk my eternity to love the neighbors whom you hate, and I do so without equivocation or fear."
I admire the guts of someone who's willing to put their "eternity" at risk for something like this. Although I will say that it's possible to love the LGBTQXYZPDQ+ without affirming that every thing they believe about themselves is 100% correct, and that irreversible alterations to their bodies are the best possible option.
But let's close with giving some much needed visibility to a few special "trans" folx.
Cameron David Storer, say his name.
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Claire Goodier
Alec McKinney
Snochia Moesely
Audrey Hale
Just a few of the "trans" folx who maybe haven't gotten the visibility they should.
One last thought, isn't June a whole months dedicated to "gay pride" and doesn't that include the rest of the rainbow?
JK Rowling is a freaking hero.
For those who don't know. Scotland has passed a law to protect the "trans" from getting their feelings hurt if someone doesn't play along with them. Rowling is publicly and flagrantly defying this law and is fully prepared to be arrested for her actions. This is a great example of how to protest. So many on the left are all in on protesting until faced with consequences, then not so much. I didn't agree with those who ran from the draft back in the day, but I could respect those who dis so and were willing to accept the consequences. This seems like a no win for Scotland. If they prosecute Rowling, it brings all of the problems with the "trans" agenda (and conflicts with science) into open court with a decent chance Rowling wins. Obviously, she'll have incredibly good lawyers as well. If they don't prosecute, it sends the message to anyone else that they have an almost foolproof defense in alleging selective prosecution. Either way, Scotland loses IMO.
"the outraged Christians probably drew more attention to TDOV than would have been the case otherwise."
Not only that... their harsh, shrill and graceless, emotionally-fragile response reinforced the NEED for efforts like this. As if they own March 31, or that the rest of us have to tiptoe around conservative extremists so as not to hurt their feelings.
Case in point, Craig:
"4. The choice by various other governments to do the "Trans" lights everywhere also wasn't a great choice on Easter."
Why? Privilege, much? Who decided we need to coddle and treat with kid gloves so many people with attitudes that have necessitated the need for LGBTQ awareness?
IF we didn't have a centuries-old history of white people oppressing minority racial groups, we wouldn't have the need for special efforts to overcome that harm.
IF we didn't have a centuries-old history of conservative people oppressing minority LGBTQ individuals and groups, we wouldn't have the need for special efforts to overcome that harm.
It's abusive posts like yours and the shrill whining of conservatives as you've mentioned that generate support for days such as this.
"Not only that... their harsh, shrill and graceless, emotionally-fragile response reinforced the NEED for efforts like this. As if they own March 31, or that the rest of us have to tiptoe around conservative extremists so as not to hurt their feelings."
I agree that some of the furor around TDOV was overwrought, and a bit hysterical. Too many people went off half cocked and they were wrong to do so.
"Why? Privilege, much? Who decided we need to coddle and treat with kid gloves so many people with attitudes that have necessitated the need for LGBTQ awareness?"
Well, as I said, it's usually not a good look to flip the finger to a significant part of the population. It's not a matter of privilege at all. The optics are bad. The pandering is bad. It doesn't help anything. Since no one is saying anything about coddling, I'm not sure where you got that from, but you probably think it's fine to pis off one group, while pandering to another. Although, to be fair, the places that were lit up are places that are pretty much hostile to anyone who's not far left anyway. I know this is a shock, but why wouldn't these cities light stuff up for both holidays? Or why do cities need to do this lighting crap for these made up days anyway?
"It's abusive posts like yours and the shrill whining of conservatives as you've mentioned that generate support for days such as this."
Well, that's just stupid. Imagine my post actually causing harm.
I understand this stupid, made-up holiday to celebrate perversions and delusions has always been on the 31st, but that is not really the problem.
The problem is that any President would give recognition of this insanity in any year is totally in the wrong while helping people in their delusion. This year he is doubly wrong because he should have given recognition ONLY to Easter and not even mention the anti-god perversions. And this goes for every politician who did the same thing Biden did. NO politician should ever even mention the demented "holiday." They have their "day of visibility" every day of the year as they shove that perverted delusion in our faces almost hourly every day.
I don't disagree with what you're saying. My preference would be that we get rid of these inane, "holidays" that merely pander to various groups. I also would have preferred that he'd not made the big deal of it at all (at least not this year).
Clearly "trans" visibility is not a problem at all. It's impossible to not see "trans" folx on a daily basis. Further I fail to see how being seen helps anyone do anything.
Having said, that the DFL/Biden have clearly made a decision that focusing on this small group of people, and their enablers, is critical to electoral success. It's merely pandering to one slice of the electoral pie, while trying not to offend any of the other groups. I expect Biden to pander to these groups, it's what he does.
It's impressive that Biden has such a firm grip on what goes out to the public in his name, that he's denying that he issued the proclamation. He either doesn't remember, or has people on his staff issuing things without his knowledge. Either way, it's a great look for POTUS.
Clearly an entire month isn't enough, or the other 100+ days dedicated to the LGBTQXYZPDQ rainbow, we need one more day.
While this Christian was totally unaware that such a celebration of perversion was an annual event, I'm far more hacked that any American...politician or not...would regard such disorder and perversion as something worth commemorating. Now, if one wants to draw attention to it in the manner of drawing attention to cancer, diabetes and other diseases, that would be appropriate. But we don't celebrate cancer. We work to eradicate it. The same should be the focus of any person in power with regard to all LGBTQ++++ disorders. THAT is how we show helping the disordered cope with their disordered compulsions.
In the meantime, Dan would demonstrate true integrity if he just came out of the closet once and for all.
"...just came out of the closet once and for all."
As if someone can't be straight and not ALSO a complete jerk.
That's true, Dan. But if you're saying you're both straight and a jerk, only the latter is confirmed (though "jerk" doesn't really go far enough). I'm just not convinced about the former given your staunch defense of perversion. Many such disordered people have gotten married and had children, so we know that's not proof of your "orientation".
Well Dan, you appear to be straight (Bi? Curious? Who knows?) and you prove regularly that you are a jerk. So thanks for that private obvious.
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