Here we have video if a Muslim woman at a pro-palestinian rally in Canada. She's whining about “Canada is a white supremacist, racist, colonial project, just like Israel. I will never consider myself Canadian, because this is occupied land.”.
Here's the problem, virtually every Muslim majority country is Muslim supremacist, and many Muslim countries are literally "occupied land". The reality is that many Muslims, if given the opportunity, would gladly turn Canada into a Muslim majority country, impose Sharia, and absolutely not give a thought to the fact that they'd become occupiers of the land. They certainly aren't giving it back to the Natives.
Biden is on a pardoning/commuting spree over the last few weeks. Now he's going after some of the most vile murders in US custody, people who genuinely deserve the death penalty, people who's states support the death penalty, and he's commuting their sentences. Which raises the question, if Biden is mentally incapable of performing the duties of POTUS, why wouldn't the 25th amendment provide justification for the reversal of these pardons and commutations. Much like my earlier question regarding Biden selling pardons/commutations, it seems strange that there would not be a mechanism to overturn these actions if he's incompetent or selling pardons.
So, per Newsweek (a revered bastion of real journalism), the fine gentleman who set a woman on fire in the NYC subway had been deported during the Trump term and came back and was "on the loose" during all 4 years of the Biden administration. It seems likely that he lived in NYC and partook of the generous benefits NYC provided as a sanctuary city. Given that, it seems that both the Biden/Harris administration as well as the NYC government bear some degree of responsibility for the woman's death.
1. Why would anyone give a flying rat's patoot about the opinions of a radical who denies being a citizen of the nation she inhabits especially an islamic radical, who, as you say, is geared toward world-wide domination?
2. Your question is a really good one, and I never thought about pardons being reversed by a subsequent president, the courts or anyone else. But if the guy's brain dead, as Biden has been for most of his political life and only getting worse as time went on, it seems anything he does should be delayed and/or put on hold until his mental capabilities can be assessed properly and judged competent. THEN, it's a matter of the arguments for commuting these sentences. I'd love to hear them.
3. I'd say Biden, Hochul, Bragg, James and any other pro-sanctuary city moron are clearly and directly responsible for crimes committed by illegals they allowed into the country.
1. I think that the interesting aspect is her willingness to use the trope about the land being occupied, while acknowledging that she is perfectly willing to occupy it again if given the chance. It's why the leftist idiots who make excuses for and defend Islam look stupider and stupider.
2. I have no idea, as I don't think we've ever seen pardons/clemency on this scale and with this little regard for anything that makes sense. I'd like to think that it'd be possible to reverse these based on incompetency or the sale of pardons. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone considered that a political party would prop up someone who should have been removed under the 25th as we saw with Biden.
3. I'd argue that the individuals are directly responsible, and the rest indirectly.
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