Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hurricane relief

As we come to grips with the destruction in the Bahamas, I’m struck by two things.

1.  The quick response by the cruise lines to commit resources both financial and otherwise to the Bahamas.
2.  The outpouring of private citizens who own boats that can make the run from FL.    Just like the rednecks showed up with bass boats when Houston flooded, the boat owners in FL are on the front lines in bringing in supplies.

I’m sure that there will be plenty more from all sorts of entities before it’s all over, but seeing people and companies taking the lead is somehow gratifying.


Craig said...

My cousin is in the boat sales world on the Atlantic coast of FL and has Bahamas connections so I’m seeing a lot of the private boat owners relief efforts from her. I have no idea if it’s getting coverage or not.

Stan said...

Did you read about the 6-year-old boy in South Carolina who gave up his money saved for his birthday trip to Disney World to buy food to give to the people fleeing the storm? He wanted to give them some relief and to pray with them. I was impressed with that kid.

Craig said...

I saw that, seems like a great kid.