Monday, March 2, 2020

This is indefensable

You know how some folx think that engaging in expletive laden rants when something makes them really "righteously" angry?  Well, if I had those sorts of self control issues, this story just might provoke me to sling some expletives.

" The man accused of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl inside a bathroom of McDonald's flagship restaurant in River North had previously been deported, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said. Chicago officials responded Friday, standing by their decision not to cooperate with ICE on immigration-related business."

"Christopher Puente, 34, of Chicago, is currently being held without bail after being charged with predatory criminal sexual assault in connection with an alleged attack on a child in the former Rock N Roll McDonald's on Clark Street earlier this month."

 "ICE said in a news release Thursday Puente was placed into Chicago police custody in June of 2019 after he was arrested for theft. According to ICE, Chicago police were expected to hold Puente until he could be taken into their custody, as Puente was expected to be deported."

"Puente has been previously convicted of burglary, forgery, trespassing, domestic battery and related offenses and has a record dating back 20 years."

"On Dec. 5, 2014, Puente was deported to Mexico, pursuant to an administrative removal order as he is a convicted aggravated felon due to his previous felony burglary conviction, ICE said. Five days later, on Dec. 10, 2014, border agents encountered Puente at the Brownsville, Texas, border crossing. Puente claimed to be a U.S. citizen and presented a birth certificate. Puente was subsequently charged with falsely claiming citizenship and served a notice to appear before an immigration judge, according to ICE. On March 30, 2017, an immigration judge ordered Puente removed, in absentia, as he failed to show up for his immigration hearing."

We literally have the organization intended to "protect and serve"   protecting someone with a 20 year history of crimes, while not protecting a 3 year old.   This person is vile and disgusting.  Every time I begin to re think my position on the death penalty, I see something like this and realize that there really are some people who commit heinous acts that are appropriately punished by the death penalty.

Just remember, this is the kind of thing you get with "sanctuary cities" and liberal immigration policies.   It doesn't seem out of line to suggest that every person who is  pro sanctuary city, bears some degree of responsibility for what this child suffered.

I wouldn't mind being the lawyer that's going to sue the city of Chicago, except that Chicago probably doesn't have enough money to properly compensate this family.


Marshal Art said...

This type of heinous crime is far more common than is reported. It takes something that has gone on way too long, with behavior most egregious, to capture the attention of a corrupt media that supports all the wrong things with regard to border security. Yeah...all those that support sanctuary city policies and other pro-illegal immigrant policies, are complicit in the crimes of those of whom the rest of us expressed legitimate, rational and intelligent concern.

Craig said...

What’s too bad is that the real, hardcore supporters of these policies rarely are subjected to the consequences their policies cause.

Marshal Art said...

I don't know how that could be accomplished given our laws on such things, but I would imagine it could start by some form of federal reprisal for the blatant dismissal of federal law and federal jurisdiction. I think cutting federal funds is more than justified, but I don't know if executive order can withstand judicial review. Spending is a congressional task, not within the purview of the executive branch.

Craig said...

I agree that it's probably not going to be accomplished. Especially since the folx who perpetrate this "sanctuary city" nonsense of the public live in protected seclusion protected by armed security.

Strange how they want to only keep armed protection for themselves.