Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Once again, antisemitism gets a big round of silence from the anti racism crowd.   


Dan Trabue said...

I have no idea what you're talking about here, but it raises the question:

How often, exactly, have YOU stepped up to condemn Trump's racist language and policies?

Trump is the president of the US and a leader of the free world and began his campaign with racism and has kept it going for his entire presidency. One or two "off" comments can be a mistake or a misunderstanding, but Trump has a history of racism (and misogyny and corruption) going back his entire adult life.

How many posts have you made condemning Trump's racism?

We'll wait.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig, and his "criticism" of Trump, from 2016...

Right now my two biggest problems with Trump are, 1. He is promising to do things that he any rational person knows that he cannot accomplish. 2. I don't think Trump knows how to operate in a situation where he doesn't have the final word...

Hilary has so many ethical problems that I really can't understand how anyone could actively support her...

Given ALL that we knew about Trump, his racism, his misogyny, his utter dishonesty and ineptitude and ignorance, and, again, his racism... given ALL those ethical problems, the two big problems you had with him were related to his ineptitude... you do not appear to recognize him as wildly unethical (while thinking that CLINTON was fatally unethical!). Points to a problem recognizing reality.

Craig said...

An NFL player took to Twitter with a anti Semitic rant quoting (something he believed came from) Hitler and Farrakhan, followed by an ex NBA player agreeing with him. Silence from all the usual suspects who usually jump on anything remotely “racist” without waiting for the whole story.

Unfortunately, Anti Semitism pretty much gets a pass from far to many.

Politically, the Jews are another historic DFL constituency that’s getting short shrift from DFL office holders. Another constituency that might not be as monolithic as thought.

I’ve specifically and repeatedly called out Trumps many failings. The fact that you pretend otherwise doesn’t change reality.

You do realize that trying to minimize the wrongdoing of others by comparing them to Trump, and acting as if it’s impossible to criticize racists without referring to Trump, is a bizarre and unhinged standard. Giving racists and anti Semites a pass because Trump is just hypocritical.

Craig said...


If you’re going to offer crap like “I think all harm is bad”, in response to being called out when you’re silent on various news stories, then my multiple criticisms of Trump should be equally efficacious.

But applying consistent standards isn’t a strong suit of yours.

Craig said...

Wow, you pull one sentence out of context and ignore every other word I’ve written about Trump.

Your double standards are showing.

What’s amazing, is that by twisting this into something else, you’re obscuring the fact that y’all who are “racism” everywhere, turn a blind eye to and silently encourage anti Semitism.

The fact that I’m this entire thread about two black voices spewing anti Semitism, you can’t even muster the most tepid and pro forms critique.

The fact that all your DFL idols cozy up to Farrakhan, and you can’t muster up the tiniest bit of criticism for this close affiliation with a racist, anti Semite, speaks more loudly than your straw men.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... I’ve specifically and repeatedly called out Trumps many failings.

I'm sorry you're having this difficulty understanding words and communication. I'll repeat what I asked and explain what I meant.

How often, exactly, have YOU stepped up to condemn Trump's racist language and policies?

What I'm asking, then, is not what milquetoast, "He's not all I want and he's kind of imperfect" "critique" of Trump.

I'm asking specifically for you to step up and show ALL the times you've condemned Trump for his decades long embrace of racist language and xenophobic policies and words that cause harm to people of color?

WHEN have you condemned Trump for his RACISM?

I suspect the answer is, "Never," but you tell me.

Do you understand the actual question I'm asking?

I know nothing about a football/sports ball player and what he's said. If he said something anti-semitic, shame on him. Game players shouldn't do that sort of stuff.

But I'm MUCH more concerned about the racist in the White House and the near complete silence from "conservatives" and "conservative Christians" in denouncing Trump's fanning of racist flames.

You can't seriously expect me to be worried as much about a sports ball player who I've NEVER heard of than the president of the US or the tacit support this racist man has received by way of conservative silence in the face of his barrage of racism..?

Remove the plank from your eye. Or at least have the integrity to answer the question.

I think we know the answer.

Dan Trabue said...

And don't bother with a weak-minded, "But I HAVE criticized Trump on several vague occasions..." without answering the question.

Answer the question put to you.

Or don't. We know the answer, don't we?

Marshal Art said...

"One or two "off" comments can be a mistake or a misunderstanding, but Trump has a history of racism (and misogyny and corruption) going back his entire adult life."

Trump has a history of being called a racist, but no real evidence that supports the contention. Dan, on the other hand, spews all manner of vitriolic falsehoods and evidently believes they'll go unnoticed. For one who continuously whines about Trump's "lying", Dan is clearly no slouch in that department.

Trump's imperfect. Few would argue against that. Dan is worse by a wide margin.

Craig said...


If you get away with your vague and bland general criticisms of all of anything, why would you demand something from others that you don’t do yourself.

Craig said...

Dan is trying to focus this thread on what he thinks I haven’t done, while the fact that he hasn’t condemned anti Semitic in this instance and hasn’t specifically condemned those who crave the friendship and endorsement of Farrakhan.

Dan Trabue said...

And there it is. You DON'T answer the question.

You're willing to criticize a black sports player for a one time (I guess) comment for which he appears to have apologized, but not the PRESIDENT OF THE US elected and enabled and defended by conservatives for his lifetime of racist comments and attacks and actions.

Not only do you not provide any instances of where you've condemned HIS racism, but you don't even have the integrity to say, "you know, I never HAVE one time criticized his racism... I guess I don't really think he's racist or has said racist things..."

The reason why this is vital to your post and your integrity because it demonstrates that you don't really give a single damn about racism or oppression, you're just using your privilege and power to be part of the oppressing class and you'll only use racism as a way to demonize your partisan opponents and, in so doing, lend support to actual racists.

May God open your eyes.


Craig said...

No, there it is, I did answer the question. The answer is I don't know, and I don't care.

The problem is that you are so focused on turning virtually everything into an attack on Trump,that you need to twist virtually everything others say to fit your narrative.

For your education, I'm not criticizing the NFL and NBA players for what they've said (well obviously that sort of anti Antisemitism is bad and deserving of condemnation, but that's not what's happening here). I'm pointing out that the entirety of the "racism industry" (including you) has been absolutely silent on Antisemitism. I'm pointing out that the "racism industry" and the DFL have a long history of cozying up to Farrakhan, despite the vile, hateful Antisemitism he's spewed for decades. I'm pointing out that the two Antisemites, are getting a level of cover and excuses that is ridiculous in this current cancel culture.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy that drips from y'all when it comes to Antisemitism.

Now, specifically, I'm pointing to the fact that you still won't call out Antisemitism. The fact that instead of engaging with the actual topic of the post, you have this monomaniacal compulsion to turn the discussion away from Antisemitism, and the silence it generates, to some nonsensical accounting of how many times I've jumped through this particular hoop of yours.

So if you want to endorse Antisemitism by your silence, if you want to continue your hypocrisy, if you want to continue to trade in straw men,and if you'd rather hide behind lies, be my guest.

It's all just another example of your bullshit double standard and your hubris.

Craig said...


Here's what I'll do. If you'll give me one actual instance of Trump saying,or doing something overtly and explicitly racist, I'll condemn it.

Dan Trabue said...

And there it is. By pretending ignorance of Trump's many instances of racism, you are downplaying how very racist Trump has been over the years.

From his attacks on shitholecountries and his racist suggestion that women of color should return to their country, even though they're from the US, from is dog whistles about raping Mexicans and invading hordes, the list goes on and on. And any informed adult should be aware of the many instances of racism coming from this prick of a president.

We who are concerned about Trump, and that includes conservatives and moderates and liberals and others, are concerned because he is so far beyond the pale of what is acceptable in a national leader. Your feigning ignorance Huff is failings just lends support to the racist and white supremacists who say they have been empowered by Trump. Stop feigning ignorance. Pick a side. Which side will you be on?

Or at the very least, have the moral and intellectual rectitude to say it clearly. " no. I have never condemned Trump for his racist words and actions because I do not believe him to be a racist."

If the answer is no, then say it. You're dodging the question and playing cute with racism gives lie to any suggestion that you're concerned about racist actions.

People's lives are at stake. Quit playing children's games and petty little attempted con games.

Craig said...

Still can’t bring yourself to specifically condemn or even discuss Antisemitism. Got it.

Can’t come up with any specific examples of explicit racism, interesting.

“Shithole countries”, is about the actual conditions in various countries, not about race.

His comments about people going back are about specific immigrants and their specific words and actions, not their race.

I’m not the one playing games, that’d be you.

Dan Trabue said...

...he said, as he defended racists and turned a blind eye to repeated incidents of racism.

83% of black people and the majority of the US recognize that Trump is a racist. But Craig just can't see it, so it must not be.

All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to remain quiet.

Craig remains quiet.

Craig said...

Look, I’m sorry that you can’t apply the same standards to you, those on your side of the aisle, and liberal/progressive politicians. I’m sorry that you choose to make up false attacks on others who dare to question your narrative, instead of condemn anti Semitism. I’m sorry that you’re reduced to this kind of made up, bullshit, ad him, false, sorts of straw men as a way to avoid reality.

Finally I’m sorry that you’re obsessed with this bizarre narrative centered on keeping score, and exalting yourself and “your side” at all costs.

You do realize that you’ve abandoned grace, abandoned the teachings you claim The Christ taught, and embraced hatred, vitriol, falsehood, and condescension.

I’m sorry that you’re psyche is a unable to cope with disagreement.

Craig said...

Your obsession with trying to find truth in opinion polls is incredibly sad. Your inability to provide specific, explicit examples of Trump’s racism is also sad.

I’ve provided, and can provide, examples of Hillary being explicitly racist, ditto for LBJ, Farrakhan, and others. I can provide evidence of Hillary, Bill, and others lionizing racists. I can also provide ample evidence that Jackson, Sharpton, and their ilk fawned over Trump for his work against racism. But you can’t provide one clear cut, specific, explicit, unambiguous example. You also can’t condemn anti Semitism apparently either.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig: "Still can't bring yourself to specifically condemn or even discuss antisemitism..."

Dan: I know nothing about a football/sports ball player and what he's said.


Game players shouldn't do that sort of stuff.

Another stupidly false claim that anyone can see in my words, another attempt to dodge your very real support (by your very white silence) Trump's corruption and racism.

Just admit you have not said anything about Trump's racism. Start with what you CAN do. Admitting you've never spoken out against it is at least acknowledging that you have been silent. You can even offer the excuse that you don't see it. But at least acknowledge it.

Can you also acknowledge that it's at least possible that your place of white privilege and allegiance to conservatism is blinding you to the racism that the majority of the world sees?

Craig said...

Ohhhhhh, an insincere condemnation of anti Semitism. How brave.

“Confessing sin you did not commit is not virtue. It’s lying.”

Justin Bullington

If you can’t admit that it’s possible that you’re place of white guilt, and you’re allegiance to your progressive worldview is affecting your ability to accurately distinguish racism?

But please continue to make unfounded, false assumptions.

Craig said...

I do appreciate your blind, monomaniacal commitment to ignore the topic of the post, and to impose your narrative on the post without regard to the actual post.

Dan Trabue said...

More questions go unanswered. Is your white ego THAT fragile that you just can't admit, "I have never said anything to speak out about Trump's racism. I don't view Trump to be racist."...?

Just admit it. That's not "confessing a sin you did not commit." It's answering the question put to you.

I don't have "white guilt." Referring to being concerned for and with Black lives as "white guilt" is another of the things that racists and their defenders say.

But you're not able to see that, are you?

What do I have to be "guilty" about?

Another stupidly false suggestion.

Craig said...

Look, if you’re not going to answer questions, why should I,

In this case, I have answered your question. The answer is I can’t remember specifically every negative thing I’ve said about Trump, and I don’t care enough to go back and look it up. Even if I did, it wouldn’t shut you up.

Of course, parroting the words you’d like to put in my mouth is confessing a sin I haven’t committed.

White guilt probably isn’t the right term for you. It’s more like you’re a black wanna be. Like you’re so woke that you’re above racism and guilt and you can speak for black folk.

Whatever. You still can’t condemn anti Semitism or those on your side of the aisle. It’s clear that guilt isn’t something you’re familiar with, even your assumption that you have nothing to “be guilty about” speaks volumes. I guess gracelessness, vitriol, false witness, ad hom attacks, and condescension aren’t worth you feeling guilt about.

You probably don’t think it’s a problem for government to single out one group for more restrictions than other groups.

How many anti Semitic acts occurred in the US last year? Are the numbers increasing or decreasing?

Craig said...

If “racism” is universal to all “whites”, then you either have “racism” to be guilty about, or lying.

Marshal Art said...

"...the PRESIDENT OF THE US elected and enabled and defended by conservatives for his lifetime of racist comments and attacks and actions."

Defended for his "lifetime" of racist comments and attacks and actions? You're clearly confused. I can't think of anyone who elected Trump for even the appearance of racism, given that's the best a moron could say of him since he's not a racist. More importantly, you haven't provided any evidence of racism on his part. Craig's addressed your two weak attempts above.

"I don't have "white guilt." Referring to being concerned for and with Black lives as "white guilt" is another of the things that racists and their defenders say."

Tell that to Shelby Steele. Your white guilt is evident in every attack on those who don't fall into line with your BLM attitude. Those attacks are routine and have been leveled at me in your condescending arrogance at your blog.

"83% of black people and the majority of the US recognize that Trump is a racist."

It could be 100% and it would still require some evidence that it's true. There is none. What people think or believe is worthless if there is no evidence to support it.