Thursday, July 9, 2020


Apparently things like  a peer-reviewed journal that claims to publish “only the highest quality scientific research., only go so far when data buts up against narratives. 


Craig said...

“"Asking to see the data" is one of the white defensive strategies that Robin DiAngelo identifies as indicative of "White Fragility"”

Interesting, I guess we know why some people demand “data” so often.

Marshal Art said...

"Hard data" is just a diversionary tactic. The demand for it is put forth with the hope that none can be provided, or that the effort to gather it won't be put forth. The irony is that there is neither any that can be had to back up the position of the lefty, nor will any real effort be put forth to attempt to find any.

An example: I'm still waiting for a Trump "lie" that has done any tangible harm to anyone or anything.

Craig said...

Another example is that the hard data tells us the NY and NJ are the only two states with over 10K deaths from Covid, yet all you hear about is FL and TX, it’s almost like it’s about hiding the 47,500 deaths in those two states to focus on the 7,200 deaths if FL and TX..

Of course Dan asks for hard data quite often, he just doesn’t usually respond when it doesn’t support his hunches and prejudices.

Craig said...

If asking to see the data is “white fragility”, then providing data that isn’t asked for and is irrelevant much mean extreme white fragility.

Marshal Art said...

Not even sure I know what "white fragility" is supposed to mean. Is that a term snowflakes use to refer as "snowflakes" those with facts and evidence for their positions?

Craig said...

It’s the name of a currently trendy book, that’s pretty controversial. My office is using it for a book club, I was tempted, but realized that anything less than “Please pass some more Kool Aid”, probably wasn’t going to go well with the mostly millennial/gen z white liberals.

Don’t take this to mean that I’m unwilling to learn and discuss things. It’s more like there will be no room for and push back or questions that raise issues with the book.

Same with 13th. It sounds interesting, but I’ve seen enough issues where they misstate data that it’s be hard to take an honest look without pissing people off.

Marshal Art said...

Passing them off is what makes it most worth while. The best part is it can easily be done simply by constantly using facts and truth. Look what it does to our Bobbsey Twins.