Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A trend

 As I peruse (or am "assaulted" by) the social media posts of my friends, I'm noticing a trend.   Now, many of these people identify as Christians and are very public about their faith on social media.  Yet over the last few days I've seen a lot of vocal sympathy for Mr Blake, and absolutely zero acknowledgement (let alone sympathy) for the innocent victims of the increasing numbers of cities overrun with violent rioters and arsonists.    Zero mention of or sympathy for the elderly man beaten senseless before his business was destroyed, zero mention or sympathy for the innocent woman brutally attacked in MPLS, I could go on...

If y'all are going to trumpet your Christianity all over the www, while fawning over a violent armed felon trying to escape being arrested for domestic abuse and sexual assault (those things are bad, aren't they?), but silent on the innocent victim of the violent mobs they support.    I guess it's too much to ask for these folks to at least give lip service to the innocent victims of the riots they can't quite condemn.

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