Friday, August 28, 2020


 " Black Lives Matter is a clever Twitter hashtag designed to spread racial division. Twitter baits and rewards racial demagoguery. James is addicted to social media. His bigotry is no surprise."

I remember when Whitlock was  a new sports comumnist at the Star and a frequent morning radio sports talk guest.  


H/T Drew Hernandez

"A BLM supporter and resident of Kenosha reasosn that the violent acts of BLM rioters somehow make others "feel" their pain"  He says, "I condone them burning the buildings down."


Eye for an eye,  good or bad?


"Dear professing Christian, I implore you to stop engaging in 'hashtag hermenutics".  As is being demonstrated-literally- in cities across America, what on the surface may appear virtuous and principled, can in fact be, comoflauge for something pernicious and malefic."

 "The reason the church was so central to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's, is the church was also the axis upon which black families revolved.  That centrality must be embraced anew as the serious issues facing "black communities" today remain primarily spiritual, not social."

Darrell B Harrison


"Whether or not you still support the movement, it's remarkable how the goal-posts have moved for Black Lives Matter.  Rember the original "Cherno Biko on Fox" claim was that hundreds or thousands of completely innocent black men are murdered annually by cops/vigilantes."

"One of the oddest ideas in woke academia is that speech which people don't like is "violence" and should be forbidden, but destroying billions of dollars worth of property during a literal riot is "a legitimate expression of frustration" as long as no one dies."

"Speaking as a political scientist: if you can call your country's government "fascist" using your name on a public platform like Twitter or isn't"

Wilfred Reilly


"Before the ghetto riot of 1967 Detriot's black population had the highest rate of home ownership of any black urban population in the country, and their unemployment rate was just 3.4 percent..."

"No justice, no peace" was a slogan that found resonance.  Like so many slogans, it sounds good if you don't stop and think-and awful if you do.  Almost by definition, everybody thinks their cause is just.  Does that mean that nobody has any rules? This is called anarchy."

Thomas Sowell


"If our culture continues to define systemic racism by perceptions and disparities, there will always be, in their mind, a just cause for protests and riots, silly boycotts and calls for unspecific, unending "changes".

Careless reactions create careless actions."

"A perticularly annoying style of argument is extrapolation from a personal story-which itself probably isn't true- to some sweeping generalization: "Cop/black guy once punched me. Race war's a comin!"   Here, as always, the plural of "anecdote" isn't "data".


Samuel Sey


:America is getting a taste of life in the black community: roaming mobs outside your house ready to fight, harassment as you walk down the street, your property vandalized and looted, criminals trying to kick your door in.  This is what I grew up around.  This is black culture..."

Mrs. Naya Major, B.S.

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