Monday, April 22, 2024


After a weekend of antisemitic protests at Columbia, with threats of violence against Jews and demands that Jews not be allowed at Columbia, we hear virtually nothing from those on the left.   The entitled children of the rich, white, liberal elites, run amok and not much happens.     Much like 2020, when liberal mobs engage in vile behavior, the "mainstream" left stays silent or offers excuses.   Dan, for example, was active at both Facebook and his blog, yet isn't bothered enough by such virulent and public antisemitism to say a word.   

Jewish parents should immediately pull their children out of Columbia, and file suit to recoup all fees paid to Columbia.  Columbia should immediately be investigated by the DOJ for civil rights violations.  Any parent who sends their children to an Ivy League school at this point is making a huge mistake.  

What a left wing shit show.  

Yale students, who've been preventing Jewish students from aces sing campus, "Yale protestors accost Jewish student w/a boombox, dancing to rap lyrics: F* Israel, Israel a b*tch B* we out here mobbin' on some Palestine sh*t Free Palestine B*, Israel gon' die B* N*gga it's they land why you out here tryna rob it Bulls* prophets, Y'all just want the profit


This isn't anti Israel aggression protesting, it's flat out antisemitism.


BTW, Ilhan Omar's daughter who was engaged in the antisemitic protests was described as starving and homeless because the protests prevented her from going back to her dorm room. Of course, it makes complete sense than the daughter of an immigrant congresswoman can somehow afford a school costing $90k per year. But her loans will be forgiven, don't worry.

According to that paragon of news reporting integrity, MSNBC, Omar's daughter was "targeted". Because the daughter of a rich, congresswoman, is going to be a prime target.  


“I condemn the antisemitic protests," BIDEN tells reporters. "I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”

Remember when Trump's comments about the peaceful protest in Charlottesville were taken out of context to imply that he thought that the neo Nazi's were "nice people"?  First, let's ignore the fact that the Charlottesville protests were significantly more peaceful than the BLM/CHAZ-CHOP/Pro Hamas protests. Then let's realize that Biden just did virtually the same thing Trump got pilloried for.

 "The main national umbrella group for campus pro-Palestinian protests is Students for Justice in Palestine. SJP takes a violent eliminationist stance toward Israel. In the wake of the October 7 terrorist attacks, it issued a celebratory statement instructing its affiliates that all Jewish Israelis are legitimate targets:

Liberation is not an abstract concept. It is not a moment circumscribed to a revolutionary past as it is often characterized. Rather, liberating colonized land is a real process that requires confrontation by any means necessary. In essence, decolonization is a call to action, a commitment to the restoration of Indigenous sovereignty. It calls upon us to engage in meaningful actions that go beyond symbolism and rhetoric. Resistance comes in all forms — armed struggle, general strikes, and popular demonstrations. All of it is legitimate, and all of it is necessary."

 This is the kind of thing that these protesters, and those on the left who remain silent, condone.  This is what they are trying to bring about.  

" A second group that has helped organize the demonstrations at Columbia is called Within Our Lifetime. Like SJP, WOL takes an uncompromising eliminationist stance toward Israel, even calling for “the abolition of zionism.” If you suspect it would be difficult to exterminate an idea peacefully, you are correct. WOL, like SJP, endorses all violent attacks on Israeli Jews: “We defend the right of Palestinians as colonized people to resist the zionist occupation by any means necessary.”

More pertinently, WOL “reject[s] all collaboration and dialogue with zionist organizations” as “normalization,” which is to say it believes people anywhere in the world who wish to see a Jewish state survive in any form should not be permitted to live normal lives. If there is a theoretical distinction between this doctrine and direct advocacy of systematic harassment of mainstream Jewish people and organizations, it is paper thin."

" But the groups themselves are very clearly not advocating for “peace.” They are for war. Their objection is not to human suffering but that the wrong humans are suffering."

 " The pro-Palestinian groups have chosen to embrace violent fundamentalist death cults as their allies. They have chosen to spurn compromise and coexistence. The gaping void of a humane, universalist, liberal movement to advocate for the cause of Palestinian freedom is their failure, and its fruit is the rancid antisemitism that, despite their feeble denials, has sprung up everywhere since October 7."


 This is from a clearly left wing writer, who has the courage to speak (some) Truth into this situation. 








Marshal Art said...

No concern here for the welfare of Omar's kid. She's a proud commie and clearly a Jew-hater.

It's hard to imagine these dumbass kids protesting and squatting with tents paid for by others are not immediately expelled. They have to be in breach of some code of conduct in these places. I'm sure kids couldn't do that to protest homosexuals and trannies. Omar's kid apparently has only been suspended, though I don't know the details of the terms of her suspension. The president and/or dean of these schools need to be out with Omar's kid looking for a way to feed themselves, not heading up an institution like Columbia or Yale.

Craig said...

Somehow, they've made the child of a rich and powerful person out to be a victim in this. Completely ignoring the actual victims of antisemitism and the fact that Omar's kid is antisemitic or at least supports antisemitic potions. The fact that her not being able to go back to her dorm or cafeteria, because of a "protest" she was involved in is the height of hypocrisy.

These idiots should be expelled, prosecuted (if appropriate) and ridiculed whenever possible. They are privileged, rich, elites, who only do this crap because they know that the consequences will be minimal. Obviously, Columbia and Yale should be sued immediately because they can't/won't protect Jewish students and faculty (seems like a civil rights violation to me), and Jewish students and faculty should get out of there ASAP. The fact that these antisemitic "protests" with their threats of violence against Jews are tolerated, demonstrates the antisemitism of the left, academia, and the administration.

Higher education needs to (for the most part) be blown up (figuratively) and completely rebuilt. It's an absolute joke that university campuses are such hotbeds of racism, intolerance, and academic fraud. It's ridiculous that so many sit on billions of dollars in endowment money, yet burden students with massive debt, higher costs, and useless degrees.

I've seen some really compelling arguments that this is the result of conservatives going all in on politics as the best way to advance their worldview, and ceding education and the arts to the left. Shockingly enough, education and the arts were a better way to promote a worldview than politics. Whoops.