Monday, September 30, 2024

Lots O' Links

 "This is unbelievable. XVIII Airborne Corps is located on Fort Bragg (I refuse to call it by that other woke name), a mere 268 miles from Asheville and the worst flooding areas of this Biblical-level tragedy. The Corps’ capabilities include: -Extensive medium and heavy lift rotary wing aircraft. -A theater sustainment command with incredible capabilities for delivery of food, potable water, fuel and construction materials. -A medical brigade with Level III surgical capabilities. -An engineer brigade with robust heavy construction assets. -A military police brigade that can provide traffic control and assist local LE. -An Airborne Infantry division that has routinely supported disaster relief in years past. -A world-class command, control and communications HQ capability to make it all work. NONE OF THAT has been ordered to assist civil authorities? NONE OF IT?????? Fort Bragg has routinely supported domestic disaster relief for DECADES—Katrina, Homestead, you name it. Hell, I myself have a Humanitarian Service Medal for support to Hurricane Fran relief out of Bragg. Now we can’t do anything for an epic disaster in the SAME FREAKING STATE? WTF, over? This goes beyond mere negligence. It must be malicious. Perhaps Kamala and Joe don’t want NC’s rural GOP counties to be able to vote on November 5th? This is an abomination, and one of the worst derelictions of Presidential duties in US history."


Let's get this straight, De Santis has authorized the FL National Guard to fly relief supplies into other states, while we're seeing little to no news about the US military providing aid.

A quick Google search indicates that the XVIII Airborne Corps is not providing any relief at this time. 




The above sign was reportedly found at a government funded food shelf in Minnesota.   This would literally seem to be government funded racism.

So, the a founding trustee of the Heritage Project, endorsed Harris, yet all we hear is about the Heritage Foundation and P25.   

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'CTO hag @glitterwitchx Follow ++ afteryears after years spent finding the perfect artist, scheduling session after session, and spending thousands of of dollars Harry Potter sleeve is S finally completely blacked out.'

 So this woman, in her youth, made a permanent change to her body, and grew to regret that change as she got older...

ill Why would the Biden/Harris DOJ be suing to keep non citizens and legal aliens from being on their voter rolls?

Shocking behavior by leftist, anti Trump folx.

This seems highly unlikely to have been achieved through 100% legal or ethical means. I think Truman was right.


It seems strange that the US navy was attacked, in what could only be termed an act of war,  and the current administration does little to nothing and the MSM stands quietly by as our servicemen and women are in harm's way again.



Remember when this absurd judgement was big news, and all over the MSM? Well, it looks like the appellate court doesn't agree, and we know that the bank that was "swindled" opposes the ban on doing business with Trump.

 It's pretty much what the BV said a couple of links earlier.


People freaked out when Trump met with Netanyahu, but nobody seems to care that Biden/Harris flew Zelensky  to a swing state for what was (essentially) a staged campaign event, using US military resources to do so. Seems kind of illegal to me....






Craig said...

It's strange that the XVIII Airborne Corps based in NC apparently is unable to provide significant rotary wing assets to aid the hurricane victims, yet individual helicopter owners have organized themselves and are actively engaged in helping. I suspect that the private efforts are hampered by the lack of IFR equipped helicopters and IFR qualified pilots, yet they are doing what they can.

But hey, Harris thinks that if $750.00 was good enough for the folks in Hawaii that got burned out, that it's good enough for the folks in the SE US.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The main unit of the 18th ABN Corps is the 82nd Airborne Division. I have a feeling they are unable to provide support because they are mobilizing to go to the mid-east.

Craig said...


While this might or might not be the case, I find it hard that the entire corps is planning to go to the Middle East. I find it hard to believe that the have zero rotary wing assets that could be spared to offer aid to US citizens in distress.

Beyond that, they certainly should have the ability to logistically support rotary wing assets from other units of the Army, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard temporarily.

Even beyond that, why in the hell is the 82nd prepping to go to the Middle East? Has the Biden/Harris administration failed so badly that we need to put US boots on the ground over there? It seems as though the Middle East is much more suited for an armored division than an airborne division. (I get that the 82nd is the QRF for most of the world, but as history as shown wars in the Middle East have been primarily Armor, Artillery, and Air Forces. It seems like an ill considered stopgap at best. Especially when there is so much devastation in their backyard.

All of that aside, the response of the administration has been underwhelming to say the least and this just adds to their failures.

Unfortunately, photo ops on the way to/from big dollar fundraisers and phone calls from the beach might not be enough.

Craig said...

I seem to remember something about the 82nd doing things that involved parachutes at some point, and that it's possible to deliver supplies by parachute as well.

I'm not taking shots at you, Glenn, just questioning whether the XVIII corps is really as impotent as it appears during this crisis and why the administration seems to be doing very little.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I read an item last week that this administration was going to send thousands of troops to the mid-east, and the 82nd has always been the first to go. When I was in, my unit was a support unit for the 82nd and we were all locked down in the company area, weapons drawn and in our barracks, trucks with our parachutes in the company street and C-141 transports at Pope AFB to take us all to Israel in the Yom Kippur war of 1973. We supplied Israel with so much materials and materiel that we finally were told to stand down because they didn't need us any more.
Anyway, I figure it they are on alert for movement overseas, they probably wouldn't be used. BUT there are plenty of other troops which should be available with more helicopters than the 82nd and that's the 101st Air Assault Division at Ft Campbell, KY!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The 82nd has now deployed to NC and MY old unit is also deployed there!

Craig said...

Thanks for the elaboration. I agree that not deploying troops on lock down is a problem, I couldn't believe that they had zero resources available to send. As you not Ft Campbell is not far away, and there are multiple navy and CG rotary wing assets that are also relatively close.

It's good that they did finally deploy the 82nd for this. It's disappointing that it took longer than it probably should have.