Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 I tend to think that one way you can determine what is important to people is to pay attention to what they talk about the most.  I think that people talk most about what they value most.  

So, when I watched the DNC and watch DFL campaign commercials, or watch the debates.  I pay attention to the tings they talk about most often strangely enough, I've found that the preponderance of DFL campaign communication mentions abortion.   I wonder why abortion, something that directly affects a small percentage of the US population is such a major focus of the DFL message.   


Marshal Art said...

Because they're sick, immoral assholes focused on their own personal pleasure above all else. Seems pretty obvious to me.

Craig said...

That's one option. I think a lot of them are sheep. They'd never have an abortion, they agree with Hallary that they should be "safe, legal, and rare", but are bombarded with bullshit about "losing their rights" and made up horror stories, that they just join right in and follow the rest of the lemmings.

That's two animal metaphors, sorry.

Marshal Art said...

They both suggest mindless following of masters, though I've read that lemmings do not jump off of cliffs nor follow any lemmings which do. Don't know how that got started, but lemmings are pissed about it.

Craig said...

Yes they do. I was unaware of the lemming slander, I should probably edit the comment to protect myself from litigation from angry lemmings.

What if they are simply practicing for the new Olympic sport of synchronized cliff diving?