Thursday, January 30, 2025


 "All the talk about meritocracy, but it wasn't one of the many qualified black military leaders in actual leadership positions that was hired to run the military, it was a low grade news "personality" that got the position because he was a white man and a Trump loyalist!"


1.  Why would or should "black" enter the discussion when searching for a SecDef?   

2.  I love how Dan denigrates Hegseth by ignoring his distinguished military service as a field grade officer.

3. Generally the leap from O6-07 is as much about political connection as it is about leadership or military prowess.   To assume that there is some magic transformation that happens once one achieves flag rank demonstrates ignorance of the military.

4.  The US military is actually set up so that it is under civilian control.     Selecting an active duty officer would require that the officer retire from their position.  

I haven't seen what's been said about the helicopter/plane crash or the F-35 crash, that's got Dan's panties in a wad.  But, if the cause is pilot error because an inadequately trained pilot was flying in DCA airspace, (or an inadequately trained pilot in the F-35) then the process that put that pilot in the left seat should absolutely be scrutinized.  

Personally, it seems like Trump might have said something out of ignorance which led Dan to conclude that his best option was to reply out of ignorance as well.  

In both cases, I'd suggest that it would be wise for everyone to put aside using these tragedies to score cheap political points and allow the process to play out. 

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