There's a meme that gets thrown out often that equates Jesus' family with illegal immigrants. The story tells us that Jesus' family went to Egypt after Herod wanted to kill Him. Therefore, Jesus and his family were exactly the same as the illegal aliens that cross the US border.
Except, Egypt was simply another part of the Roman empire, an adjacent province as it were. Therefore the comparison is more like someone moving from Missouri to Kansas, than someone illegally crossing from Mexico to the US.
Nice try.
There's nothing the America hating progressive left won't try to push their agenda.
That seems to be the case. You'll note that Dan is unable to understand the difference between crossing a national border and a state border.
LEFTISTS are pretty much known by their abject ignorance.
Well, there is that. I think it's more that they are so committed to whatever narrative that is popular, that they will set aside everything in furtherance of that narrative. In this case the narrative is that the US should accept every single immigrant in the world, and expect absolutely nothing from them. So if they can spin the story of Jesus' family going from one province to another into something that they can use to push the narrative, then they don't bother with things like accuracy.
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