"Self Determination"
"self-determination, the process by which a group of people, usually possessing a certain degree of national consciousness, form their own state and choose their own government."
"The UN Charter clarifies two meanings of the term self-determination. First, a state is said to have the right of self-determination in the sense of having the right to choose freely its political, economic, social, and cultural systems. Second, the right to self-determination is defined as the right of a people to constitute itself in a state or otherwise freely determine the form of its association with an existing state. Both meanings have their basis in the charter (Article 1, paragraph 2; and Article 55, paragraph 1). With respect to dependent territories, the charter asserts that administering authorities should undertake to ensure political advancement and the development of self-government (Article 73, paragraphs a and b; and Article 76, paragraph b)."
Encyclopedia Britannica
" Self determination means that all people have the right to direct their futures; have control over how they live their lives, where, and with whom; and have authority over the resources that support them.
I've heard it argued, by Dan and only Dan, that "self determination" requires that every human has the right to roam unfettered across the globe and to live wherever they choose with no restrictions on their movement or settling. Strangely enough, I haven't been able to find any source that agrees with Dan on this.
The other day, Trump made some statements about Gaza. One thing he mentioned was moving those who live in Gaza into other Arab countries where they could theoretically be assimilated. This got me thinking about why Dan refuses to apply his hunch about self determination to any other country besides the US. He expect that the US will accept tens of millions of people, without virtually no regulation or management, simply because those people want to live here. (ignoring what a racist, xenophobic, hellhole the DFL paints the US as) It seems reasonable to ask, why not demand this same accommodation everywhere?
Back to the history of the Middle East. Between 1945 and 1948, the international community recognized the need for a Jewish state and partitioned and proposed the first 2 state solution. In 1948 the Arab world united against the newly formed state of Israel and engaged in a war bent on the total eradication of both Israel and every Israeli citizen. As part of their campaign the Arabs promised Muslims who left Israel that they would get the first shot at getting their property back and at plundering the Jews. Unfortunately the Arabs were militarily incompetent and failed miserably, leaving them with all of the people they encouraged to leave Israel, with promise of plunder. Their response to this situation was to declare these people "palestinians" and put them in camps that were not fit for human habitation. They used these conditions as the basis to radicalize the "palestinians", into various terrorist groups. Since then the "palestinian" insistence on eliminating Israel and their refusal to accept a 2 state solution has caused the problem to grow.
Fast forward to 2025. Hamas (a terrorist group) controls Gaza, and Egypt (a Muslim/Arab country) has a wall to prevent those in Gaza from entering Egypt. To this day, no other Arab nation has stepped up to accept these "palestinians" as immigrants. Instead they've created this false narrative that "Palestine" was an actual nation and that Israel has occupied the nation of "Palestine" and must be removed by any means fair or foul.
Which brings us back to the question. Why does Dan not ever call for those in Gaza to be able to exercise their right and move to any of the Arab countries that displaced them in the first place? Why is Dan silent on the evil of Egypt in constructing a massive wall to keep those in Gaza from availing themselves of the bounty of Egypt?
I know what his answer will be. Yet, if "self determination" is truly a universal human right, why not advocate and fight for it everywhere it is being denied? Why limit oneself to only one country?
From Art
In this case, I believe Dan would respond in two ways:
1. He focuses on the United States respecting "self-determinatoon" of foreigners to enter our nation subordinating the self-determination of our nation to determine who and how many we're willing to tolerate, and
2. I would wager Dan believes the Gazanz' "right of self-determination" is no different as it pertains to Israeli land, be it Gaza/West Bank or the entirety of Israel.
1. I think it'd be more about making the excuse that he's here not anywhere else. But, if he's really serious he'd be fighting this fight everywhere.
2. I'm sure he buys the bullshit narrative that Israel is the bad guy and ignores the reality of history. The real question is why he wouldn't apply the same logic to Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Libya, or Saudi.
Like many things, Dan believes that as long as he makes some kind of disclaimer ("X is always bad") that he's relieved from applying the same level or criticism to others as he does to the US.
Strangely enough Israel's acceptance of Arabs/Muslims as full participants in their national life is far and away better than how Jews, Christians, Kaffir, are treated in any Muslim/Arab country.
The distinction you present in your last sentence should be slapping lefties in the face by how obvious it is. It's ignored for love of their narrative.
Many things are ignored or sacrificed on the alter of the narrative.
Frankly, I'm a little surprised Dan hasn't chosen to weigh in on this topic.
I'm not.
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