I'm pasting the Twitter links because of the embedded videos, which show strong young women speaking up for themselves.
Because a 15 year old girl deserves to get death threats from the tolerant side of the political spectrum and investigated by her school for harassment.
This young woman has so much courage to make this public statement. She is clearly intelligent, well spoken, and doesn't deserve to have opportunities taken from her.
As we watch the young woman writhe on the floor in pain, one wonders whether or not folx like Dan and his troll would sacrifice their daughters on the alter of this bullshit.
I don't know what's wrong with you, Craig. These two girls totally sound like brutalizers. How dare they pick on someone twice their size!
I saw a good meme today on FB and shared it. It shows a little girl holding a sign that says,
"Remember, Mother's Day is for Moms, not Men in dresses.
-Your Day is April 1st.-"
That folx like Dan and his troll, hell the US senate DFL, claim to be pro-woman yet continually vote for women to be treated like this while ignoring the lived experience of actual women is disgusting.
Great for girls/women standing up to perversion! Demokrats have proven how much they hate REAL women. If girls/women would refuse to compete with perverts nationwide--worldwide-- then this crap will end.
Its' frustrating that one of the only options for young women is to not compete in things where a biological male is competing. It certainly, temporarily, harms the young woman. Yet is probably necessary for the greater good.
I'd love to see a non school based group stage an alternate women's competition which was limited to biological women so that these competitors do have the opportunity to compete under a fair set of rules.
It's strange that the folx who constantly complain about things being "fair" are so committed to a system that is inherently unfair.
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