Monday, March 3, 2025

Self Determination


The Druze and the Kurds have been screwed over by the Muslim/Arab world for years.  Both deserve to have their won homeland and deserve the right of self determination.  If this happens in Syria, the repercussions in the Middle East could be significant, and could lead to the Kruds finally being about to exercise their own self determination. 


Marshal Art said...

Don't know about the Druze, but the Kurds are often portrayed in a manner which is not completely accurate. What I've read (don't recall where), is that they make great allies, until they're not. That is, they can turn on an ally if they believe it beneficial...kinda flip-flopping. I wish I could remember where I read that, but they are put upon by their "neighbors". Nonetheless, I view them with a bit of suspicion. I've heard even less about the Druze outside of their victimhood status. As such, I remain neutral.

Craig said...

I think that is not unusual in that part of the world. Given all of the self determination bullshit that gets spewed, I'm confident that these two groups are actually groups that probably deserve the opportunity. It's not necessarily about being allies as much as it is that both of them seem to have a critical mass and unifying culture that would justify a country.