Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Transparency for thee, but not for me


The Newsweek link, perhaps not surprisingly, isn't working.  So, I'll post this one.

For those of you who didn't hear about this, there was a great fundraising effort led by many celebrities to raise money for bail money to bail out the rioters in MN.  

They raised around $20,000,000 for aiding the rioters, looters, and arsonists bail.

And they've spent $200,000.   Shockingly some people are wondering what happened to the rest.

"One user wrote, "Let me get this straight...[million] dollars in donations for bails but $200k has only been used. I might not be a mathematician but something isn’t adding up. We need a breakdown of where the other monies will be going." Another user opined, "This white run organization allegedly collected [millions], and only used $200k to actually bail out protesters. Those of us in the real Black grassroots have been getting folks out of jail on our own. This is why we have to stop the coopt #NoAntiBlackRacism."

MFF's Twitter account has since tweeted, "Appreciate all those calling for transparency. We see y’all. Our values and mission have not changed since 2016. Be on the lookout for things coming on our end. Be well." A user responded, "How are you “working on” it this late in the game? It’s been two weeks since this has started, you couldn’t mobilize any more funds, or commit excess/unused funds to other organizations? Or is that not a priority for your majority white board?""


Craig said...

I just checked their Twitter feed and, so far, there has been nothing beyond a general "We'll do transparency at some point" with a number of annoyed contributors asking for transparency.

Marshal Art said...

I'm annoyed at the whole thing. Rioters need to rot in jail. Money collected should go to their victims.

Craig said...

I'm annoyed too. But the fact that these people thought throwing $20,000,000 at a tiny organization is laughable. The fact that the organization is so clueless as to why people are mad is funny as hell. The fact that it's a couple of geeky white guys is ironic. Hopefully people stay on them and keep as much of the cash as possible headed where it's supposed to go.