Monday, July 27, 2020


" I have an extremely low tolerance for professing Christians who, under the guise of "love" ae, in reality hermenutical socialists."

Darrell B. Harrison

"It's wild that a few years ago, I was on the left.  Believing in wealth distribution, racial victimhood, hope and change, all of it...

That's one of the reasons I so forcefully combat this stuff.  Because I used to believe in it.  That used to be me.

I know that poison first hand."

Leonydus Johnson

"Group solidarity often means letting the lowest common denominator shape the culture and life within the group and determine the direction of it's future.    This can range from black students' being accused of "acting white" for being conscientious about their studies to automatic criticisms of police actions against rioters or criminals.  These are self inflicted wounds that can jeopardize the whole future of a people."

Thomas Sowell

"Black Lives Matter is the most MIS-NAMED orginzation on Earth!

When your name suggests you care about this (...........All black lives...........) when you really care about this (police emoji)   call your self something else."

Tyehimba Jahsi

"Let's be honest.  Increasing numbers of *professing*Christians today don't see scripture as being all-encompassing, meaning, they don't view it as being authoritative over every aspect of their life.  The Bible is useful for setting a moral compass, but that's pretty much it."

Darrell B. Harrison

Serous question: has "Black Lives Matter" actually achieved anything positive for Black people as a community- legislative change, improved race relations, etc?  If so, what?  Or has the overall impact of police pull-backs and such been negative?  Answers from both sides welcome."

Wilfred Reilly

"How much money collected by BLM has gone directly into a community in the form of education, childrens recreation and learning spaces, health clinics, food banks, grocery co-ops, micro lending for small business?"

Muriel Schwenck

"Does anyone KNOW the answer to this?  I'd actually be willing to believe anything from $0.00 to quite a bit.."

Winfred Reilly

"Sitting here studying Nathan's question to King David in 2 Samuel 12:9- "Why have you despised the word of the Lord by doing evil in Hos sight?"- and thinking about the myriad sins we tolerate in our lives because we have such a low view of God and His standard of holiness for us."

Darrell B. Harrison

"As far as I can tell, the "Black Lives Matter" movement has resulted in more black deaths, increased crime in minority communities, and loss of livelihoods in places affected by riots and looting.

It's also made race relations worse.

Tell me what positives justify this damage."


"Beware of anyone-including any Christian-whose construct of "justice" is framed in terms of preferred outcomes.  In Scripture, "justice" is a judicial term the emphasizes the integrity of the PROCESS of determining what is right, not with guaranteeing outcomes."

Darrell B. Harrison

"The word "equity" (meyshar) appears only 8 times in Scripture-all in the Old Testament.  the word denotes the righteous and impartial manner in which God judges all people.  Never is the word translated to mean equality in terms of (re) distribution of material wealth.

Darrell B. Harrison


Marshal Art said...

There's a pattern evident in the many quotes here...the left's corrupted version of reality and truth. From that which we see in the larger world, down to the blathering of our own lefty bloggers, the story is the same. The left perverts reality in their quest to fundamentally transform the recreate it in it's own perverse image, all the while claiming that Truth is perverse.

Craig said...

I think that it's more about denying the existence of Truth, than claiming that Truth s perverse. It's so much more effective to eliminate the very category of something being True, than to argue specifics about what is True.

Craig said...

I want to most sincerely say a big thank you to Dan. While his continuous "Listen to ALL black voices" demand was obviously absurd, ridiculous, impossible, and something he fails to do, his point was sound.

Because of his hectoring, I have found (and continue to find) a multitude of black voices that are refreshing, intelligent, enjoyable, and contrary to the liberal narrative.

So, I believe that a thank you is warranted.

Marshal Art said...

I agree. It's reassuring to know that not all of them follow the victim narrative. There's a host of reasonable people among the black race that think as we do. They're not reasonable because they agree, but they agree because they are reasonable, honest and don't put up with nonsense.

Craig said...

I agree that it's good to see that there is a group of people who aren't uncritically buying into the narrative.