Friday, August 7, 2020


 "Proud uncle tom."

Professor Hesh

"Private and home schools should not exist"

Dr Mansa Keita

"Sad when a black guy runs his mouth supporting a racist jus to get a retwet...just coz he retweeted doesn't mean he loves your kind any % more."

Bekezela Sibanda

"There will always be a blackman who betrays his race.  There were many uncle toms before you and there will be many after you.  Keep entertaining you masters"


"There are two sins a black person must never commit: 1) Be unwoke, 2) Be politically conservative,  Be guilty of either of those and there will be &%$# to pay, not only from those within the so called "black community", but from woke white liberals as well."

Darrell B Harrison

"The problem with the idea of "systemic racism" is that, if you (1) adjust for variables OTHER than race (i.e. median age, religion) or (2) expand the analysis to groups other than U.S. whites and blacks (i.e. Asians) the "mysterious gaps" attributed to hidden racism-always vanish."

Samuel Sey

"As long as blacks vote automatically for Democrats, while teachers unions insist on getting their money's worth, it is all but inevitable that the education of black children will be sacrificed in the public schools wherever the Democrats are in control."

Thomas Sowell

"I don't find the scientific study of "race" scary at all.  If there WERE large genetic gaps between racisl groups in the USA, anything from targeted immigration to encouraging inter-racial dating to moderate/legal private sector "eugenics" could close those in three generations."


"Derek Chauvin may well be acquitted.  He was a BAD COP who KILLED a guy, but the media framing him as an outspoken racist, intentional murder, etc, seems to basically be false.  There's @ a 50/50 chance a jury is made aware of this at trial and doesn't convict on 2D murder."

"Slave dungeons were horrible, slave ships were horrible, slave plantations were horrible too.   Yet Planned Parenthood and abortion centers have killed more black people and in more horrific ways than slave dungeons, slave plantations, and slave ships combined."

Wilfred Reilly


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

What does BVMLTT mean?

Craig said...

Black voices matter, listen to them.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Now THAT's funny!

Craig said...

After being hectored by Dan to listen to “black voices”, I felt like a series that included some voices he’s likely to be unaware of would be helpful. It must be because now he’s hectoring me because I don’t post enough that agree with him. He clearly didn’t understand the concept and still can’t grasp that I read and listen to much more than I post.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'll give you a black voice to listen to: Taleeb Starkes. Here are some citations from his book.

Craig said...

I’m always looking to broaden my horizons. Clearly it’s insane to think that it’s possible, let alone reasonable, to listen to all black voices but I’m always open to new ones.