Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Readin', Writin', Arithmatic



We've all seen the dismal results of those who demand that we maintain the status quo in our education system and just continue to throw more money at the Dept of Education, teachers unions, and school districts.   We see the literacy rates at or below 50% and the ability to do math a grade level around the same level    We see kids passed on and graduated because they won't do the work.   But this is something new.  


A Connecticut high school graduated   Anna Ortiz WITH HONORS, despite her lack of being able to read and write.   This is freaking outrageous.   I get it if it's some schmo who isn't motivated and whatever, it's the path of least resistance.  But this girl is, apparently, reasonably intelligent.   The school just never taught her how to freaking READ and WRITE.

To all y'all who  spout the NEA propaganda, just shut the hell up.   This is on you. 


Marshal Art said...

I chose the Newsweek link to peruse and I went on a tangent reviewing all of their stuff on the Zelensky issue. That's for another time.

But for this, this girl seems to have a learning disability which was not properly addressed throughout K-12. That's incredibly bad enough, though it's also incredibly wonderful that she was able to achieve nonetheless, no thanks to her school. But there are many others who somehow are accepted to colleges and universities without the excuse of a disability, yet must take remedial (as in elementary) reading and math courses in order to have any hope of achieving collegiate success. This girl's is a story which is right and just and necessary to tell. But for the rest of them, that needs more attention as well.

Craig said...

Well, Newsweek is an revered source of real journalism.

The very fact that we have an epidemic of students who can't do the most basic, foundational, things that school is supposed to teach (yet graduate) is ridiculous.

While this girl was able to reach some accommodations, it sounds as if she should have been able to learn to read and write, but that the schools took the easier route and failed to give her those basic skills.

Craig said...


I think i accidentally deleted your comment. Please re submit and I'll post it.

The more I think about it, I think what bothers me the most is that she graduated with honors. It seems like reading and writing are the foundation of education and anyone who can't do them shouldn't graduate with honors.