Saturday, August 17, 2019


More violence and destruction in Portland, liberal racism is on display, I wonder if the usual suspects will continue their silent support of these leftists.  

I know, I know, it’s all right wing extremists.


Dan Trabue said...

I have no idea what you're talking about here and I'm interested in hearing you explain. The news reports I've seen so far have only said that right wing protesters were out and antifa protesters were out protesting the right-wing extremists. The reports I've seen do not say who caused the violence. Why are you assuming that this is caused by antifa when they were also right-wing zealots there? What is racist about antifas Behavior? Maybe there is something there, I'm just not seeing it in the news reports that I've read. Are you relying upon some kind of right-wing zealots website for your "information?" That could be the problem.

Marshal Art said...

But Craig! The usual suspects have already said they oppose such things. Plus, they're too busy focusing on alleged right-wing violence. They don't have time for the left-wing stuff.

Craig said...

Then you haven’t been watching. The “right wing” folks left, and your folx beat people, destroyed property and did what they usually do.

Of course you were silent the last time Portland ANTIFA beat someone bad enough to require hospitalization.

But silence on leftist violence is your jam.

Craig said...

They’re fine with bland general opposition when it’s their folx, but are more specific when it’s not.

Craig said...

Oh, I forgot the leftist racists shouting racist insults at a black cop.

Of course the body armor and weapons don’t mean anything.

Craig said...

I’m sure the fact that Dan hasn’t see the video from Portland has absolutely nothing to do with how the media covers this kind of thing.

Dan Trabue said...

Cite a source. Or be recognized as just some crank trading in rumors and conspiracy theories.

Dan Trabue said...

All these guys... the deviant fascists and the idiots who oppose them violently... sound like morons. But we should not miss the point that the anti fascists would not be violent in the first place if it weren't for the deviant and dangerous fascists being out and normalized and empowered by the Trump types...

Craig said...

What, are you too lazy or scared to do your own research on this?

Craig said...

Look, you managed to hide your head in the sand when your ANTIFA brethren beat a journalist (a gay one which should make them homophobic), so why should this be any different.

If you can’t condemn a bunch of your folx in head to to black, with body armor, shields and balaclavas engaging in violence and racist verbal assault on a police officer, you just simply have no credibility to complain about anything.

If your too damn lazy to find your own sources, I’m certainly not going to enable your laziness.

Dan Trabue said...

As I said already... I LOOKED. I DIDN'T FIND ANYTHING that supports your claim.

There is nothing lazy in looking and not finding. You play this vague, nameless game and expect people to take you seriously and we just don't. You are a pathetic joke and I, for my part, am an idiot for wasting my my time with you.

Cite your fucking source, you weaselly sack of shit. Or don't. Either way, you remain a joke.

Dan Trabue said...

The irony in a story about fascists and anti fascists, you can't find it in you to condemn the God damned fascists.

Craig said...

You just can’t do it, can you. You can’t specifically condemn a bunch of leftists dressed head to robin black with balaclavas and helmets to hide their identities, armed and hiding behind shields. You have to blame someone else. You can’t condemn the violent attack on an unarmed gay journalist, because it doesn’t fit your fantasy.

Try google. AnNTIFA Portland, ANTIFA Andy Ngo, ANTIFA Uncle Tom, ANTIFA assault with hammer, ANTIFA attacks bus.

It’s not that hard. I think Yoda had some words of wisdom about trying.

Craig said...

Given my past specific condemnation of “fascists”, white supremacists, etc, I didn’t see the need to repeat myself in a post specifically about the violent, left wing, black uniformed thugs, who apparently get a pass from Portland and you.

Just to cover my bases.

Fascists are bad. Left wing fascists and right wing fascists are bad. Racists are bad, Left wing racists are bad. Right wing racists are bad. Anti Semitism is the moral, if not actual, equivalent of racism, therefore it’s bad, as are those who engage in it.

But, it doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll still stay silent, find excuses, or blame someone else.

Craig said...

When Trump is allegedly anti Semitic it’s horrible. When Hillary, Talib, Omar etc are anti Semitic it’s just one more thing to ignore.

Marshal Art said...

I haven't checked out stories about Trump's "disloyal Jews" comments. I feel confident I know the just without doing so. The Democratic Party is not the Jew's best friend, and less so than ever before given the election of omar and Tlaib, who have supplanted Keith Ellison as the most blatant anti-Semites in the US Congress.

And you're right, Craig, to point out the hypocrisy of the deranged Trump-haters, some of whom continue to perpetuate proven lies, such as the "good nazis" lie.

Craig said...

Trump's disloyal Jews comments seem like the equivalent of people who said that Kennedy would be beholden to the Vatican as president.

The comments were just one more example of him saying absolutely idiotic things on twitter and not having the self awareness to know how stupid he makes himself look.

Unfortunately he's providing a distraction from the actual anti Antisemitism being shown by many on the left.

It's part of the reason why I just can't bring myself to vote for him.

As you correctly point out, there is plenty of Antisemitism in the DFL and one wonders why Jews would blindly support a political party that embraces Antisemites. But telling Jews that they are disloyal the the country if they don;t support his is blatantly stupid and counterproductive.

Craig said...

I’m not sure how to deal with this crazed fantasy world that keeps showing up in my moderation folder.

Craig said...

Only to someone completely bereft of any sort of moral compass or intellectual honesty could a direct and simple criticism of Trump’s comments be twisted into support for Trump.

Marshal Art said...

"Trump's disloyal Jews comments seem like the equivalent of people who said that Kennedy would be beholden to the Vatican as president."

I see no similarity whatsoever. The Kennedy rap was assumption based on anti-Catholic bias. The Trump comment is an expression of wonder regarding Jewish support for a party that is against them and Israel. Many...myself included...have the same wonderment regarding black support for the Democratic Party. Support from Jews and blacks just doesn't make any sense. It's like voting for your own destruction.

As regards to whom the Jews are disloyal, I'm quite certain Trump meant disloyal to Israel.

"I’m not sure how to deal with this crazed fantasy world that keeps showing up in my moderation folder."

I utilize the delete button, and then carry on with my day.

"Only to someone completely bereft of any sort of moral compass or intellectual honesty could a direct and simple criticism of Trump’s comments be twisted into support for Trump."

Really. If, say, Glenn or Stand or somebody like them said that feo raped puppies (Dan loves that kind of question) and you told the person it wasn't true and the person would either need to provide proof or never say it again, would you be supporting feo? Or, if feo or Dan had in their cold, black hearts to rebuke someone who said it of you, would they then be Craig supporters? It's hackery and Trump-hatred provoking that idiocy of a connection, not honesty or integrity or honor.

Craig said...

Dan did just acknowledge that he’s ok with allowing Feo to lie with impunity on his blog.