Friday, August 16, 2019

Muslim ban

“The Muslim Ban is real:

Saudi Arabia

Are the Muslim majority countries Israelis are banned from entering.

But Ilhan has nothing to say about that.”

The imam of peace

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

Just heard some details regarding her and Tlaib's unwelcome to Israel. I won't cite which one of them this is coming from, since they're of one mind on this stuff, but I believe when listening to Ben Shapiro report on it, he was referring to Omar.

They referred to traveling to "Palestine", when they were specifically going to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is Israel. "Palestine" is a fiction, as there has never been a Palestine nation, people, language or anything else until it became a good weapon to use toward the destruction of Israel. If there is no Palestine...and there truly isn't...then Jerusalem cannot truthfully be referred to as Palestine. Therefore, merely ignoring that Jerusalem is Jerusalem indicates that in Omar/Tlaib's mind, Israel doesn't exist...much in the same way Dan likes to pretend that those who don't regard same-sex unions as marriages don't acknowledge same-sex unions don't exist...which is stupid of Dan to say.

They had no intention of meeting with anyone from the Israeli government, despite saying they intended to meet with members of the Knesset after being denied entry. However, as Shapiro states, their itinerary was made public and there is no such intention listed. If they were meeting with such members as part of some other planned event or meeting, there is nothing on the itinerary to say so, and the Israelis, I suppose, were to simply assume it or take their word for it when they claimed it later.

What they have stated is their intention to meet with people and organizations with known associations with terrorist organizations or support for them, as well as publicly stated opposition to Israel and its existence, or support for boycotts against Israel. The Prime Minister stated, justly, that all are welcome to Israel except those who want to see it destroyed or harmed. That would apply to both Omar and Tlaib even if they were going simply to vacation in Israel. They are anti-Semitic haters of Israel and unabashed, unrepentant supporters of terrorists.