Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Mob Rules

As we increasingly see mobs fanning out across the country to commit crime, and to cleanse the landscape of anything they find offensive, all in the name of fighting "racism", one question keeps coming up.

How does tearing down statues of abolitionists, statues commemorating the freeing of the slaves, or statues of those who led the charge to eradicate slavery promote ending "racism"?


Marshal Art said...

That's easy. It was never about racism. Racism was just an excuse to begin the process of destroying the country as we know it in order to usher in whatever the hell these morons think will make their pathetic lives if it actually will. If these miscreants knew any history at all, they'd not have destroyed the types of statues and monuments you mentioned...or, they're well aware and don't care because of their true intentions. They have enough chumps to support their efforts when they should be met with the harshest legal force necessary to thwart their evil efforts. If there is anyone who should enjoy the law turning a blind eye, it should be citizens willing to push back against these idiots...not the idiots themselves.

Stan said...

Have you heard? Statues of Jesus are next.

Craig said...

Only, statues portraying Jesus as a "white" person.

One of the thing that I've always thought was cool about Christianity was that it's always been appropriate to portray Jesus in ways that reflect the culture and ethnicity of those who worship Him.

The problem with this idiocy, is that by that logic, any statues of Jesus that don't portray Him as a 1st century Jewish man should also be destroyed.

Things have definitely moved beyond protests about "systemic racism", to a free for all to attack and destroy anything that crosses their path, regardless of the logic (or lack of) involved.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

In all the acres of media reporting on the Confederate leaders, scarcely anyone has pointed out that they were all Democrats. In fact, the whole point of the campaign to topple Confederate statues is to disguise it. It is an effort not at historical exposition but at historical concealment. The point of blaming the Confederacy is to blame slavery entirely on the South, and the point of blaming the South is to blame the party that is now politically dominant in the South, namely the Republican Party. Thus the left targets Confederate statues in order to promote its big lie that racism and white supremacy are the province of the right.

Dinesh D’Souza, Death of a Nation, pg.50

Craig said...


I’ve seen it pointed out pretty frequently. But, who cares about history when you can appeal to magic?

Craig said...

This may seem strange, but it might be interesting to see some consistency form the mobs in what they target.

It seems strange that abolitionists, suffragettes, and old white senators would be knocked down in the name of eradicating racism.

It seems strange to see things born out of explicit racism, being ignored while statues of abolitionists get trashed.