Monday, November 24, 2014


Am I the only person who thinks that all of the build up to the grand jury decision is just a bit racist? It seems that the message being sent is "Hey, black folks, we don't think you can react to news that you don't like without violence. So, we're going to assume and prepare for the worst." Seriously, don't we teach our kids how to react to disappointing news? In what culture (subculture) is violence an appropriate response to disappointment? Were folks really worried about the white folks rioting of the grand jury indicted? I'm sorry, it just seems like expecting the worst based entirely on the race of the people involved is an incredibly shallow and racist position to take. For the record, I'm not taking a position on what "should" happen beyond hoping that the members of the grand jury diligently and honestly examine the evidence and make their decision based on the evidence, not based on the possibility that folks will react badly if they don't choose the "safe" route.


I guess the folks in Ferguson decided after calm and rational discussion that the best way to air their grievances was to get a sniper to take shots at two innocent men.    Thank God, they weren't killed.