Thursday, September 22, 2022

Science, dammit, Science! Plus other random stuff.

Well, we've got Biden announcing the end of the pandemic, and his team scrambling to walk it back.  

We've got Stacy Abrams claiming that the heartbeat that is audible and visible at 6 weeks is a "manufactured sound".  


After Biden calls his political opponents "semi fascists and a threat to democracy" an 18 year old conservative is run down and killed  by Shannon Brandt because the kid was a Republican.   

Two former MPLS city officials (DFL and incidentally Muslim) were part of a large group of people indicted for stealing millions from funds intended for children's nutrition.

An investigation reveals some disturbing things happening at Vanderbilt transgender clinic.

"The best math you can learn is how to calculate the cost of your future decisions."

VJ Stoic Wealth



Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Frowny Face Emoji

 Apparently the notion that I should be able to go away for a couple of days with my wife, have day long training events at work, and have regular work to do without getting Dan's permission or announcing it makes Dan unhappy. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

More random stuff, some from black voices


According to the table in the post, 47% of blacks are able to read at a basic level, while 18% are proficient.  Is it reasonable to assign the difference between racial/ethnic groups entirely to "racism"?    Isn't it possible that there are other factors that would improve these numbers?

A "Trans Rights" group posted a meme that points out that 98% of straight men are unwilling to date "trans women" because of "hatred".    Their conclusion is, "THIS HAS TO CHANGE".     

I guess I'd start with the obvious, that their claim appears to have no supporting data.  Couldn't it be True that men won't date "trans women", because they're heterosexual and don't want to date another guy?  No matter how the other guy presents themselves?    Couldn't it also be True that this aversion to dating "trans women" isn't because of "hatred", but for other reasons?   Couldn't it be because many men would want to date someone with whom they might someday want to impregnate and conceive a child?  

Note:  Obviously some % of women are incapable of conceiving a child.  Yet in most cases, the only way to find out about this is to attempt to conceive,  and in some cases there are medical interventions that can allow conception or implantation of a embryo in the womb of the woman.    We all know that the possibility of a "trans woman" conceiving is zero.

For the last couple of years we've been told that "transitioning" children will prevent them from committing suicide.  Now we we data that calls that narrative into question.   Will those who worship Science and Data now reconsider their narrative an follow the Science?


"We have created nearly ten thousand million jobs since President Biden took office."

Karine jean-Pierre

Apparently, if you're a man, and you're attracted to the lady parts of a woman (hopefully we can leave it at lady parts), then your simply expressing a "fetish".     Strangely enough, this "fetish" is literally one of the main mechanisms that Evolution uses to propagate virtually all mammalian species.  So much for following the Science.

Just one more reminder that the tens of millions of dollars donated to BLM remain mostly unaccounted for and haven't been (so far as anyone knows) spent on actual poor black people.

But, the "experts"...


As recently as the aftermath of the 2016 election Karine Jean-Pierre said that the 2016 election was "stolen" and praised Jimmy Carter for saying that "Trump didn't actually win".  She also made public statements about convincing the EC to reject Trump.      Yet somehow that's OK.  

Thursday, September 1, 2022

I'm Torn This news has been bouncing around my social media feeds all day, and to he honest I'm torn about it. I literally have potential clients that would benefit from this program. I will likely use this as an incentive to encourage new clients to consider buying homes. To be honest, why wouldn't I? As long as my clients meet the qualifications set by BOA, then what would possibly prevent me from finding these qualified clients a new home? BUT, there's the other side of this. This program is by any rational definition I am aware of racist and discriminitory. Unlike the other legal discrimination in the RE world (55+), this is very simply discrimination based primarily or entirely based on "race". Once might wonder how elegibility for this program would be determined? Will they require a 23 and Me DNA test result? Will it be based on the "eye test", what about a couple composed of one black person and one white person? Will a black Hispanic get a higher preference than someone who's just black? While this might be well intentined, it seems like a recipe for disaster. It is interesting to see how blatant "woke" discrimination gets treated though.