Thursday, September 22, 2022

Science, dammit, Science! Plus other random stuff.

Well, we've got Biden announcing the end of the pandemic, and his team scrambling to walk it back.  

We've got Stacy Abrams claiming that the heartbeat that is audible and visible at 6 weeks is a "manufactured sound".  


After Biden calls his political opponents "semi fascists and a threat to democracy" an 18 year old conservative is run down and killed  by Shannon Brandt because the kid was a Republican.   

Two former MPLS city officials (DFL and incidentally Muslim) were part of a large group of people indicted for stealing millions from funds intended for children's nutrition.

An investigation reveals some disturbing things happening at Vanderbilt transgender clinic.

"The best math you can learn is how to calculate the cost of your future decisions."

VJ Stoic Wealth




Marshal Art said...

---Use of the word "pandemic" always rubbed me wrongly. They couldn't say it enough as if the mere mention indicated death and destruction, rather than simply a worldwide experience with the virus, which was never as deadly as advertised or reported to have been.

---Abrams wasn't wrong. The heartbeat was manufactured by God and the parents to conceived the child.

---There is no greater threat to our republic more radical and extremist group...than the Democratic Party and those who vote for them. The notion that "domestic terrorism" as this administration and its useful idiots expect us to understand it is a lie. Now we're hearing from FBT whistleblowers it is more manufactured than anything Stacey Abrams has the honesty and intelligence to understand.

---Is this worse than what Brett Favre allegedly did? By the way...should we have noticed what amounted to as local a story as yours was, while Colin Kaepernick's antics were broadcast nationwide?

---Tucker Carlson reported on several large and well known clinics and hospitals butchering and chemically castrating minors...something we were assured wasn't happening. All to promote and enable disorder as normal and healthy. The left is evil.

---Great quote.

Craig said...

It's interesting the lengths people will go to in order to excuse stupidity. Abrams claim was that the sound heard on an ultrasound was "manufactured" with the intent to "convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body".

Craig said...


It seems like the term pandemic was technically appropriate even if it tends to make things sounds worse than they were/are.

That's True, but not what she means. I guess you could argue that the mechanism used to reproduce, amplify, and broadcast the sound are technically, sort of manufacturing, as long as you used that term for every other similar situation. Even if she's technically not wrong, it's still an absurd statement.

Given the scope of the theft, I would argue that it was worse. Given the fact that these were actually employed by a governmental entity, I'd argue that it was worse. Given the fact that they were literally taking food out of children's mouths, I'd say it was worse.

Not to say that the Favre thing isn't bad, I'm thinking that this was worse. I'd argue that if the Favre money was actually spent to pay employees, that it might not even be wrong, just unseemly. I've heard way more national reporting on Favre, than this.

Folx like Dan keep insisting that this crap doesn't happen, and that there are protocols in place to prevent it, yet we keep seeing more and more examples that is does happen. It's repulsive to see these people pushing these sorts of procedures just to make a profit.

Marshal Art said...

I hadn't heard of the Favre situation prior to Dan's troll mentioning it, as if it was nationally made known in the way Kaepernick's protest of fiction was. Since then, I've read a couple of updates, none of which suggests Favre was personally involved in anything more than seeking funding for a volleyball court. That is to say, he wasn't directly involved in from what source the money was procured. In any case, it still hasn't the national impact that a bullshit protest about an imaginary problem has, especially when there had been so many who have responded to the notion the problem exists in such violent ways. The troll is simply one more moron promoting the false narrative of race-hustlers as truth and as such, is complicit in all the violent responses which are provoked by it. I think the proper term is "brutalizing".

As bad as the embezzlement of welfare money is, your story is still a local one. As such, I wouldn't expect to hear about it down here in SC, or even in my former location in IL. In any case, I hope the perpetrators are punished if found guilty to the fullest extent of the law, and all funds returned or replaced.

I think it's safe to say that Abrams is just one more Dem moron Dem voters somehow and inexplicably find worthy of support. When one considers the typical Dem politician these days, it becomes more and more concerning they get any support at all. There is talk about what is mainstream and what is extremist and when such talk comes from the left, it illustrates just how off the rails they've become. A Tulsi Gabbard was once the worst one might encounter in an election. Now, the left disregards her...if not outright rejects her. And they do this in favor of the most radical and outrageous preferences which would never have been considered by the typical Democrat even fifty years ago. How can the murder of the unborn be "mainstream" in any sense of the term? How can blatant and unmistakable sexual perversion and disorder draw so much support? Indeed, when even so many GOP members of the House of Reps supported this damnable "Respect For Marriage Act" lie, it is a very sad sign of just how corrupt our national culture has become.

Getting back to Stacey "I'm the real governor" Abrams, who doesn't get any rebuke from Trump-hating leftists for insisting the Georgia election for governor was rigged against her, her position on fetal heartbeat is not only stupidly anti-male, it is easily found to be false if she had any integrity. But then, she's a Democrat:
Folks like Dan will always lie about anything which exposes the LGBT agenda for the abomination it is. It can't be anything else just because "folks like Dan" want it to be, wish it was and argues we must regard it so or there's something wrong with us. It's how fakes roll.

Craig said...

I'd heard about the Favre stuff more on sports radio than anything else. One reason that it's probably not a bigger story is because it doesn't sound like he actually did anything wrong at this point. If he's indicted, it'll get more traction.

Yes, it is more of a local story. Yet there are plenty of local stories that get covered beyond their locality. I'd argue that the MPLS terrorist pipeline was a local story that broke nationally. I think the fact that it's literally people working in government (DFL) who stole millions from a program for feeding children would have made it huge if it wasn't a bunch of immigrant democrats.

Abrams is just as vehement in her denial of election results as Trump, yet gets a pass like Hillary and the rest.

Yes, folx like Dan will always slant things in ways that benefit their positions and values, even to the point of repeating or telling lies.