Thursday, September 1, 2022

I'm Torn This news has been bouncing around my social media feeds all day, and to he honest I'm torn about it. I literally have potential clients that would benefit from this program. I will likely use this as an incentive to encourage new clients to consider buying homes. To be honest, why wouldn't I? As long as my clients meet the qualifications set by BOA, then what would possibly prevent me from finding these qualified clients a new home? BUT, there's the other side of this. This program is by any rational definition I am aware of racist and discriminitory. Unlike the other legal discrimination in the RE world (55+), this is very simply discrimination based primarily or entirely based on "race". Once might wonder how elegibility for this program would be determined? Will they require a 23 and Me DNA test result? Will it be based on the "eye test", what about a couple composed of one black person and one white person? Will a black Hispanic get a higher preference than someone who's just black? While this might be well intentined, it seems like a recipe for disaster. It is interesting to see how blatant "woke" discrimination gets treated though.


Marshal Art said...

It'll never end. Those who cry loudest about discrimination are the most racist people around.

Craig said...

If you mean "racist" as in it's original definition, yes. If you mean by it's new definition, maybe not.

Marshal Art said...

A good point. One must always remember the left's penchant for redefining words, terms and concepts to push their demonic agenda. Thus, clarity is more important than ever.

Craig said...

If someone controls the language they control so much more. It's why the Brits banned Afrikaans from public life when they took over control of South Africa.