Friday, April 30, 2021

38th and Chicago

WCCO TV just did a story about the holy ground that BLM consecrated at 38th and Chicago.   I’ve written before about the fact that the Floyd memorial is harming local businesses and residents, but tonight revealed a new low.   

According to recordings of 911 calls, the police wouldn’t respond to at least one domestic violence victim because of the autonomous zone which doesn’t allow police to enter,

It’s been clear for a while that all black lives don’t matter equally, but this is beyond belief.

I can’t get the link to post from my phone, but it’s WCCO TV 10:00 news Friday April 30 if you’re too impatient to wait until I post the link.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


As we wait for the jury to render their verdict in the Chauvin case, I wanted to mention a couple of outcomes that aren't talked about very much.   


------ (edit)

 Apparently this verdict will be announced within the next hour.  

Yet, crowds of black voices fill the streets of downtown Minneapolis chanting "Burn it down!".    One has to wonder if we'll see fires in Minneapolis no matter what the verdict is.  

The pro Floyd/BLM folks have a choice to make regarding how they respond.    What that choice is will seemingly shape these discussions for the forseeable future.



1.  The hung jury.   I think that it's possible/likely that there are one or two people on the jury who will end up at one of the extremes (2nd degree murder or acquittal)  and who aren't going to budge.   I think it's possible, but less likely, that some on the jury will be swayed by the pressure and adopt a contrary position as a way to protect themselves from reprisals.    No matter that the reason, I think that a hung jury is possible.   The problem I see is that those who are ready to protest/riot are so uninformed regarding the workings of the judicial system that they will see a hung jury as the same thing as an acquittal.   I suspect they'll be more incensed if Chauvin gets bail.    The question is- Will a hung jury lead to rioting?    I suspect it will.   

The secondary issues around a hung jury are the reality that the prosecution against the other cops gets put on indefinite hold, and that the prosecution's case isn't going to be any better if they choose to retry Chauvin.

2.  Over conviction.    I and those in the legal profession I've talked to, do not see how either of the murder charges fits the facts of the case, and that the manslaughter charges are not particularly well suited either.   I think that a 3rd degree manslaughter conviction will lead to riots, although I can see the jury thinking that it's a good compromise.    But,  if they convict him of 2nd degree murder, then the issue becomes the appellate process.    There are multiple grounds for appeal, the timing of the settlement announcement and the Waters incitement are the two most obvious.     But, let's say Chauvin gets convicted of murder 2 and promptly appeals.    I think that it's likely that murder 2 gets overturned on appeal after years in the system.    The question then is-  Do people riot 3 years from now if Chauvin gets the conviction overturned on appeal?

What's interesting to watch is the National Guard FOB right down the street from my office.  They've taken over two hotels and turned them into the staging area for the NG.   They've also called in reinforcements from LEO in other states.   On top of that are the number of businesses that are already boarded up in anticipation.   The reality is that if there is rioting, there is absolutely no rational way to place responsibility on anyone except those on the political left.   I know people will try, but it's simply not going to represent reality.   

Finally,  I can't think of anything that fits the words and actions of Maxine Waters better that inciting insurrection.   She (and others) are literally threatening anything from confrontation to rioting if they don't get the verdict they want.    

"insurrection : an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government."


Given that the judicial system is an established branch of the civil government of the state of MN, and that the threat is to revolt against the verdict rendered by this branch of the government, it seems like insurrection fits this situation pretty well.

On another topic.  Remember the Capitol Police officer beaten to death with a fire extinguisher?   Remember how the media covered his death?   Well, it seems that he wasn't actually beaten to death with a fire extinguisher and died of natural causes.  Do you think we'll see front page headlines with the Truth of the story anytime soon?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Progressive Christian's take on COVID

 While I'm not suggesting that is is a widely held view among those who identify as progressive christians, the author of the piece below certainly identifies as a progressive christian.   While I'm certainly not defending those who identify as Evangelical, I've definitely seen news headlines criticizing "evangelicals" for bearing responsibility for the continued spread of COVID because some don't want to get vaccinated.   I've also heard folks accuse "conservatives" of being quick to fall for "conspiracy theories", but this sounds just about as crazy as anything I've heard from the Q idiots. 









"I am entertaining the thought that the COVID Operation is a biological attack in addition to being a psychological attack. I think this “virus” is real in that there are biological agents that have been released purposely and are causing illness and for the most vulnerable, death. I also think these so-called “vaccines” make up the centerpiece of this biological attack. These vaccines also are bioweapons and likely far more damaging than the so-called “virus” itself. According to Dr. Judy Mikovits, these experimental jabs could kill 50 million Americans. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny not only agrees with that figure but adds that many injured by the injections would wish they were dead. Of course, you won’t hear from these doctors in the mainstream news. 

The global oligarchs are out to kill us with a manufactured virus and its cure. A one-two punch. The masks, social distancing, vax pressure, and relentless fear porn from all of our institutions including the church, education, governments, and especially the controlled media, is the psychological attack. We are now for the most part, a bunch of simpering, muzzled, media-fed morons who have lost all ability to think for ourselves.

I shouldn’t be so harsh on my fellow humans. This is in the end, a spiritual attack. Satan is a smart fella. Smarter than 95% of evangelical leaders who say they will get the injection and 89% of them will instruct their parishioners to do the same. Not in that number is one of the last true Christian pastors, Dr. Chuck Baldwin, who calls this COVID scam “the most evil hoax ever perpetrated on the human race.”

I stand proudly with Pastor Baldwin. As he points out, this is the Tribulation, the rise of the antichrist, and humanity is under a cloud of massive deception. Pastor Baldwin writes:

The devilish powers that manufactured the phony Covid pandemic used fear and intimidation to coerce people—especially Christian people—to accept mandatory mask-wearing as a precursor to coercing them into accepting the Orwellian (or should I say antichrist) vaccine passports.

As I have said repeatedly, I will say again: The entire Covid narrative—including mandatory masks, social distancing, forced lockdowns and now vaccines and vaccine passports—is a totalitarian tool of the spirit of antichrist as a launching pad for global enslavement. The entire Covid narrative mirrors to a T the warnings of John the Revelator regarding the identifying marks of antichrist.

If the demonic powers promoting this narrative are allowed to have their way, we will not be able to work, travel, buy or sell without a vaccine passport. Even a Bible-reading fifth grader can understand the antichrist nature of such tyranny. So, why can’t evangelical pastors?

He goes on to answer his own question regarding the Mark of the Beast. The problem is the phony belief in the “Rapture” coupled with Christian Zionism.

But the fact of the matter is that the evangelical church has been lying down and tolerating almost every imaginable evil for the past half century or longer. Why? Largely because of the false “Rapture” doctrine of Darby and Scofield. And the false Rapture doctrine is predicated upon their false doctrines of Zionism.

In my series of five messages (on one DVD) entitled The Rise Of The Beast: Coronavirus And Antichrist, there is a message entitled The Scofield Rapture: A False Escape From The Beast. I urge readers to watch it.

Acceptance of Scofield’s fallacious Rapture theory has tranquilized the thinking and sedated the spirit of evangelicals. It has convinced them that any act resembling the spirit of antichrist—no matter how vile—must not be real, because they have not been “raptured” to heaven yet. They have been brainwashed into believing that all things antichrist must always be future; that they will only occur during a future Israel-based “tribulation.”

As a result of this strong devilish deception, the evangelical church has lost its saltiness (Matthew 5:13); and evangelical pastors and so-called Christian leaders by the tens of thousands have become vassals of the kingdom of antichrist.

My denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), has fallen in lockstep with the Covidian Cult. Recently, my presbytery encouraged pastors to take pictures of themselves “getting the jab” and to post the photos on social media so their parishioners will comply. Most of the churches in my denomination have not even met in person in over a year. In a document about “reopening” this guideline was offered:

Keeping a log of every person who enters our facilities, when they were there, and where they sit. The log should include names and contact numbers.  The article suggests labeling pews and assigning seats or table numbers.  The log should be maintained for at least three weeks.

Having an individual or staff person identified to maintain registration logs. This person may be the logical choice to be the point of contact with local health authorities.

Seriously? Report all worshipers to the government. Thankfully, I attend worship at a church with no masks, no distancing, no vaccine pushing, and no fearful nonsense. I have been attending regularly for about ten months and I have found it to be the most important thing I do each week for my spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

I used to think Satan was a mythological figure and that the Book of Revelation had already come to pass symbolically in the first century. I no longer think that way. The Tribulation that Revelation and the Gospels reveal is real and is just beginning.

The persecution has already begun with truth-telling doctors, journalists, scholars, and other courageous writers being censored, de-platformed, banned, ridiculed, “disabled”, and slandered. It will get worse before it gets better.

The Good News is that it will get better. Christ is Risen. Christ will not be mocked. Christ will bring home his own."

Saturday, April 10, 2021


I know that Dan will see the source of this testimony and immediately discount that actual testimony because of where it's published, because we all know that it's rational to discount something because of where it's published.

Now, I know that Dan has prudly posted his CV elsewhere and that he's got quite an impressive CV to be proud of.  But don't you think that someone with a background in astrophysics is better able to assess the evidence than Dan?

I know she's not in the majority, but she is a woman, so that's in her favor.  The real question is what happens when people look at the evidence, not the narrative. 


 "Instead of demonizing and using race as a weapon, let us move beyond racial divisions and practice RADICAL GRACE, seeing my neighbor as an individual human being lust like me.  Our communities need stronger ties and unity to help the least among us and chart a path forward for all."

Bob Woodson

"I have this feeling that Black Conservatism is going to save this nation.  Black Americans have to go back to the basics of what made them successful in years past.  A culture in strong family values, hard work, and a emphasis in education to produce skilled workers and business owners to develop their communities.  

Barrington Martin II

Misplaced loyalty

For months Dan has been touting BLM as a force for good in the world, yet he's also demanded that we "listen to black voices", he's also used the Breonna Taylor case as an example, so what happens when those worlds collide?

 "I've watched y'all raise money on behalf of Breonna's  family who has never done a damn thing for us, nor have we needed or asked, so Talk about fraud."

Tamika Palmer, (Taylor's mother)

I think I'll give her voice more weight than Dan's.


 For months Dan has been exalting the wonderfulness of the BLM organization and  praising them for all of the blessings they've bestowed on society.   

Yet,  a recent study projects that 300 people weren't killed by the police (I know that trying to prove that something didn't happen is problematic), but ignores the fact that there were thousands of additional murders during the time periiod of the study.

There have been multiple people writing about the massive amount of money raised by BLM, and the absolute impossibility of finding out what it was spent on.  Well, now we know one thing.  Admitted "trained Marxist" Patrisse Cullors has decided that she needs a 1.4 million dollar compound in the heard of an area virtually devoid of actual black people.  We also know, that very little if any of the BLM fortune has gone to the black families that are victimized or the the black communities that their leaders so quickly abandon for the move "to Bel Air'".

Of course BLM scrubbed their website of their actual founding beliefs when those were made public, and the very event that led to their founding is based on a false narrative.  

I haven't even mentioned the "peaceful protests" that they organized last summer, and how much they helped the local black community.  Or the business owners and landlords that they are slowly driving out of business at 38th and Chicago.

But let's listen to some black voices.

This is one of several podcasts about BLM, that are very well researched, and detailed.

"As I've often said, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history."

DB Harrison

"Black Lives Matter is the greatest American grift of all time and it's truely sad how easily Blacks are manipulated with racial identity."

Barrington Martin II

"Given a choice to live anywhere, Marxist BLM Co-Founder buys home far away from the Black Lives that Matter."

Virgil Walker

I've posted plenty more of these over the past year and see no reason to post those again.

It just seems strange how many people are willing to praise these folks when there is so much about their organization that raises so many questions.  

"If George Floyd's murderer is not sentenced, just know that all hell is going to break loose.  Don't be surprised when buildings are on fire.  Just saying." 

Maya Nichols (White BLM activist)

Friday, April 9, 2021

Fool me once..,

 Twice in the last week I made the mistake of getting sucked into a thread about how fast choo-choo trains are the answer to all of our transportation fantasies.    

The prayer of a progressive christian

“Dear God,

Please help me to hate wh1te people. Or at least to want to hate them. At least, I want to stop caring about them, individually and collectively. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.”

[…]”Lord, if it be your will, harden my heart. Stop me from striving to see the best in people. Stop me from being hopeful that White people can do and be better.

[…]”Let me see them as hopelessly unrepentant, reprobate bigots who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit and who need to be handed over to the evil one.”



I'm not sure that this fits in with the whole "Love your enemies" ethic that Jesus taught, but who really cares about that sort of thing, right?


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Narratives demolished

 If you are committed to a particular narrative, have built a movement on trumpeting this particular narrative, and find data that "demolish"es that narrative wouldn't continuing to push that narrative be lying?    Would pushing a narrative that is "demolish"ed by data qualify as a stupid lie, or a conspiracy theory?    What about the tens of millions of dollars raised based on this narrative, couldn't someone argue that it was collected fraudulently?  Or that it should be returned?

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Want to get away with murder?

 It's pretty easy.  Apparently you just need to kill a "brown" guy in DC if you're "black", and you'll get off with virtually zero punishment of consequences. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


 The hopes of all of those who believe that the large amount of drugs George Floyd ingested had absolutely nothing to do with his death, took a hit today.   Floyd’s dealer who was with him when this all went down, refused to testify today (through his lawyer) because he’s afraid that his testimony will  be used to convict him of 3rd degree murder.  It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the prosecution was holding off on charging him to see how the trial goes.    Thinking that convicting someone is better than convicting no one.    

Monday, April 5, 2021


 I saw a post that said that there are 20,000,000 "AR-15"s in private ownership in the US.   For the purposes of this post, I see no reason to dispute this figure.   But if we look at another statistic we find something else interesting.   364.   

364 what, you might ask.    364 instances of a murder victim being killed by a rifle.   That's not just "AR-15"s, that's ALL rifles.    

But, there's one more relevant statistic, the category of "firearms, type not stated".    Well, if we were to assume that every single murder in this category was committed by an "AR-15", we'd add another 3,281 to the total.    That leaves us with a maximum of 3,635 possible murders committed by 20,000,000 "AR-15"s.

If my math is correct, that makes 0.00018225% of all of the "AR-15"s are used in murders.    

While I have no desire to diminish the tragedy of those deaths, or to support the apprehension, conviction, and imprisonment, of every single one of these murderers,  I can't help but think that preventing law abiding people from owning AR platform guns is going to make an impact on the number of murders going forward.   It's almost like taking a step that will have virtually zero statistical effect on murders.  

Is it possible that the case to ban "assault weapons" is not based on making a dent in the numbers of crimes committed, but on some other goal?

I'm curious

 If you were reading through someone's social media posts and came across some information that was presented as fact at the time (although really it was unconfirmed), then later proven to be false, would you say anything?  

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Immigrants (Updated)

 The Biden administration prevented a record number of immigrants from entering the US and has record numbers of kids in cages.

I’m guessing this isn’t what his supporters thought they were voting for.


Apparently Biden is going to keep the Trump refugee cap numbers in place as well.   


I'm guessing this wasn't what his supporters thought they were voting for?


" It's not like staying on Trump's path was a viable option for those of us concerned about immigrants."

 Apparently, it is a viable path for Biden.


" "The Biden administration is acting on a number of fronts to reverse Trump-era restrictions on immigration to the United States. The steps include
* plans to boost refugee admissions,"

 Apparently it's not doing this. 


" The Biden administration has said it will increase the number of refugees admitted to the country. The new proposed admission caps would be 62,500 refugees for the current 2021 fiscal year and 125,000 for the 2022 fiscal year, which starts in October."

 I guess they were mistaken, or lying.  




How many of these hundreds of thousands of folks flocking across our southern border have heir vaccine passports?

Isiah 53


 Who has believed our message
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
    and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
    nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
He was despised and rejected by mankind,
    a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
    he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
By oppression[a] and judgment he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
    for the transgression of my people he was punished.[b]
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
    and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.

10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
    and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,
    he will see the light of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many,
    and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g]
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
    and made intercession for the transgressors.



I haven't read the entirety of the new GA voter law, but I've read enough to think that it's possible that it's been at least partly misrepresented for political purposes, and the reality is that it'll likely end up in court anyway.  

What's interesting in all of this is that MLB has decided to pull the All Star Game from ATL because of this controversy.   Selfishly, I'd be happy to see it back in KC and make a big deal out of the NBL 100th anniversary that got overtaken by COVID and do some cool stuff with the NLBM.    

What I think is interesting is that ATL's population is roughly 60% black, and it seems safe to assume that a significant percentage of the ballpark employees (concessions, maintenance, parking, merch) are black.  It also seems safe to assume that some significant percentage of the employees that work in the hotels, bars, restaurants, parking lots, and other businesses that benefit from big events like this are black.   It's also estimated that an all star game brings in $60-$80 million dollars to the community that holds the game.   Some percentage of that windfall is tax money that benefits the citizens of ATL.   Given the COVID situation, I can't help but wonder if the MLB is going to end up hurting the black population of ATL by this move.   

Unfortunately, it'll probably be impossible to evaluate until after it's all over.  

Given that NY has more restrictive early voting provisions than GA, will MLB be moving their headquarters?

WI, requires voter ID, I guess they’re out for the All Star Game.

I’ll eagerly await the upcoming flood of companies and countries that’ll be pulling out of the Beijing 2022 Olympics.   Because literal concentration camps, genocide, and not having free elections are way worse than the GA law, aren’t they?

Oh, look.   The game gets moved to a state with more restrictive voter laws than GA, flips the bird to the NLBM, and doesn’t even acknowledge their own hypocrisy.

No wonder MLB is losing fans.  

ATL is a majority black city, Denver has a small  black population.    MLB doesn’t give a rats ass about voting or black people.