Saturday, April 3, 2021


I haven't read the entirety of the new GA voter law, but I've read enough to think that it's possible that it's been at least partly misrepresented for political purposes, and the reality is that it'll likely end up in court anyway.  

What's interesting in all of this is that MLB has decided to pull the All Star Game from ATL because of this controversy.   Selfishly, I'd be happy to see it back in KC and make a big deal out of the NBL 100th anniversary that got overtaken by COVID and do some cool stuff with the NLBM.    

What I think is interesting is that ATL's population is roughly 60% black, and it seems safe to assume that a significant percentage of the ballpark employees (concessions, maintenance, parking, merch) are black.  It also seems safe to assume that some significant percentage of the employees that work in the hotels, bars, restaurants, parking lots, and other businesses that benefit from big events like this are black.   It's also estimated that an all star game brings in $60-$80 million dollars to the community that holds the game.   Some percentage of that windfall is tax money that benefits the citizens of ATL.   Given the COVID situation, I can't help but wonder if the MLB is going to end up hurting the black population of ATL by this move.   

Unfortunately, it'll probably be impossible to evaluate until after it's all over.  

Given that NY has more restrictive early voting provisions than GA, will MLB be moving their headquarters?

WI, requires voter ID, I guess they’re out for the All Star Game.

I’ll eagerly await the upcoming flood of companies and countries that’ll be pulling out of the Beijing 2022 Olympics.   Because literal concentration camps, genocide, and not having free elections are way worse than the GA law, aren’t they?

Oh, look.   The game gets moved to a state with more restrictive voter laws than GA, flips the bird to the NLBM, and doesn’t even acknowledge their own hypocrisy.

No wonder MLB is losing fans.  

ATL is a majority black city, Denver has a small  black population.    MLB doesn’t give a rats ass about voting or black people.  


Marshal Art said...

I've no doubt that the lefties will try to convince those who suffer from their boycotts the GOP is responsible. That's how they roll. They cause suffering and then blame others for it.

I saved the Georgia bill to read later. It's over 90 pages. What I posted about it referred to a specific section Tucker Carlson presented to show how the lefties in media and government are lying about it with regards to allowing voters in line to drop dead from lack of water.

The MLB All-Star Game is the only game of its kind worth watching. The NFL version does not show players hitting as hard as they usually do in regular season games, and the NBA version is a complete joke and insult to the sport. Those of us who used to be interested watch these games for the expressed purpose of watching the best compete with and against the best. As such, we want to see who can shut down the best offensive NBA stars with the best defensive response. We no longer get that as it seems they've outlawed defense for the NBA All-Star Game. Disgusting.

The MLB really can't be played without equal shares of defense. Players can't just let balls go passed them without trying to make a play. Otherwise, it's just a hitting contest. So one can watch and expect to see an actual baseball game played with relatively the same enthusiasm of an regular season game.

Craig said...

I agree that the MLB version is the best game, in that it’s the most true to a normal game. The NBA is like the Globetrotters playing the Globetrotters. The NFL asg is a joke.

All that said, this is more hypocritical virtue signaling. The only upside is that they preempted all the negative publicity by pulling the plug early. If these leagues are serious, let’s see them cut ties with China.

Craig said...

“ Democrats have been lying to—and about—black people for more than 160 years. Their latest fiction is that Georgia's election reform bill discriminates against black voters. I've read the bill—in its entirety. It is not discriminatory. @MLB has been played (no pun intended).”

D B Harrison

Craig said...

No, I’m saying that by reading every (now hidden) word from their website, multiple articles by their founders, and multiple other sources, I concluded that they founded their organization on a false narrative and that they are incredibly secretive about the tens of millions of dollars they’ve raised. Please, keep up the lies. It’s amusing to see you wallow in your prejudices and preconceptions.

Craig said...

It seems like the claims about the GA voting law are being shown to be stupidly false, and that this whole thing was based people choosing to ignore reality.

Craig said...

If requiring ID is "racist" to vote, then isn't it "racist" to require ID when a black person buys a gun? Isn't it "racist" to require ID for a COVID vaccine? Or won't this render "vaccine passports" "racist" if required for black folks?