Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Progressive Christian's take on COVID

 While I'm not suggesting that is is a widely held view among those who identify as progressive christians, the author of the piece below certainly identifies as a progressive christian.   While I'm certainly not defending those who identify as Evangelical, I've definitely seen news headlines criticizing "evangelicals" for bearing responsibility for the continued spread of COVID because some don't want to get vaccinated.   I've also heard folks accuse "conservatives" of being quick to fall for "conspiracy theories", but this sounds just about as crazy as anything I've heard from the Q idiots. 









"I am entertaining the thought that the COVID Operation is a biological attack in addition to being a psychological attack. I think this “virus” is real in that there are biological agents that have been released purposely and are causing illness and for the most vulnerable, death. I also think these so-called “vaccines” make up the centerpiece of this biological attack. These vaccines also are bioweapons and likely far more damaging than the so-called “virus” itself. According to Dr. Judy Mikovits, these experimental jabs could kill 50 million Americans. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny not only agrees with that figure but adds that many injured by the injections would wish they were dead. Of course, you won’t hear from these doctors in the mainstream news. 

The global oligarchs are out to kill us with a manufactured virus and its cure. A one-two punch. The masks, social distancing, vax pressure, and relentless fear porn from all of our institutions including the church, education, governments, and especially the controlled media, is the psychological attack. We are now for the most part, a bunch of simpering, muzzled, media-fed morons who have lost all ability to think for ourselves.

I shouldn’t be so harsh on my fellow humans. This is in the end, a spiritual attack. Satan is a smart fella. Smarter than 95% of evangelical leaders who say they will get the injection and 89% of them will instruct their parishioners to do the same. Not in that number is one of the last true Christian pastors, Dr. Chuck Baldwin, who calls this COVID scam “the most evil hoax ever perpetrated on the human race.”

I stand proudly with Pastor Baldwin. As he points out, this is the Tribulation, the rise of the antichrist, and humanity is under a cloud of massive deception. Pastor Baldwin writes:

The devilish powers that manufactured the phony Covid pandemic used fear and intimidation to coerce people—especially Christian people—to accept mandatory mask-wearing as a precursor to coercing them into accepting the Orwellian (or should I say antichrist) vaccine passports.

As I have said repeatedly, I will say again: The entire Covid narrative—including mandatory masks, social distancing, forced lockdowns and now vaccines and vaccine passports—is a totalitarian tool of the spirit of antichrist as a launching pad for global enslavement. The entire Covid narrative mirrors to a T the warnings of John the Revelator regarding the identifying marks of antichrist.

If the demonic powers promoting this narrative are allowed to have their way, we will not be able to work, travel, buy or sell without a vaccine passport. Even a Bible-reading fifth grader can understand the antichrist nature of such tyranny. So, why can’t evangelical pastors?

He goes on to answer his own question regarding the Mark of the Beast. The problem is the phony belief in the “Rapture” coupled with Christian Zionism.

But the fact of the matter is that the evangelical church has been lying down and tolerating almost every imaginable evil for the past half century or longer. Why? Largely because of the false “Rapture” doctrine of Darby and Scofield. And the false Rapture doctrine is predicated upon their false doctrines of Zionism.

In my series of five messages (on one DVD) entitled The Rise Of The Beast: Coronavirus And Antichrist, there is a message entitled The Scofield Rapture: A False Escape From The Beast. I urge readers to watch it.

Acceptance of Scofield’s fallacious Rapture theory has tranquilized the thinking and sedated the spirit of evangelicals. It has convinced them that any act resembling the spirit of antichrist—no matter how vile—must not be real, because they have not been “raptured” to heaven yet. They have been brainwashed into believing that all things antichrist must always be future; that they will only occur during a future Israel-based “tribulation.”

As a result of this strong devilish deception, the evangelical church has lost its saltiness (Matthew 5:13); and evangelical pastors and so-called Christian leaders by the tens of thousands have become vassals of the kingdom of antichrist.

My denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), has fallen in lockstep with the Covidian Cult. Recently, my presbytery encouraged pastors to take pictures of themselves “getting the jab” and to post the photos on social media so their parishioners will comply. Most of the churches in my denomination have not even met in person in over a year. In a document about “reopening” this guideline was offered:

Keeping a log of every person who enters our facilities, when they were there, and where they sit. The log should include names and contact numbers.  The article suggests labeling pews and assigning seats or table numbers.  The log should be maintained for at least three weeks.

Having an individual or staff person identified to maintain registration logs. This person may be the logical choice to be the point of contact with local health authorities.

Seriously? Report all worshipers to the government. Thankfully, I attend worship at a church with no masks, no distancing, no vaccine pushing, and no fearful nonsense. I have been attending regularly for about ten months and I have found it to be the most important thing I do each week for my spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

I used to think Satan was a mythological figure and that the Book of Revelation had already come to pass symbolically in the first century. I no longer think that way. The Tribulation that Revelation and the Gospels reveal is real and is just beginning.

The persecution has already begun with truth-telling doctors, journalists, scholars, and other courageous writers being censored, de-platformed, banned, ridiculed, “disabled”, and slandered. It will get worse before it gets better.

The Good News is that it will get better. Christ is Risen. Christ will not be mocked. Christ will bring home his own."


Dan Trabue said...

This is confusing. You're saying the person who wrote the quoted material, the one who references "the last True Christian pastor, Chuck Baldwin..." (Chuck Baldwin, a far rightwing pastor and politician) and various conservative rapture fantasies... that THAT person is a progressive Christian?

Of course, they're not. What makes you think this rightwing-espousing, rightwing-loving crazy person is progressive?

What they ARE, even if they consider themselves progressive, is delusional.

It would help if you'd cite your sources.

Marshal Art said...

If we're indeed in the End Times, I expect things will get a whole lot worse than it is now before there's so much as a hint things will get better.

Craig said...

Yes Dan, I am saying that the person who wrote the quoted material is so progressive hat he makes you look like almost a centrist.

The gentleman's name is John Shuck, I've quoted him extensively before and he's name checked in my blog title. The very notion that he's even remotely conservative is, quite frankly, insane.

I will grant that you are correct that he's likely delusional/crazy.

But conservative, not a chance.


I suspect that things will get worse whether we're in the end times or not.

Dan Trabue said...

All I know is that there's nothing in what he wrote (that you quoted) that sounds REMOTELY progressive. You do recognize that, I suppose. I mean, why is a progressive Chrsitian such a fan of an ultra-conservative preacher? Why is he so hostile towards progressive ideas in this crazed rant?

Of course, delusional is as delusional does and crazed can't be expected to sound rational.

Can you cite a source for this?

And as an aside, unlike you two, I see that things have been getting better over the centuries and over the last century especially, and believe that things will continue to get better. The data supports this. Fewer wars, less deadly wars, improved health, decreased overt racism, improvements in human rights globally, improvements in human conditions globally, longer life span, more education, reduced infant mortality, improvements in women's rights and human rights, etc, etc, etc.

I know it's popular, but I don't know how people can argue that the world is getting worse.


Craig said...

"I mean, why is a progressive Chrsitian such a fan of an ultra-conservative preacher?"

I don't know the answer to your question, I do know that I've followed this gentleman's career for years, posted plenty of his other rantings, and can state that he's identified himself as a "progressive christian" for years.

"Why is he so hostile towards progressive ideas in this crazed rant?"

Why do you think that I would be able to answer this idiotic question?

Go to www.google.com.

Type John Shuck into the search bar.

Ignore any references to John Shuck the actor.

You'll find his official web site withing the first few results.

From there you can search his blogs and other writings.

I suspect you'll conclude that he's some sort of fundamentalist, conservative, evangelical.

Yes, in some ways the world is "getting better".

Craig said...

"How about we end it here.
Do something unexpected,
courageous and wise.

Let the US leave Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Saud, Israel
and every other country to themselves,
and let’s make for ourselves a nice home,
spending our money on health and education
and sustainable, just living with Earth and our neighbors.

Let us bring our troops and equipment from all over the world home.
Let us melt down the useless bombs.
We need no more than the poorest anywhere and then everyone,
everywhere will live rich in spirit,
each with one’s daily bread,

like the beloved of God."

Same author, yet it sounds just like something Dan would write.