Friday, July 31, 2020


"Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those  they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole.

T. Sowell

"Telling people of a certain color that they are irredeemable is not a good strategy for societal peace or racial harmony.  It's abuse.  Please stop hiring Robin DiAngelo for your DEI trainings.  The more I study human psychology, the more I realize how dangerous her teachings are."

Chloe S Valdary

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Interesting view from a POC

Tuesday, July 28, 2020



The list above is what are commonly referred to as the fruits of the spirit, they are the things that outwardly demonstrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer.

Yet we so often see believers advocating things like...



or engaging in things that reek of...


One wonders if they think that the author of Galatians was wrong?
Or that those were for a different time?
Or that we've discovered some new ones?
Of if they just don't care?
Or if they see the original nine as being to passive or permissive?


"The left is losing the middle."

Elon Musk

I'm not sure the left is losing the middle, I think they believe that they can win without the middle.

Bernell Trammell, was shot in front of his business last week.  Surprisingly there have been no BLM protests, and very little "mainstream" news coverage of his killing.  I wonder why.

"The current debate on race relations and slavery - which has seen statues toppled and names removed from buildings - has concentrated on the European and American role in the trade of fellow humans.
But there is another, lesser known, aspect of the slave trade - which also raises uncomfortable questions. The Nigerian journalist and novelist, Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani, had a great grandfather, from the Igbo tribe of south eastern Nigeria, who traded in a number of goods, including human beings."

No, it's not a "lesser known aspect of the slave trade", it's widely known.  It's just ignored because it doesn't fit the current narrative.

"If there truly is a wrong side of history, then God must exist.  Otherwise, there'd be no objective right and wrong; moral values/duties would be nothing but useful fictions.  But if God exists, then shouldn't we care first and foremost about whether we're on *His* side."

Seth Dillon

There are a number of problems with the "right side of history" trope.  But, this is probably the most obvious.  For a "right side of history" to exist (or be a meaningful distinction) there must first be a "right" that can be applied to everything  that has happened throughout history.   Absent a standard that can be applied universally (which would seem to indicate an objective standard), then there is no "right side of history".

The headline reads, "Woman found hanging in her White roommate's garage".      The body of one story gives a more accurate account.  "Gloria Bambo, a South African citizen, and a resident of McKinney, Texas was found hung inside her garage."   It seems clear that, there's no point in letting facts get in the way of a good headline.   Or in failing to use the apparent suicide of another black person to advance a narrative.

"All truth comes from science" is a truth claim about science that comes from philosophy.  And if a claim has to be scientific for it to be true, that statement isn't true.  So, science is built on philosophy, and any building can only be as sure as it's foundation.

Frank Turek

Apparently it's been decided that "mathematics is part of a societal system that is inherently racist.".

If folks are going to remove racism from math, they'd better figure out a way to maintain the integrity of math itself.  Failing to do so just might have unintended consequences.  You know, things like structures collapsing, mechanical devices failing to work, and rethinking virtually everything we know about various scientific disciplines.   Math has always been something that we had to accommodate.   I've never been particularly good at math, yet I had to learn to accommodate my lifestyle to math, not the other way around.    For example, the banks have never been sympathetic to my argument that my checkbook was "balanced" in my check ledger, and building inspectors were not particularly receptive to "it's close enough".  

"Propagandists in the classroom are a luxury that the poor can afford least of all.  A mastery of mathematics and English can be a ticket out of poverty, a highly cultivated sense of grievance and resentment is not."

Thomas Sowell.

"Mathematics is becoming part of grievance studies."

Nancy Pearcey

Two things I've seen recently that I find strange.

1.  A plethora of leftists posting pictures of African Americans who are using their legally owned guns to protect businesses or other people.  The assumption, driven by prejudice, seems to be that since "conservatives" hate and fear black people that these pictures will scare us.  Of course the response from those on the right is usually supportive of African Americans who use their 2nd Amendment rights for the good of themselves and others.   What's more interesting is that pro 2nd Amendment conservatives have been encouraging African Americans for years to use guns for self defense.   

2.  The fact that there have been certain individuals who engaged in the wanton destruction in MPLS who aren't black, or leftists, or whatever.  As if they think that a person's skin color or politics somehow mitigates their crimes (I guess that's exactly the argument they've made for quite some time).   The reality is that making the "Because a "conservative or white" person did something wrong, then it's OK for everyone else to do the same thing.   Unfortunately, it's called individual responsibility for a reason.  Individuals are responsible for their actions, regardless of race or politics.   My problem is that I saw too many people of varying skin colors engaged in arson, rioting, destruction, etc to buy the "It's all a bunch of white agitators from out of town" narrative.  

I know there are more then two strange things, but these stuck out recently.

Monday, July 27, 2020


" I have an extremely low tolerance for professing Christians who, under the guise of "love" ae, in reality hermenutical socialists."

Darrell B. Harrison

"It's wild that a few years ago, I was on the left.  Believing in wealth distribution, racial victimhood, hope and change, all of it...

That's one of the reasons I so forcefully combat this stuff.  Because I used to believe in it.  That used to be me.

I know that poison first hand."

Leonydus Johnson

"Group solidarity often means letting the lowest common denominator shape the culture and life within the group and determine the direction of it's future.    This can range from black students' being accused of "acting white" for being conscientious about their studies to automatic criticisms of police actions against rioters or criminals.  These are self inflicted wounds that can jeopardize the whole future of a people."

Thomas Sowell

"Black Lives Matter is the most MIS-NAMED orginzation on Earth!

When your name suggests you care about this (...........All black lives...........) when you really care about this (police emoji)   call your self something else."

Tyehimba Jahsi

"Let's be honest.  Increasing numbers of *professing*Christians today don't see scripture as being all-encompassing, meaning, they don't view it as being authoritative over every aspect of their life.  The Bible is useful for setting a moral compass, but that's pretty much it."

Darrell B. Harrison

Serous question: has "Black Lives Matter" actually achieved anything positive for Black people as a community- legislative change, improved race relations, etc?  If so, what?  Or has the overall impact of police pull-backs and such been negative?  Answers from both sides welcome."

Wilfred Reilly

"How much money collected by BLM has gone directly into a community in the form of education, childrens recreation and learning spaces, health clinics, food banks, grocery co-ops, micro lending for small business?"

Muriel Schwenck

"Does anyone KNOW the answer to this?  I'd actually be willing to believe anything from $0.00 to quite a bit.."

Winfred Reilly

"Sitting here studying Nathan's question to King David in 2 Samuel 12:9- "Why have you despised the word of the Lord by doing evil in Hos sight?"- and thinking about the myriad sins we tolerate in our lives because we have such a low view of God and His standard of holiness for us."

Darrell B. Harrison

"As far as I can tell, the "Black Lives Matter" movement has resulted in more black deaths, increased crime in minority communities, and loss of livelihoods in places affected by riots and looting.

It's also made race relations worse.

Tell me what positives justify this damage."


"Beware of anyone-including any Christian-whose construct of "justice" is framed in terms of preferred outcomes.  In Scripture, "justice" is a judicial term the emphasizes the integrity of the PROCESS of determining what is right, not with guaranteeing outcomes."

Darrell B. Harrison

"The word "equity" (meyshar) appears only 8 times in Scripture-all in the Old Testament.  the word denotes the righteous and impartial manner in which God judges all people.  Never is the word translated to mean equality in terms of (re) distribution of material wealth.

Darrell B. Harrison

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


It's interesting what people will say about others, when truth and accuracy isn't a concern.

I've never criticized the DFL for trotting out 2 old white guys as their final two candidates, while bypassing multiple younger, less white, but still rich options.

What I've been critical of is that the DFL has criticized the GOP for being the party of "old, white, men", while positioning themselves as the opposite.   Well they tried the P-BO experiment, and now they're back to old, rich, white, men.   It's pointing out hypocrisy, nothing else.

I've never, and would never, criticize a presidential candidate for choosing a running mate of any ethnicity if that person was the best, most qualified, choice.

What I will criticize is choosing a running mate solely based on the color of their skin or their gender.   When the process excludes people based on skin color and gender, it's really hard to argue that it's not racist and sexist?  

It's almost like people just like to make shit up, regardless of the truth.  


Nick was speaking on history not white people of today he explained why white people were such savages and why they raped the entire world if you’re white you come from a bloodline and history of rape and murder that’s not hate speech that’s truth talk. It’s a sad evil truth.  On top of black people were breeded like dogs for hundreds of year and tortured, had to survive the middle passage, were given the worst food hundreds of years. Anyone who can survive all that their pffspring is just going to be physically tougher and stronger their.Hence why black people dominate athletically as well and we can erase white people through procreation in every aspect of physicality we are superior. I’m sorry your feelings are hurt by truth.”


I love all my white friends but black gene is pretty dominant gene . If you were to mix all the populations of people  in the world, what color would they be? Anything you mix with black comes out black.”

Jerome Holloway Jr

Hey, the demand was to listen to ALL black voices.   Y'all didn't say that had to be grammatically or historically accurate.

"The most liberating event in history for black people isn't the end of the slave trade, the end of segregation, or the end of colonialism,

The most liberating event in history for black people (and all sinners) is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Rejoice in that."

Samuel Sey

"To me, it kinds sums up the modern 'social justice' movement that activists spent (around) 40 years debating what to replace the outdated term "colored people" with (i.e. Negro, Black, AA etc.)... and settled on "people of color"."

Wilfred Reilly

"...I had heard of criminals masquerading as freedom fighters, harassing innocent people and setting alight vehicles; those rogues had no place in the struggle.

Freedom without civility, freedom without the ability to live in peace, was not true freedom at all."

Nelson Mandela quoted by Terry Crews

"The constitution of the United States is, in letter and in spirit, and anti-slavery instrument, demanding the abolition of slavery as a condition of it's own existence, as the supreme law of the land."

Fredrick Douglass

"The irony in being a free black man to vote as I see fit, but also being tld I have to vote for whatever the Democratic candidates are in order to be black."

Dominique Clare

Monday, July 20, 2020


"The problem is that under examined beliefs often sound right because they've been arrived at based on personal preference rather than critical investigation.  If kids have under examined Christian beliefs, they can easily be swayed."

Natasha Crain

I'd certainly suggest that this applies equally, if not more so to adults.  In adults in addition to under examination, you also add the fact that these beliefs might have been held for a long time.   This makes them that much harder to examine.

"The loss of objectivity in moral thought does not lead to liberation.  It leads to oppression.  Secular ideologies preach liberty, but they practice tyranny.

Nancy Pearcy
Saving Leonardo

The philosophy behind "White Fragility" is a destructive one.  Black people read it & assume all white people-even thrie friends-think they're less-than.  White people read it & assume all black people think they're racist.  Does that sound like a recipe for "racial reconciliation"?

Allie Stuckey


A partial transcript.

"Monica Cannon-Grant, who is a campaign organizer for Rep. Ayanna Presley (D-MA), and a Black Lives Matter activist, was released a video of her ranting about mixed race couples, claiming that black people who have sex with whites “jeopardize” the color of their skin.

"Cannon-Grant began by saying, “And then the heifer running against Ayanna Presley, this one here, with the white husband… at some point we are going to have to have a conversation with black folks that get in a relationship with white folks and then forget that they’re black.""

"“We’re gonna have to have that conversation,” she went on. “And I know it’s going to f*** with all of your nerves, and it’s going to be uncomfortable, but we’re going to have to have this conversation”

“Because white vaginas and white penises jeopardize your melanin. And we need you to sit in the back of the classroom and listen to your part of the show and you don’t get to talk right now.”

She continued, “And you practice some self-love, know your history, and realize where the f*** you came from–this ain’t your part of the show.”

“We need you to sit in the back. I need all the people who understand what it is to wake up black,” she says before going on a lengthy rant repeatedly using a racial epithet."

Clearly we need to listen to ALL black voices, even when they're unhinged.

It's too soon to tell, but...

"Former Vice President Joe Biden’s “dismal” support from black voters, now confirmed in two polls, is likely to force his campaign to choose a black woman as his running mate to shore up the key group, according to a Democratic pollster."

Seems to me that the average black voter is smart enough to realize that Biden choosing a black, woman VP is simply pandering and isn't likely to sway those who've already decided to vote against him.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


I’m an Afro-Indigenous, Non-Binary local organizer here in Portland organizing for the abolition of not just the militarized police state, but also the United States as we know it.”

Lilith Sinclair

"The cruelty behind the concept of "whiteness" lies in the fact that its proponents deny that an internal life-the life of the mind and of the spirit-exists which transcends and defies such shallow abstractions; in doing so, the evacuate life of all its magic & meaning."

Chloe S Valdary

"Speechless.  The moral relativism that justifies pedophilia has arrived because "love is love".  The West is in a steep moral decline."

Anthony B. Bradley

"When I was young, I was never afraid of the KKK...

It was people like you.  The threats, the intimidation, discouraging free thought, and "the insult of acting white".

My heart breaks because your behavior only reveals you don't know how powerful you are."

Terry Crews replying to Mike Roberts tweet below.

"You going so hard against nick cannon, but when you fall, NO BLACK PERSON will have your back.


Mike Roberts

"DiAngelo manages to accomplish the difficult task of writing a book that is simultaneously anti-white and white supremacist.

If you embrace White Fragility and anti-racism, you're in danger of losing your mind and your soul.

Samuel Sey

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Occasionally there are voices worth listening to without regard to the color of their skin.

“‪If you make your particular political bent a barrier to entry into (or a litmus test for the veractity of one’s) faith in Jesus, you’ve added something to the gospel that isn’t part of the gospel. You’ve placed a yoke around the neck of a believer they weren’t intended to bear.‬

This is an issue on the both the political right and the political left.

‪The gospel is eternal. ‬
‪Political parties, platforms, and affiliations are temporary. ‬

‪To layer a temporary structure on top of the eternal gospel is to add something to the beauty, wonder, simplicity, and grace of the gospel that robs it of its beauty, wonder, simplicity, and grace.‬

‪Additionally, to make the claim that one needs to believe in Jesus *and* adopt a particular political position is to turn the gospel into a system of works which negates the gospel.‬

‪Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone + *anything* = no gospel at all.‬

The “alones” matter.‬
‪They matter greatly.‬
‪They make all the difference.‬
‪They make grace, grace.‬
‪The make the gospel the gospel.‬
‪Let’s leave them alone.‬

‪We can graciously debate how to work *out* our salvation, but let us not make politics a means of working *for* our salvation.‬

Monday, July 13, 2020


Instagram has given the world a graphic that reads “Mute white people”.     I’m struggling to understand how this isn’t somehow “racist”.    

Saturday, July 11, 2020


Woke Left: "We need to amplify Black voices!" ✊🏾

Black Conservatives/Libertarians:

"Great! OK, well what I think is..."

Woke Left: "STFU you coon a** Uncle Tom house n*gga. You are a disgrace to your race and are repeating white supremacist talking points! Educate yourself"”


I know this doesn’t sound like anyone we know.  

“This mf really on Twitter acting like Cj Pearson is forgiven bc he gathered $160k for black businesses but he uses his platform to go against black people????? The same mf who say blue lives matter?????? Y’all are fucking MENTAL PATIENTS.  f Tomi Lahren woke up tomorrow and donated $160,000 dollars to black lives matter organizations y’all coons gone jump on her train??”  Your money is appreciated but it’s still a big FUCK YOU from me bc you can NEVER come back from saying some stupid shit like blue lives matter.”

A woman named Jas.   Apparently he’s annoyed because CJ Pearson doesn’t meet his criteria as an official black person.   Because she says “I be saying all type of shit”.   I’ll give her that she’s saying shit.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


Apparently things like  a peer-reviewed journal that claims to publish “only the highest quality scientific research., only go so far when data buts up against narratives. 

I saw this posted by one of my liberal friends...

As an American you have a right not to wear a mask.

But, just like you, businesses have a right to NOT let you in. Not serve you.

You can't have it both ways...  You are free to make a choice, but that means accepting the consequences of your actions...

Screaming at employees and businesses for protecting their workers and customers does not make you a patriot, it makes you an asshole.

Don't mistake inconvenience for oppression.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Fully Funded

A friend of mine was trying to make a point about when to reopen schools, by suggesting that schools aren’t “fully funded”.

As with so many things, the term “fully funded” isn’t actually defined.    

This raises the obvious question-   What is “fully funded”?


If we really lived in an anti-black culture, foolish books like ‘White Fragility’ wouldn’t be bestsellers. 

In fact, the book’s immense popularity suggests we’re in an increasingly anti-white culture.”

Samuel Sey

I come out as a black conservative and it’s like you get disowned and have your “black card revoked”. 😂

Tell me how that’s equality when every other ethnicity can have varying political views but black people have to be liberal? 🤷🏾‍♀️”


It’s not fair nor is it right!! But that is slowly changing. There are more and more black conservatives. The media is doing a fantastic job of making the left look INSANE. So we are growing in numbers!”

Morgan Nixon 

“I cannot understand people who say that minorities should be represented everywhere and yet are upset when there are blacks represented in the conservative movement.””

Thomas Sowell

Why should POC not think for themselves? Just supp. to think what  liberals tell you to. Otherwise you get treated like a traitor. They think POC belong to them. That’s the only way leaving could be a betrayal, if you don’t have the right to be leaving.“

Martin James


Once again, antisemitism gets a big round of silence from the anti racism crowd.   


It’s big news today that some of the biggest, wealthiest, rock bands out there have gotten significant amounts of PPP money.    This is in the form of forgivable loans primarily.    This comes on the heels of some musicians trying to tell the Trump campaign not to use their songs at rallies.    

I’m just suggesting that any of the PPP recipients who try to stop the Trump campaign from using songs, or actively campaign against Trump seem like they might have an optics issue.

As far as the others, I get that you want it both ways.  You want the royalties for licensing your music and you want to appear “woke” (or whatever) by telling Trump that he can’t use what his campaign paid for.  

On another music topic.  Lady Antebellum changed their name to Lady A, because they want to be as woke as possible.   Unfortunately this necessitates suing Anita White, an African American singer who’s gone by Lady A for 20ish years.  I guess we now know how best to fight racism.

I think that there is some Truth to this.

Here's my theory. Human beings need to struggle. We cannot luxuriate in our comforts unendingly and be happy. We need some kind of fight, some sacrifice, some obstacle to overcome. So we will create struggles for ourselves. And there are two ways to do that.   The first is the healthy way. Starting a family, for example, is a healthy way to create struggle and give yourself opportunities for sacrifice. By starting a family, you make your life more difficult and complicated but you get love, meaning, and purpose in the bargain.  And then there are the smaller undertakings. The little things people can do to purposefully -- and in a health way -- make their lives a little harder than they need to be. Gardening, hunting, fixing your own plumbing, making meals from scratch, whatever.   But what happens when someone rejects all of these fruitful and constructive outlets? They still have the human need for struggle, everyone does. Instead they create struggle in unhealthy and destructive ways. A lot of people do this by randomly ruining their relationships, creating drama where it doesn't need to be, and convincing themselves that everyone is out to get them. We all know people like this. The protesters are in this camp, doing a version of this same thing. They are fulfilling their need for struggle and sacrifice by making up an elaborate fable about oppression and persecution. They are convincing themselves that they are in a fight for their lives. It's all hallucinatory. But it satiates a deep human desire."

Monday, July 6, 2020


Of all the professional sports, NBA basketball is probably the one I care about the least.   I'm sure that spending most of my life in a city without an NBA team has something to do with that.  Now that I live in an NBA town, I still don't like pro basketball, but I find that a lot of the off court story lines can be interesting.

As we've watched the preparations for the return of the NBA in this present climate, a couple of things have struck me.  First the notion of putting "black lives matter" on the courts, second that replacing of names with slogans on jerseys.

To be clear, I don't have a problem with either of these actions.  The NBA is a private organization, and can exercise it's right to free expression as much as it wants.  

Of course, if this free expression costs them in ratings or revenue, that's a consequence they need to be prepared to accept.

But, what I find interesting is that as we see more attention drawn to the role of fatherlessness in the black community and it's negative effects, it seems strange to see athletes with multiple illegitimate children pushing the "black lives matter" narrative.

I know it's not just an NBA problem, but the NBA is the most "woke" of the leagues, so the lack of attention to this issue is the most noticeable.

Maybe, just maybe, this is an area where the NBA (really all pro leagues)  could provide genuine leadership on one of the issues harming the "black community".

Thanks Dan

For a while, Dan has been insisting that I must listen to "all" black voices and that in this bit of wisdom I will find some degree of enlightenment.  

While I've pointed out the reality that this demand is unreasonable, foolish, and one that Dan himself doesn't live up to, I've also found an upside.

I've started to be intentional about following more "black voices" on various outlets and I'm absolutely amazed at the number of "black voices" that don't fit the narrative that Dan and others embrace.   The diversity of "black voices" is significant and impressive.  I'm glad that I've expanded the "black voices" I listen to.  It gives me hope.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


"White fragility" is an odd idea. Whites probably DON'T enjoy being criticized for alleged racism or past violence. But, Black people would react identically if some nut started yapping at us about crime or low SAT scores. People don't like being confronted by angry strangers.  It would be fascinating to see which racial group is ACTUALLY the most "fragile" - most likely to respond to accurate but critical written/spoken statements with anger or deflection. I'm not even sure who I'd bet on, but this could be a good short paper and I may do it.“

Wilfred Riley 
 “I don’t answer to "coon" or "young coon."

I only answer to Jamarcus.

Get it right.”

Jamarcus Dove-Simmons

“"Everybody is saying they're just tired, tired of shootings the community," John Ayala told local Fox5 DC. "They're just destroying lives. We've been protesting for months, for weeks, saying 'black lives matter, black lives matter.' Black lives matter seems like only when a police officer shoots a black person. What about all of the black on black crime in the community." ”

John Ayala

CNN HOST DON LEMON: All right, everyone, please listen to the segment because actor and activist Terry Crews is facing backlash for tweeting, ‘we must ensure black lives matter doesn’t morph into black lives better.’ Here is how he explained it: ‘are all white people bad? No. Are all black people good? No. Knowing this reality- I stand on my decision to unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology. Given the number of threats against this decision, I also decide to die on this hill.’ Terry Crews joins me now. Terry, man, you stepped in it. You say you are willing to die on this hill. You’ve taken a lot of heat for this. Explain what you were thinking and why it’s so important that you die on this hill. ACTOR TERRY CREWS: Well, again, I wanted to bring up the fact that you know, there are some very, very you know, militant type forces in black lives matter. And what I was issuing was a warning. You know, it’s one of those things where I have been a part of different groups, I’ve been apart of different things and you see how extremes can really get, can go far and can go wild and when you issue a warning, hey, a warning is seen as detrimental to the movement, how can you ever, ever have checks and balances? You know, in a 60s and 70s, airplanes went down all the time. And the reason they found out why they did was because the pilots could never be questioned. And when you have the leaders of the Back Lives Movement, who are now talking about, if we don’t get our demand, we are going to burn it down. Other black people who are talking about working with other whites and other races, they’re being viewed as sell-outs or called ‘uncle toms’. You start to understand that you are now being controlled. You’re not being treated as loved, you’re actually being controlled. Someone wants to control the narrative and I viewed it as a very, very dangerous self-righteousness that was developing that really viewed themselves as better. It was almost supremacist move where they viewed their black lives mattered a lot more than mine. LEMON: Okay, so, let me jump in here. There’s a lot that you said. You think that Black Lives Matter is — you said it’s — you think it’s an extreme movement? CREWS: No, this is the thing. It’s a great mantra. It’s the true mantra. Black lives do matter. But, when you’re talking about an organization, you’re talking about the leaders, you are talking about the people who are responsible for putting these things together. It’s two different things. LEMON: Okay, I got you. I got you. I got you. Terry, you realize that, even during the civil rights movement, that Dr. King was seen as extreme. That movement was seen as extreme. To people who don’t want to make change, movements are seen as extreme. You can paint them, easily, as extreme when they are not. CREWS: This is very true. But also, you know, when you talking about MLK, you’re talking about Nelson Mandela, and even Malcolm X. They all realized that you had to have a non-racial component to these kind of movements or there will be resentment. There will be get back. One of these people will tend to [inaudible] I don’t want to move from one oppressor to the next. LEMON: Who’s the next oppressor? Who is the next oppressor? CREWS: When I — when I describe this. When you look at the city of Chicago, there are nine children who’ve died by gun violence, by black-on-black gun violence, with — from June 20th, all the way to today. And you talking about, even with the Atlanta child murders, there were 28 kids who — who died in two years. You’re talking about a month and you have nine black kids. And the Black Lives Matter movement has said nothing about this kind of thing. LEMON: What does that have to do with equality though, Terry? I don’t understand what that has to do with equality because, listen, there’s crime, there are people in those communities, those people aren’t just being nonchalant about gun violence. I lived in Chicago. There are many people who are working in those communities to try to get rid of the gun violence. The gun culture in this country is prevalent, but I don’t understand what that has to do with a movement that is for equality for black people. It’s not mutually exclusive that if you care about equality for black people that somehow you’re going to stop random violence or unfortunately kids from being shot. It just seems like apples and oranges. CREWS: You know, it’s not that way. You know, this is the thing, black people need to hold other black people accountable. I said the same thing — this is the black America’s version of the me too movement. If anything’s going to change, we, ourselves, need to look at our own communities and look at each other. And say this thing cannot go down. This is the thing, too. There are a lot of great, great people there who are held hostage. Who are held hostage by people who, literally, are running these neighborhoods with violence. And then, claiming that black lives matter. When you look at the parents of these little kids who are mentioning, saying, hey, man, why aren’t they speaking up for me, too? When I look at this whole thing about — you know, it’s about who is controlling the narrative. It’s got to be all black lives matter. And what’s happened is that because I even challenged it, because I even questioned or — and warned people, I became — LEMON: Terry. You’re a high-profile person. You’re writing things out there. You know you’re going to get backlash. You know people are going to respond to what you are saying on Twitter. So I don’t think you should be surprised by that. You know, I have skin as tough as an armadillo because of what I do and I think maybe you should adapt that. But here’s what I have to say. The black lives matter movement was started because it was talking about police brutality. If you want an all black lives matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including, you know, black communities, then, start that movement with that name. But that’s not what black lives matter is about. It’s not an all encompassing. So if you are talking about — if someone started a movement that said cancer matters. And then, someone comes and says why aren’t you talking about HIV? It’s not the same thing. We’re talking about cancer. So the black lives matter movement is about police brutality and injustice, in that manner. Not about what’s happening in black neighborhoods. There are people who are working on that issue. And if you want to start that issue, why don’t you start it? Do you understand what I’m saying? CREWS: But, when you look at the organization, police brutality is not the only thing they are talking about. LEMON: I know that, but I agree with that’s not black lives matter movement is about, Terry. Black lives matter is about police brutality and about criminal justice. It’s not about what happens in communities, when it comes to crime, black-on-black crime. People who live near each other, black people, kill each other. Same as whites. 80-some percent of white people are killed by white people because of proximity. It’s the same thing with black people. It happens in every single neighborhood. But again, I’m not saying it’s not important that those kids died but it’s a different movement. CREWS: Listen, I understand what you’re saying. I totally understand. It is about police brutality. That should never be accepted. I am not saying that that’s not it. But they are — there’s more there. And when I look, if they have more on their agenda, we need to ask them about what else is on that agenda, other than police brutality. And that’s all I’m doing. Questioning. Warning. Watching. And if that bothers you, now, that bothers me. LEMON: I’m over. I’m over, Terry. CREWS: We’re equal. I should be able to say something truthful. LEMON: I got to go. I got to go. We’ll see you. Terry, thank you for coming on. I appreciate it.

This is well stated

The more we develop a culture that penalizes imperfection, the more that culture will begin to attack the very foundations of art itself. It is one of my main tasks in life to fight this since I consider myself, above all other things, to be an artist.”

Chloe Valdary

We’ve become a society that demands perfection from others, penalizing at every opportunity, while simultaneously minimizing imperfection in our selves and our “tribe”.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Klan member love

To me...for a lot of us, he was a mentor and a friend, and for a lot of us, he was a guide," 

Is anyone who says this sort of thing about someone who was a member of the KKK really POTUS material?

Good Question

Dear Black Community,

What do we need to Make America Great?”

Asked by Angela Stanton King a candidate for Congress.     If you’re interested you’ll have to find the thread on Twitter.

I’ll point out that every quote is from a black voice, and I barely scratched the surface.

I guess these are folks you might want to listen to.  

I didn’t put the name of everyone quoted, because it’s all in the Twitter thread.  

Friday, July 3, 2020

Sports, kind of

I don't write about sports a lot, but in this case I think it's worthwhile.

The media blew up today with the heartwarming story that Makur Maker had committed to Howard University, an HBCU.   This sounds like great news.  A 5 star recruit forgoing the big name college basketball powers to give some love to an HBCU.   My initial reaction was that this is a great story.

Then I found out some more.    Maker is one of the top 15 HS players in the country and has been heavily recruited, where he ends up is big news and a huge boost for the program, which makes the choice of Howard noteworthy.   Except, Maker has declared for the NBA draft and will likely enter the draft if he's projected to be a first round pick.   Which means, he wouldn't actually attend Howard.   But even if Maker forgoes the draft, he's likely to be what they call a "one and done" player.  In other words a player who plays one year of college ball, only to kill time and to improve his draft position for the following year.   So, maybe this story isn't quite what the headlines portray.

Personally, as a CBB fan, I despise the "one and done" rule and believe that college players should play at least 3 years if they choose college.    I just want that bias out there.

I am all for athletes taking advantage of their talent and taking it where they can do the most good for themselves.  So, if he can get drafted I support his right to go that route fully.
If Maker does play any CBB, I am absolutely thrilled that he's going to avoid the usual suspects and give a program like Howard a huge boost in exposure, money, and hopefully recruiting.  
I even think that the publicity for Howard and the HBCU is, on the whole, a positive thing.

However, here's where I think that folks have gotten ahead of themselves.    The reality is that Maker has, at best, "committed" to play one year at Howard.  He isn't necessarily interested in the education he could get, and certainly isn't really "committed" to anything except his own self interest.   I think we have a situation where his choice fits in with a narrative and where the headlines are more important than the story details.

I truly wish Maker the best and truly hope that Howard University gets maximum benefits from this, but at this point it looks like more of a publicity stunt than actual news.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

As a general rule

As a general rule, is it reasonable to conclude that the people you invite to significant family occasions are people you are either friends with, or have important relationships (business, political, etc) with?


Whether it's from the pulpit or the platform of social media, people resent being lectured to. This dynamic creates an expanding and continual cultural war, contributing to greater social instability and cultural polarization.”

-Mark Sayers

Maybe more folks should pay attention to this.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Dan asked

Dan asked if I'd watch and whether I could acknowledge that the information in the Phil Vischer was a compelling case for systemic racism.

Unfortunately, since I'm not allowed to respond at his blog, I'll have to answer here.

I have no problem with the reality of his recitation of history. 

It's interesting that FDR isn't credited with redlining.

It's interesting that he uses MPLS so often given that it's one of the most liberal cities in the country and has been for decades.

I have some questions about his interpretation of some of the data, and his imputation of racism without actually demonstrating racism.

It's interesting that I've written things that agree with his opinions on FDR's redining, I've asked questions that remain unanswered regarding police stopping motorists for broken taillight types of things, yet the assumption in the post is that I am hostile to the positions expressed.   The further assumption regarding Vischer's theology certainly is not demonstrated to be true either. 

If Dan was reading my comments, and paying attention, he'd likely know the answer.