Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Just curious

I’m curious if anyone I know might have been involved in the peaceful protest at McConnell’s home recently.

You know, the one where a bunch of peace loving, pacifist, tolerant, accepting , progressives chanted “Stab the MF”, yeah that one.

Embrace grace.


Dan Trabue said...

But groping and choking an image of Ocasio Cortez is okay? You piece of s***. You cowardly rapist depending piece of s***. Go to hell.

Craig said...

1. I never said groping and choking a piece of cardboard was ok

2. Are you unable to differentiate between groping a piece of paper and threatening to stab a human being?

3. Do you realize that you couldn’t find it in your living, Christlike heart to condemn those chanting “stab the MF”?

4. Do you realize that the similarities of the language you use might lead someone to suspect that you support that kind of thing.

Hopefully y’all had fun.

Craig said...

Apparently I missed the full context of the crazies.

“Stab the MF in the heart.”

Not just stab to wound, but stab to kill.

No, progressives cherish the notion of pacifism, it’s one of their most interesting tenets.

Craig said...

Dan didn't get this upset when Al Franken groped an actual sleeping woman or Kieth Ellison beat up his girlfriend.

I guess that's instructional.

Dan Trabue said...

The difference is, OF COURSE I FUCKING CONDEMN VIOLENCE. All the time. It's what I do.

The difference is, you have on your side a bunch of perverts, liars, abusers, misogynists and racists and you remain quiet all the time about it. The difference is that people yelling "stab him" are outliers in the liberal world but the rapists, racists and sexual predators are in the white house and in charge of the Senate.

But you know this and YOU remain silent about the raping abusing predators in the mainstream of conservatism while pretending like we don't care about the outliers in ours.

Start at the top and remove and oppose the perverts, deviants, predators and racists on YOUR side and THEN and ONLY THEN will I believe you get a shit about actual violence.

Go to hell with your selective outrage. Take that hypocrisy and just set up camp with the dead pharisees where that sort of hypocrisy and arrogance belong.

Craig said...

If you do oppose violence as vehemently as you say, you certainly do so silently when it’s folx on your side of things.

Dan Trabue said...

YOUR president, the one white conservative Christians like YOU put in office, openly laughs about molesting women.
He openly laughs about ogling teen-aged girls that he abused his power and money to see getting dressed.
He regularly makes stupid false claims about the "fake news" when he's talking about actual legitimate news organizations.
He regularly has made stupid false fear mongering claims about "invasions" and "infestations" of black and brown people.

People like Mitch McConnell cynically go along with the Perverts cons because it keeps them in power. They block legislation that attempts to deal with actual problems of violence and cheating and defend a pervert and a liar and a cheater.

THOSE are mainstream conservative "leaders." YOUR people.

Name ONE SINGLE time that Obama ever incited/invoked racism. Name ONE SINGLE time that Obama was involved in regular attacks on people or the press. Name ONE SINGLE mainstream leader who is advocating "stabbing" someone.

You can't.

Do you know how many times in the last 20 years I've written about outliers in the conservative world who advocated violence?

I think that number is zero. I'm less concerned about the isolated outsider who mouths off.

I'm more concerned about the mainstream perverts, liars, racists and idiots who mouth off violent ideas.

Remove the fucking log from the center of your forehead and then talk to us about that sliver of a splinter in my ankle.

Until then, go sit with the Pharisees on the ash bin of history. The day of the racists, sexual predators, liars and cheats - and those who support them or sit idly by while they do their evil - is over. You all have lost your rational arguments and the ONLY thing you have going for you is the strength of fear-mongering and cheating to compel stupid sheep to go along with them.

Don't talk to me about powerless outliers until you've condemned the overt threats coming from your leaders.

You're an embarrassment to your children. At least be quiet so they won't be further shamed.

Dan Trabue said...

Or how about this violence:



Denying the very existence of their families and households.

Do you have NO idea of how violently oppressive that sort of dismissal of one's personhood is? Of one's marriage is?

Do you know that it's precisely THAT sort of oppression traditionally espoused by "christians" is why so many gay folk experience depression and suicide attempts?

No, you probably don't. You live in your pretty little privileged white straight male world that you don't EVEN UNDERSTAND the violence that your people are advocating and that you support by your mocking of gay folk.

Open your eyes and your head, man. You and Stan and people like you (including ME, once upon a time, God forgive me) are endorsing violence and oppression and causing overt harm.

BEGIN by recognizing that reality and calling Stan on it and repenting for the support of that sort of violence yourself. THEN and only then, come talk to me about some outliers saying "stab him..." about my piece of shit congressperson.

The problem is, you just are blinded to this reality and my pointing it out will only confuse you and you won't understand and so, you won't repent.

In the meantime, IF you aren't aware of the harm you're clearly advocating, at least just be quiet about it.

That's your advice to me about abortion (because YOU think it is "killing" a "baby" but can't prove it, but think that we ought to defer to YOUR hunches about it to be on the "safe side..."). Why not embrace it about gay folks getting married?

Marshal Art said...

Apparently, Craig, opposing the behaviors of which Dan accuses Trump...real or desperately wanted to be so...must be expressed daily regardless of whether or not there exists any hints of such behaviors having been indulged since his inauguration. In the meantime, shame on you for ignoring that Dan has condemned violence when pressed to do so.

Oh...and the sinners are only outliers on the left. They're rare and difficult to identify on the left. Damned convenient when the left does the defining.

Craig said...

So, your answer (after sifting through a bunch of off topic vitriol) is that you’d rather rant about made up violence than address actual violence on your side of things.
You’d rather push guilt by association on others, while resisting that standard for you and yours.

It’s not racism, but P-BO did encourage violence against the police.

FYI, when you talk about Trump and his moral failings at least be honest enough to stop using the present tense for things that happened quite some time ago. It just makes you look more unhinged.

Finally if you want to rant about Stan, do it somewhere else and accurately represent what he said.

Dan Trabue said...

You are so full of bullshit it's amazing you don't vomit every time you think.

Obama "encouraged violence against the police..."?

DO you KNOW how utterly full of shit this idiotic claim is? You don't even try to support such a stupidly false claim, no doubt because you KNOW it's stupid and know how stupid you would be to even try to support it. But instead of trying to support it, you just vomit it out there, as if it were somehow valid because you vomited it.

Go to hell with your stupid false claims.

Go to hell with your fake concern about violence by outliers while embracing and supporting and defending the most treacherous piece of shit pervert to ever hold the white house and his ass-licking toady, McConnell.

Marshal Art said...

"YOUR president, the one white conservative Christians like YOU put in office, openly laughs about molesting women."

This is a lie that has been explained to Dan numerous times, with links to Trump's actual conversation. It is compounded by references to other expressions of his that also do not indicate molestation, unless one is intent on expanding the definition of the term to include anything Trump does with regard to women.

"He openly laughs about ogling teen-aged girls that he abused his power and money to see getting dressed."

Yes. He said this. Years ago, and to my knowledge no longer "openly laughs" about such things. But Dan clings to this to rationalize his ongoing hatred. Of course, can we really believe this happened as Trump related it? After all, he's a liar, right? That is, did he purposely enter a dressing room, or did he do so accidentally? Because of course, he's stupid, too, right? I guess one as hateful as Dan reserves the right to believe what he needs to believe to rationalize his hatred. So very Christian.

"He regularly makes stupid false claims about the "fake news" when he's talking about actual legitimate news organizations."

This has also been addressed with numerous links to numerous cases of false, irresponsible and outright lies by the press. Dan regularly makes stupid false claims about Trump, Christianity and the many sinful practices he defends.

"He regularly has made stupid false fear mongering claims about "invasions" and "infestations" of black and brown people."

Unauthorized crossing of our borders between legitimate ports of entry is, by definition, an invasion. Dan makes sure to bring race into the equation, as if Trump has control over what the race is of those who are most likely crossing illegally into our country. Regardless of their race, they are both invading and infesting by definition, particularly if they are less than honorable people...which we can't know if we can't vet them due to their illegal entry.

Marshal Art said...

"People like Mitch McConnell cynically go along with the Perverts cons because it keeps them in power. They block legislation that attempts to deal with actual problems of violence and cheating and defend a pervert and a liar and a cheater."

Despite my personal displeasure with McConnell, he goes along with whatever he feels is best for the party, which in his mind is best for the country. He is the Republican Harry Reid, but with a more American ideology beneath his defense of establishment Republican agenda. Most legislation he blocks is questionable regardless of what it attempts to do.

Dan names Trump and McConnell and pretends they are representative of the conservative movement and the GOP in general, when the party is filled with so many upright and honorable people in both the House and Senate. In the meantime, Dan supports the party and ideology that represents true perversion, lying and cheating as a matter of party policy.

Time to go, more later.

Craig said...

I’ll rephrase. Obama engaged in actions that were perceived as being anti police.

Your efforts to divert are impressive. It really doesn’t matter how many or how often those on your side engage in or threaten violence, you’ll make excuses “outliers”, and silently “condemn” violence in general, but never quite condemn specific leftist acts and threats.

You’ve gotten much more upset about some high school kids “groping” a piece of paper that you’ve gotten over the groping and domestic violence mentioned earlier. You were silent when Andy Ngo was assaulted and when leftist bombs went off.

Don’t blame me for pointing out your inconsistencies and hypocrisy. Not to mention your repeated slander of your political enemies.

Craig said...

Art, it’s easier to throw out a bunch of expletive laden vitriol with little regard for accuracy than to simply be evenhanded about failures on both sides.

As you point out, it’s disingenuous to act as if these things are going on in present tense, and to take words like “infested” out of context. Not to mention ignoring folx on the left who’ve used the same sort of language or getting more upset about pointing out the reality of Baltimore than about the political leadership that made Baltimore what it is.

It’s irrational and unhinged.

Craig said...

Now I’m getting pro meth comments. Strange.

Dan Trabue said...

re: Your bullshit about pointing out my "inconsistencies and hypocrisies..." This is, of course, more stupidly made up false claims.

I consistently do NOT criticize all the tiny little piss-ant conservatives out there uttering their stupid little impotent threats against Democrats, liberals or oppressed groups. NEVER have done it with these limp-dick conservative jackasses and I have not done it with small player liberals who express violent ideas. You don't have to like it (although, of course, you never do this, either. Ever), but that's not what I use my limited time to write about or vent about publicly, so, whether you like it or not, it simply isn't inconsistent, nor is it hypocritical.

ON THE OTHER HAND, your complaining that people like me are silent ("hear the crickets") with these small time players WHEN AT THE SAME TIME, YOU are silent about your small time violent types (and I'd be willing to make a large bet that there are more conservatives espousing violence than liberals... since it's contrary to basic liberal ideology...) makes YOU a hypocrite and inconsistent.

But you probably don't even recognize you are guilty of what you falsely accuse me of.

Marshall... " He said this. Years ago, and to my knowledge no longer "openly laughs" about such things."

Yes, TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE. He has established himself as a life-long deviant/sexual pervert of the worst sort (and I don't merely mean that he's unfaithful to his many spouses and children, but that he is a sexual predator and a harasser and a misogynist - you know, actual harmful shit)... he has established his entire lack of credibility in the area of moral behavior, AND YET, you pervert/rapist defenders are willing to give him a pass when you didn't give Clinton a bit of a pass. Al Mohler and other conservatives have pointed out the reality that conservatives have now lost the moral high ground on these matters and your words are meaningless, but "to your knowledge," he hasn't groped a woman or ogled a teenaged girl in many months, so that's all you need.

Pervert defender.

Begone with your type. Go join the Pharisees. You all have embarrassed yourselves, your families and your churches. Have the decency to at least shut up so you don't keep on embarrassing your people.

Craig... "it’s disingenuous to act as if these things are going on in present tense"

I have not pretended jack shit. He IS a sexual predator, harasser and misogynist. That he hasn't been caught in the act in 24 months doesn't mean that he's changed his ways. You all defend perversions and give a pass to this overt deviant, the worst sort of human sinner to be in the White House in our lifetimes, and then keep trying to pretend that you speak for morality, reason or God.

Boys, that ship has sailed. Everyone recognizes your type as the defenders of lies, cons, charity cheaters, perverts and sexual predators. That YOU don't see it doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't.

Join the Pharisees and just be quiet. Your time has come and gone.

Craig said...


You’ve been silent in the face of Bill Clinton’s sexual predation, Hillary’s anti Semitic comments, P-BO’s immigration policies, antifa setting off bombs and beating people, Franken’s sexual battery, Ellison’s domestic violence, BLM throwing Molotov Cocktails and large chunks of concrete at police, “fry them like bacon”, the Scalise shooter, the Paul attack, and plenty more.

The evidence of your silence is plentiful, as is the evidence of your hypocrisy and double standards.

The fact that you have to pretend that past actions are present actions doesn’t help in the least.

The most disturbing thing of all is that you think that reveling in anger and vitriol, hurling expletive laden screeds, and slander is representing Christ in a positive way.

Dan Trabue said...

Said the liar who just made a bunch more stupidly false claims and who STILL continues to ignore and enable the perversions and oppression of their leaders.

Dan Trabue said...

As to the harsh words... that is PRECISELY the sort of strong words that Jesus used in dealing with Pharisees and oppressive hypocrites. So yes, it is modeling in a positive way the teachings of Jesus. Try reading Jesus words sometimes and taking them seriously. You'll see.

Marshal Art said...

OK. Where was I? Oh, yeah...

"Name ONE SINGLE time that Obama ever incited/invoked racism"

Sorry, but the following adds up to more than one single time:


The following includes racist sentiments of Obama, but also includes other divisive positions he expressed, as well as expressions that check the "involved in attacks on people" box:


One black man's perspective:


Obama attacks on the press:




"Name ONE SINGLE mainstream leader who is advocating "stabbing" someone."

Here's a far better challenge: name ONE SINGLE mainstream lib leader who chastised those who chanted "stab the ...." without prodding.

Craig said...

This from someone who still won’t admit that the false claim he made was false after it being specially pointed out.

You have s tendency to do this sort of thing. You throw out a vague, general claim and treat it as if it’s true. I’ve pointed out numerous specific instances where you’ve chosen silence and you dismiss them as “tiny” or “little”, not worth your time. I could point out numerous false claims you’ve made in just this thread, but you’ll most likely ignore or make excuses for them, so why would I bother.

If you consider what you engage in as merely “harsh words”, and think you’re modeling Jesus by your hate filled, expletive laced, vitriolic anger then I pity you. The fact that you’ve wallowed so deeply in anger and hatred that you’ve cast this angry, hateful, vitriolic Jesus as your model is just sad.

What you forget, is that you aren’t Jesus. You don’t speak for Him, nor do you have His authority. You’ve “damned” me to hell multiple times, yet Jesus sacrificed Himself for the very people you “damn”. Jesus also warned against pride, a warning you seem content to ignore.

I’m left with the impression that your “embrace grace” period was simply you employing pious words to make yourself seem less hateful.

I do try to take Jesus words seriously. That means I try to love God and love others first and foremost. I’ll leave the anger, hate, and vitriol to you and your self justifying pride.

Marshal Art said...

"I'm more concerned about the mainstream perverts, liars, racists and idiots who mouth off violent ideas."

No you're not, or you would have been all over those, like Maxine Waters, who have called for less than civil actions toward members of Trump's administration. What the hell...here's another link Dan will ignore:


As to perverts, Dan, you celebrate them and vote for those who do as well. In doing so, you, like them, are a liar in promoting the falsehood that they are "just like us". But that's one of the dozens (I'm being gracious here) of lies mainstream leftist figures...political or otherwise...tell with impunity and as a matter of party ideology.

"Don't talk to me about powerless outliers until you've condemned the overt threats coming from your leaders."

Why don't you talk to us about those "overt threats", you reprobate liar, and I'll match your fiction with fact. You're an embarrassment to even other fake Christians.

Marshal Art said...

"Or how about this violence:


Thanks for the laugh! But you get even funnier...

"Denying the very existence of their families and households."

Doesn't happen. What happens is denying that the union is a marriage, and the "household" doesn't match the definition of "family" given a parent of one sex or other is missing from the equation. So, those groups exist under whatever name they inappropriately apply to it...those names just aren't true.

"Do you have NO idea of how violently oppressive that sort of dismissal of one's personhood is?"

Says the jackwagon who dismisses the personhood of millions of unborn. No Dan. You lie blatantly once again. No one denies a homosexual is a person, yet even if someone did, it's not the least bit "violently oppressive" except to lying fake Christians like yourself trying your best to demonize those who don't reject God's clear teaching on the subject of human sexuality, while at the same time, elevating the nature of the sinners you protect.

"You live in your pretty little privileged white straight male world that you don't EVEN UNDERSTAND the violence that your people are advocating and that you support by your mocking of gay folk."

That's going to come as a shock to all my black friends who also reject the lies of The Agenda That Doesn't Exist. It isn't "mockery" to speak the truth about the sinfulness and disorder of homosexual behavior and desires. But you celebrate perversion and lies as discussed in my previous comments. And it's quite racist of you to continue to frame truth as from a "pretty little privileged white straight male world".

"You and Stan and people like you...are endorsing violence and oppression and causing overt harm."

You're a liar. Prove anything said by either Stan or Craig about homosexuality equates to an endorsement of violence and oppression "causing overt harm". I dare you.

"That's your advice to me about abortion (because YOU think it is "killing" a "baby" but can't prove it..."

It's been proven comprehensively and thoroughly. You rejecting the proof is just you lying again, because you need to lie to avoid facing the fact that you're a murderer.

Craig said...

Art, don't you realize that words on the internet are VIOLENCE!. That groping a piece of paper is VIOLENCE! That Every bad thing Trump has done, or been accused of doing, is VIOLENCE, and HATRED!, and RACIST!, and SEXIST!, and XYZPDQist!, and ISTIST!. All these evils must be responded to with ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS! They must be met with lies and vitriol at all times.

Nothing else matters but the jihad against Trump, nothing.

If a leftist, satanist, nihilist, socialist, Elizabeth Warren supporter puts aside his high school hit list to actually shoot some people, it's TRUMP"S FAULT!

Seriously, Dan has had multiple opportunities to condemn any of the specific things that have been brought to his attention, but he chooses not to. He chooses to minimize them as "fringe" or "outliers" or whatever and tacitly approve of their actions. He wants to be able to claim immunity because he's "against violence" in some vague general sense so he's absolved from addressing the specifics. Yet, he ignores the fact that we've repeatedly condemned Trump for many of the moral failings he's got his panties in a wad about. But somehow this reality slips his mind and he just pretends like it's not reality.

Unfortunately, it seems as though reality is just one more fluid concept in Dan's world and it's just like trying to nail Jello to the wall to get him pinned down on anything specific.

Craig said...

McCommell's twitter account posts screenshots and video of the death threats against him, by leftists. Twitter suspends McConnell's account.

But, the media doesn't have any bias.

Craig said...

“Yesterday, a liberal attorney said I should stop eating ‘coon flakes’ in a Courier Journal interview. I am a proud lifelong Republican, part of a diverse [Kentucky] GOP ticket, and yes I support [President] Donald Trump. It’s time to stop telling black Americans what we’re allowed to believe,” Cameron wrote “

I guess liberals in KY are pretty damn racist.