Monday, July 1, 2024

Assimilation and Bribery?

70 odd people most of whom share a country or region of origin that is not the US and a faith tradition have been charged with defrauding the US government out of millions of dollars of COVID aid funds intended to feed the poor.  

They just tried the first 5, and had a shocking revelation as the jury was about to start deliberating.  A few of the defendants decided to bribe a juror and provided the juror with a script along with $120,000 and the promise of more cash.  

The funniest things about this story is that one of the people charged with bribing a juror, was acquitted of the fraud charges.   That's irony.

I suspect that these folks have had experience with this sort of fraud and bribery where they came from, and just assumed that their cultural mores could be applied in the US.  

Maybe that whole assimilation things isn't emphasized enough. 

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