Friday, July 12, 2024

Truth, Justice, and the Liberal Agenda


I'm not going to copy/paste the multiple tweets in the thread above because I'd rather leave them in context and avoid charges that I's omitted anything.


But, in summary, the tread goes like this.   

 Even though the APL  was insistent that police wear body cams at all times, and did so because they were convinced that this video evidence would prove that all (a majority) of LEO were racist thugs who regularly mistreated POC.   This position was an article of faith among the APL who were vehement that body cams were necessary.  So this guy decides to see what the body cam experiment really showed, and he somehow invented an entirely new narrative because the old narrative was proven completely false.  Body cams seem to be showing that the vast majority of LEO are not evil, racists drunk with authority.  Instead they show that the left isn't happy when the Truth about LEO interactions with those who might have committed rimes.   This guy seems upset that having video that clearly shows someone committing a crime is being used to encourage more plea bargains as opposed to wasting time in court when there is video clearly showing what actually happened.  

Obviously body cam video should be used to prosecute LEO who go beyond or misuse their authority, without question.     Likewise, the failure of a LEO to fail to use or to obscure their body cam (intentionally) should be considered in any complaints against them.   Also obviously, even if the use of body cams has caused the evil, racist, bad LEO to resign or to change their behavior, that seems like a big win.   But to complain that having body cams that accurately and dispassionately record events are now tools of oppression for POC is simply ridiculous. 

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

I recently viewed a body cam video of a cop who should have opened fire much sooner than he did. he's dead now. Just as with presidential immunity, that which had been normal for cops ("qualified" immunity?) is essential for those who risk their lives on our behalf.