Thursday, July 18, 2024



Is this really what the Global Warming folks think should happen to those who don't agree with them?


Marshal Art said...

Clearly a "conservative" conclusion by a lefty who doesn't understand what "conservative" means in the political sense. Dan will surely love him. Another article I haven't read entirely, but this time because I felt nauseous. I'll try to steal myself later to finish it off, but good gosh, this guy sounds like a moron from the jump!

Craig said...

Yeah, any time you think that killing people who don't agree with you, it's probably a bad sign.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The guy is a nut because there really is NO proof of any man-caused climate change, the begin with. And the world has gone through cycles of waning and cooling for centuries! I collected a whole lot of links on the climate issue, all pointing to the fraudulent nature of it--but claims about man-caused climate change are necessary to give the government more power over the people. Just look at the Netherlands and their punishments for cow farts!

Here's my collection of links to articles for anyone who needs the evidence: